dni and byf
we do not have a lot of hard limits !
we love dark content and we see the nuance in
everything and hate taking hard stances against most
things ( not including the basics ). if you harass anyone
for their interests , sources , or dislike gore / horror /
eroguro content , please do not interact . we take a
long time to respond and can be very selective with
interactions due to mental illness and exhaustion .
do not shame or guilt us for this , as we are in therapy
for this and it will not be fixed overnight . we will heal
on our own time . we can be very dry and blunt , which
makes us come off as rude or uninterested when we do
not mean to ! please be patient with us . if you cannot
directly communicate if / when we have done something
that hurt or upset you , do not interact , as we cannot
read your mind and do not want to deal with such
immaturity . if you are under 17 , do not interact AT ALL .
do not talk to us if you are friends with lycoris / morgan / priest .
we do not owe you an explanation . block us if
you are close to them or here to spy on us for them .