xyz.crd.codaytona ' s extended info

@docevanpiro on twt

my names are daytona and fiona. please only
call me giorno if we're close or it's my pluralkit
display name!!!

i have a ton of pronouns which include he(him),
gold(goldself), fleur(fleurself), life(lifeself),
vamp(vampself), and 💫(💫self). i also use
she(her) but again, please only use those on me if
we're close. :3 i'm okay with masc and neutral

i'm gay and am transmasc heh... also i
lovemail pannacotta fugo a lot so if that makes u
uncomfortable just... ignore me i guess? idk LOL

my only specific do not interact criteria is if
you're a pro/comshipper and/or ship giomis. here is
a system-wide dni list

before you interact with me, i have a touch of
mental illness, one of which being osdd1b. i am the
host of a system and an introject of one and two
^_^ feel free to talk about either of them with me

i am seventeen years old. my birthday is 05/31!!!

i can speak two languages, english and mandarin.
my native language is english.

main rentry. interests. lovemail.
source info. system rentry. url hoard.

Pub: 25 Nov 2021 23:28 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 05:00 UTC
Views: 263