Mari's day working at Last Resort

Mari didn't have too much responsibility around Last Resort. Her bad knee made it difficult to run around like everyone else. Sometimes she'd head down to the entrance and help the front desk, once she had to break up a fight between Kel and Aubrey that was getting too disruptive for patrons, occasionally she helped with finances and accounting if Hero couldn't do it. Once she took Aubrey's place and helped scheduling and answering calls.
Even Mari felt a bit winded by that one.
But mostly, she hanged out in the elevator, wearing her fancy business suit. She'd greet people, give directions, and make friendly conversation.
But of course...there was her favorite part of her job. Hero.
Her boyfriend was the owner of Last Resort after Mr. Jawsome stepped down and went on vacation and wanted him to inherit it. Last Resort wasn't always the bustling tourist hotspot that it is now, and Hero is to thank for fixing that. And being the girlfriend of a successful business owner has it's perks, to say the least. The fancy suit is just a nice bonus.

Mari was currently sitting in the elevator of Last Resort, greeting people and Gator Guys, as well as the children she knew from the park.
Berly was with two Gator Guys, apparently some people were causing a ruckus and Kel wasn't doing a very good job subduing them.
Aubrey wanted to go to the break room for a while, and had a short chat with Mari for a bit.
The Gator Guy who was building statues came in and asked if she could model a little for her statue he was building, she obliged.
Her dear little brother Omori showed up to spend his break in her arms. It warmed her heart knowing this is how he wanted to spend his time.
Captain Spaceboy of all people showed up, and said he was on vacation with his men. They had a short chat, and it warmed Mari's heart to know things were better for the space captain.
Nose visited the elevator, probably on break and wanting to see Bun. "Nose goes!"
Basil showed up with a Gator Guy, and explained Hero told them to set plants around the resort . Basil placed a Lilly of the Valley in the corner and left.
Two Gator guys stood in the back for a while. "Kek kek kek..." "Heh heh heh..." Mari chimed in; "Hehehe..." Before all three went "Over."
Two of Spaceboy's men showed up because they weren't sure if they properly locked the ship, and wanted to be safe.

"MARI!" She jumped, suddenly hearing Kel yelling in her ear. "Oh, Kel! Please don't do that, my heart skipped a beat!" Kel smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Mari." She patted his head. "It's okay, what is it? Are those guests still causing problems?"
Kel shook his head. "No, it's Hero. I think he could use your help with something."
"What is it?" She asked, confused. "I don't know, but Hero seemed pretty on edge. There's a meeting today, and I think it's stressing him out. I was thinking you could help!" Mari nodded. "Okay, I'll go check up on Hero."
Kel grinned. "Thanks Mari!" Was all he let out before rushing back out of the elevator, back into the Casino Floor.
Mari took out her V.I.P Card, and slotted it into the elevator panel, enjoying a quick and very fun assent to Hero's Office.

"Hero~!" Mari shouted out as the door opened, waving her hand. It never failed to amaze her how wonderful he looked in that blue business suit. Made her feel glad she had her own, so she'd look better next to him.
Hero sported a winning smile as he looked up from the papers on his desk and turned to face her. "Ah, Mari! Are you here for the meeting?" Mari nodded. "Yeah, Kel told me to be here." She could of sworn she heard Hero whisper a "Thanks Kel..." under his breath.
"What's the meeting about?" She asked, curious. Hero let out a worryingly big sigh. "Oh, we're having a meeting for potentially opening up a second location in Vast Forest. Deciding if it'll be a smaller establishment, or maybe make it bigger and set up headquarters there. Vast Forest is our home, and it's rare we ever get to see it anymore. Not to mention Omori always wants to head back to Neighbors Room, if we set up operations there he wouldn't have to travel so far, and we can't let him go alone, even if I can make free time for us, there's still lots of work that needs to be done, and it can pile up while we're gone, and well...the Gator Guys aren't exactly the best at paperwork, and not a lot of people here are qualified to handle budgetary work."
Mari closed her eyes and thought. It would be nice to move back home. She missed Vast Forest, the children playing on the playground, her friends sleeping on the picnic blanket, her hand holding Hero's, her little brother resting his head on her lap, the wind blowing through her hair...Mari shivered. She felt homesick.
She shook herself out of her reverie. "How much money and time would it take?" She decided to ask.
That might not have been the best question, since Hero's face twisted a little.
"Too much. We'd have to find the location, make sure it's fine for us to construct there, buy the materials, contract people to build there, send Gator Guys to oversee construction which could leave us shorthanded here for a while, chop down the trees, excavate the land, dig down for basement floors, and depending how big we want the place to be it could so easily quadruple the prices, and we already don't have enough money for it."
It was clear to Mari this was stressing Hero out, and she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She could feel him push his head against her a little.
"I was thinking of just cancelling the whole project. Last Resort is fine as it is, but if we had a second location that works, we'd get so much more money, and a reason to visit Vast Forest besides vacations, which we have so few of."
Mari couldn't think of anything she could do to help. "Hmm...I don't think I can help with this. Sorry, Hero." She felt bad...she really had no idea...

"Oh-wait!" Mari exclaimed, jumping a bit. "I know how I can help! At least a little."
Mari moved, and climbed under his desk. Hero realized what she was doing. "M-Mari, the meetings in an hour!" Mari only giggled a bit at that. "Then I'll just have to make it quick then~"
She pulled down his pants and underwear a little, only to find an erection meeting her eyes. "My, Hero..." She gasped. It never failed to amaze her the size of it. She could feel her face heat up. "Mari, you don't have to do this, you know." She shook her head. "I want to help out however I can. Work is clearly stressing you out, even you need a break sometimes, Hero. And I'm sure this will help." Hero relented.
Mari started licking at the head a bit, before wrapping her lips around it, almost like she was kissing it. Licking it over and over, tightening her lips around it, occasionally she'd bop her head up and down, she didn't really know what exactly to do, but she was sure this is what she should be doing. The noises Hero let out were encouraging, as she slowly started taking it deeper into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it. She wondered if she'd be able to take the whole thing into her mouth if she tried. Up and down, licking the tip, eventually she felt shivers run through it, and a short gasp form Hero as warmth entered her mouth. She did her best to tighten her lips around it, as to not let any spill that they'd have to clean up.
Mari soon felt Hero's hand on her head. Petting her, playing with her hair a little, it felt nice. She decided to look up at him. She saw a pleasant expression, with his wonderful, handsome smile looking down at her, an enamored look in his eyes.
It made Mari feel funny. She felt trembles run through her whole body, from her head to toes. She loved him so much. She lover her wonderful, kind, handsome, perfect boyfriend. And he loved her so, so much.
Reinvigorated, Mari started going again since he was still hard. She also needed to clean it properly since they didn't have any towels or tissues or something.

Mari started wrapping her tongue around, feeling every last inch of it, taking it deeper into her mouth then before. The occasional sounds Hero let out just made her feel even more happy, as she felt his hand against her head, almost like it was guiding her movements. She might be enjoying this a bit more the she ever thought she would~
Mari felt familiar motions in her mouth, before Hero suddenly pushed her head down on it. Mari's eyes widened and she let out a noise as she felt semen rush down her throat. It was a little hard to breath, her eyes started squinting as she made odd slurping noises. It sounded gross, but she was enjoying it. She could of sworn this was lasting longer then last time, but she didn't mind. Eventually it stopped, and she made sure to suck every bit off, not wanting any to spill. Soon she pulled her head up, and licked whatever was left.
"Sorry if that went too far." Hero decided to say, slightly ashamed. Mari just shook her head. "It's fine. I like it when you're more assertive."

The two sat there in silence for a few seconds, until Mari realized his erection still hadn't fallen. "Wow,'re still so full of energy?" She said in awe. She looked up and saw Hero flash a smile, sparkles appearing around his face. "With you, how can I not be?"
Mari finally cracked. "Oh, that's it!" Mari shouted as she got up, and started to take off her own skirt and panties. Hero's eyes widened as she positioned herself over his penis, lining her entrance up with it and sitting down, letting it fill her up.
"W-woah!" Hero gasped out. "Heh, wow, you've been waiting for this, huh?" Hero could feel her tightening around him.
"Y-yes!" Mari let out, half moan, half response, as she started moving up and down. Hero griped his hands around her arms to help her movements. Hero felt glad that the fancy chair he was in had a cushion seat with springs.
Mari was letting out soft moans, feeling it enter in and out, but never fully exiting. She felt so warm, even the well AC'd room couldn't help cool the warmth flooding her body.
"Hero, I love you so, so much...!" Mari gasped. "I love you too, Mari." Hero whispered into her ear, sending trembles throughout her.
As she was basking in the wonderous feelings, she felt Hero let go of her, as he started unbuttoning her suit. "Oh!" She let out, realizing what he was doing. He only unbuttoned a few buttons, and started groping her chest through her undershirt.
"Oh...Hero...Hero, Hero, Hero...!" Mari started moaning his name, as she leaned her back further into him, turning her face towards his. The look on his face made her so happy, and she knew he felt the same. Finally, she felt warmth seep into her, as she let out one last ecstatic noise, feeling his hands clench around her chest. She felt her body lose all strength, as she went limp against him.

The two sat there in silence for a while, feeling each other's heavy breathing against the other. Hero started stroking her cheek, which felt oddly nice. She leaned into his hand, enjoying the afterglow.
Mari suddenly realized something.
Something she had never really...thought about before.
It was good to be alive.
A wonderful boyfriend she loved with all her heart, a little brother that was so dear and important to her, friends she enjoyed being with, people who cared about her and she cared about, a home, a good job...
She be alive.
Hero felt wetness on his hand, and realized Mari was crying.
"Mari, is something wrong?" He asked, worried if he might of done something wrong.
She reached a hand up to her face and felt the tears. She forced a smile. "I-It's fine...I'm just so happy, hehe..." Mari hoped that would work.
Hero calmed a tad, but he still felt worried. "I can cancel the meeting if you need me, I-"
Mari's eyes widened. "THE MEETING! W-when is that?!"
Hero's eyes also widened, and he checked his watch.
2 PM. The board members, Gator Guys, and Berly should be showing up any minute now. "Aw crap!" Hero let out.
"I-I'll get dressed now!" Mari quickly shot up and buttoned up her shirt and pulled up her skirt, she could worry about cleaning any fluids when she got to their private room. She also started wiping the tears of her face while she could, no longer shedding any.
Their panic only grew as they heard knocking at the door. "Hey, Boss! The people from Vast Forest are here!" Berly's voice rang from the other side.
Mari quickly sprinted into the elevator she came from. "Goodbye, Hero!" She let out, hearing a quick "Love you!" from Hero, as she pressed the button for the 2nd floor, managing to make it to their room with no further incident.

Pub: 22 Apr 2022 23:51 UTC
Views: 600