Going to SchoolRyS

"So why ask me, specifically? Mumei would be way better at this"
"I definitely would've brought her too but you do know she's really busy these days, right?"
"Oh... right"
IRyS got nostalgic for her volunteer work as a teacher so she offered to help again
The school accepted, and asked to bring more people if she could
So obviously, her first thought was to bring her favorite clock along
"...I still think /anyone/ else in council would've been better...."
"Don't worry! It'll be fine"
"We're just gonna work with kids!"
"I'm not even sure if I can believe what you said..."
"I am good with kids, you'll see!"
Kronii sighs, deciding that she'd just turn back time if something goes wrong

Arriving at school, they talk to the teachers for a bit
"IRyS please remember not to go overboard with the kids again..."
"Excuse you, I never went overboard, the kids loved me!"
Kronii looks at her friend, her pouting is cute
One of the teachers looks at Kronii
"We'll have a teacher watch over her, but could we ask the same of you? I know it's your first time helping out but..."
"It's alright, I'll keep her in check"
She can't help but giggle at how they're treating IRyS
"You're so mean!"
"But wait, IRyS, what are we even teaching them?"
"Didn't I tell you?"
"No you just dragged me around like you always do"
"I would never do that to you, Kronii"
"Please just answer the question"
Kronii stares at her for a few seconds
"I'm leaving"
"No please don't!"

IRyS had to pull her to the classroom
"I'll be the one teaching, how about that? I'll be SenseIRyS!"
"...Okay yeah, I'd love that but won't they ask me things?"
"Oh it's fine, don't worry"
The teacher accompanying them finally talked
"I'll just tell them you're here to observe, like me"
"See? There's no problem then!"
IRyS knows she could just stop time and leave, so she'll just enjoy this for as long as she can
Luckily for her, Kronii always seems to forget it in the heat of the moment
The teacher also seems pretty entertained by the antics of these two
"I wonder how I should say hi..."
"Can't you just say 'HIRyS it's IRyS' like you always do"
The teacher laughs
IRyS turns to look at her partner with a pout
"Technically, you're not in public"
"Alright fiiiine"

Starting the class, the teacher presents IRyS and Kronii
"IRyS will be the one teaching you today"
"Hello~ I'm IRyS"
One of the kids raises their hand
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Is the pretty lady in blue gonna teach too?"
"The very pretty lady in blue is Kronii--ow and she'll just be observing today"
IRyS felt the nudge from Kronii but kept going much to her dismay
"Oh okay"
IRyS starts the class normally, teaching basic concepts
The kids aren't making any questions
While she lets them solve a problem, IRyS walks up to the teacher
"They're getting bored, huh?"
"...Yeah, seems like it"
"...Can I ask you a quick favor?"
The teacher looks at her with a serious face
"IRyS we just told you"
"BUT they're booooored..."
Kronii turns to IRyS, she's doing her classic puppy eyes
"Was it really that bad that she had to get a warning?"
"No, no it's just... Bah, never mind"
"...Just don't tell the teachers"
"Thank you!"
While IRyS organizes things, Kronii tries to talk to the teacher
"Can you tell me more about what she did? She only told me the teachers didn't like it"
"Well you'll see, but it's not like they didn't like it, they just don't have the energy to do this every day"
She points at them
IRyS is playing with the kids while also teaching
They're are actually having fun and paying attention
But it does look tiring
"Ohhh... Okay I get it now"

A little while later, IRyS lets them solve a few more problems by themselves
"Just give me a call if anyone needs help, alright?"
"Yes Ms. IRyS~"
She walks to Kronii and the teacher
"This is fine for now at least, right?"
"As long as they don't find out, sure"
IRyS smiles and leans into Kronii
"Did you hear that? I'm Ms. IRyS"
"Congratulations, you're called the way any kid would call any female teacher"
The teacher covers her mouth to avoid laughing
IRyS pouts and leans on Kronii even more
"...Well hopefully they'll call me Mrs. IRyS someday"
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure they will..."
Kronii realizes what was just said
"...Wait what?"
"Ms. IRyS?"
A kid is asking for help
"What's wrong~?"
IRyS walks away to assist the children, leaving Kronii stunned
"...Sorry for intruding but... Are you two dating?"
Kronii looks at the teacher, she's legitimately curious
"I... No! Of course not!"
Kronii can feel the blood rushing to her face
"Oh, I'm really sorry, you just looked very comfortable with each other"
The teacher notices how flustered Kronii's getting
"Let's just keep watching them, okay?"
"Yeah.. yeah I'm sorry"
Both of those comments made a number on Kronii's psyche
Now she's paying full attention to IRyS
I can't believe she didn't say HIRyS
I'm gonna make her say ByeRyS
Nah, she's just gonna get upset again
...Huh, she's pretty good with kids
She looks prettier today, I just realized
Well still not as pretty as me, but

IRyS notices Kronii looking at her, she smiles and waves
Kronii pretends to not notice and tries to pay attention to something else

During lunch, a child offers IRyS some goldfish crackers
To Kronii's surprise, she looks ecstatic
"Thank you!"
Back with the teacher and Kronii, IRyS happily eats some of them
"Want some?"
Both of them say no
"Didn't know you like those"
"I LOVE them"
...She looks really cute
Kronii makes a mental note to buy some later
At the end of the class, the kids look really happy
"Alright, kids, it's time for me to go but first, I have to give you homework~"
All the kids start complaining
"Wow way to ruin it, IRyS"
Kronii never misses a chance to tease her
"Buuuut this is special!"
"Whoever that stumps me gets some......"
She's struggling to come up with something
"Homemade cookies!"
She can bake?
At least that seems to work, the kids calm down

Afterwards, IRyS got a slight scolding from the teacher, but left the school pretty happy
"See? I told you it'd be fine!"
"I guess so, you were.... alright"
"I swear one of these days you'll actually compliment me"
"We'll see"
They walk a bit more
"I'm surprised you came up with that at the end"
IRyS begins to reach for her phone
"Still, I didn't know you knew how to--"
"HEY SANA? Yeah sorry for the sudden call!"
"Remember when you told me you'd be glad to teach me how to bake??? Are you free this weekend?"
Yeah I thought so
Kronii starts laughing
A few nudges from IRyS get her to stop
"Yeah? Thank you! I'll see you then!"
IRyS turns to Kronii, she has a very smug look on her face
She decides to not look at her anymore
"Please forget that"
"Aww why?"
"I can't believe SenseIRyS doesn't know how to bake cookies"
IRyS starts walking faster
"Can I join to watch you learn?"
"Come oooon~"
Kronii was completely denied
Sana was kind enough to send her some pictures during the weekend she taught IRyS
She can see she's struggling a lot
Kronii laughs to herself and saves the pictures

On Monday, while walking to school again, IRyS looks dejected
"Did something happen with the cookies?"
"Hm? No they're fine, at least they got Sana's approval"
"That's good. What's wrong then?"
"The other teachers found out and fired me again"
"I'm still gonna give the kids their cookies though, screw them"
IRyS starts to pout
"I'm sure the kids will be happy"
Kronii nervously pats IRyS' head, she smiles in response
Kronii notices IRyS is carrying two bags
"Only two bags?

"Oh, yeah, I'll give one to the teacher so they can share it all"
"And the other one?"
IRyS walks faster
"I'll deliver this and come back, okay?"
"Yeah... I'll wait here"
Kronii can't help but think about the second bag

IRyS comes back a few minutes later looking pretty happy
"They liked them!"
"That's nice"
They chat while walking
"So... what are we gonna do today since you got fired?"
"Oh I forgot to tell you, since that happened I decided I might as well do some recording"
"Wow you just took me outside for nothing? Your betrayals keep piling up, IRyS"
Kronii fakes a pout
"T-that's why I made these"
IRyS hands her the second bag
It's tied with a blue ribbon
"Thanks for helping me, Kronii"
"I didn't do anything though?"
"Just take them!"
Kronii grabs the bag and looks at it
The cookies somehow look better than the first bag
"Can I eat some now?"
"...You're gonna eat them regardless of what I say"
"I'm glad you know me"
She grabs a cookie and eats it
They're... average
Not bad, not super good either
But still tasty
"I like em"
IRyS once again ignores the meaning of personal space and puts her face close to hers
"Y-yeah, they're good"
"I'm glad!"
She goes back to walking next to her
She's now humming to herself
Kronii feels something
It's her phone
Sana sent her a message
"Something wrong?"
"Nah, it's Sana"
"O-oh, go ahead then"
Kronii looks at her phone
"Did you go with IRyS?"
"Aw, cute!"
Kronii rolls her eyes
"Hey, who got the bag with the blue ribbon?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, nothing much. IRyS put a lot of effort into that batch"
Kronii begins to blush
"IRyS came back without any bags, so I guess they all went to the class"
"Awwww well hope whoever got that batch liked them"
"When she finished tying the bag she put it close to her heart and said something like 'I hope they're good'"
"She told me to not tell you anything but I never promised anything!"
"Anyways I have a stream soon so catch you later Kroninini!"
"Have fun Sananana"
Kronii didn't notice IRyS was staring at her the whole time
Her face is completely red
She probably realizes what Sana told Kronii
"I-I'll just go to the studio now"
"Y-yeah, take care IRyS"
She didn't even get to say goodbye since IRyS ran away

Kronii walks back home silently
She finishes eating the cookies with some tea
She pulls out her phone
"Thanks for the cookies, IRyS"
She doesn't get a response so she goes on with her day
While getting ready for bed, she receives a message
"You're welcome"
"I'm sorry for not responding, I was too focused on recording"
"I can make more later"
"Now that I know how"
"If you want"
Kronii smiles
"I'll hold you to that, then"
A few minutes pass
"Goodnight, Kronii"
"Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite"
"...Some cookies might be nice for next week"

t. Nameronii
Source: https://twitter.com/ResuKunn/status/1457657930170331139

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Pub: 16 Dec 2021 21:22 UTC
Views: 863