why'd u ever make me choose?

DNI !! ⸝⸝ basic dni criteria, -12/+35, anti of our interests or hyperfixations, anti self dx, anti neoprns/xenogendrs, believes in narc/sociopathic abuse, demonizes cluster b disorders, "ur not poc cuz ur mixes" (shut up lol), believes introjects r the same as their src, yt + uses aave, endo "sys" + endo supporters, mspec lesbians/gays, proship/comship, anti tone tags
BYI !! ⸝⸝ we have audhd, npd and bpd, we r danganronpa south park and homestuck likers soz LOL, there are littles in the sys so plz b wary of that (theres usually a caregiver fronting w them tho), we make a lot of dark humor jokes INCLUDING racism/homophobia/kmskys/etc jokes, alsoalso we say slurs we can reclaim lol, we NEED tone tags, we rant a lot, some of us use typing quirks, bodily 19 so if ur uncomfy w that dni

Pub: 26 Feb 2023 19:14 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2023 18:20 UTC
Views: 164