
ʝαx. he hiɱ gay as hell. blk minor. edits sσmєtiмeѕ NiTe 594 IN†J. victim of aj's bpd.

someone please help me.
ajax will not leave me alone.
he tagposts us as kavetham with the cramps every day and i am scared.
ajax really really likes me and it is horrifying. please lord send help.
join my GoFundMe to save jax 2023
being ajs fp is truely terrifying.

aj tags me as alhaitham, light yagami, patroclus (tsoa), goro akechi, and more i am usually playing fps games, roblox, or idv. aj often accompanies me on these ventures.

GET HIM AWAY !! ━━━━━━╋━━━━━━ hoard + insta

Pub: 03 Jul 2023 22:15 UTC
Edit: 04 Jul 2023 13:36 UTC
Views: 130