or lynette  . . back . extra


FERN & LUKA (putting u both together here)
HHAIAHAIIII u guys..... (rattlign uou) YOU GUYS ARR SOOOOOOSOSO SILLY im so glad i met you guys oh my god. yes ik we met in a bit of a dumb way but if not for that i dont think id be where i am now ^_^ im so happy to be friends with you guys for so long you both make me so happy, im so grteful to know u both

HAHAIIII you absoulte GOOBER. you.. YOU!!!!!! im so genuinely grateful to have met you and that we're still friends :3c i have sm fun talking to you and watching stuff with you even though my stream doesnt work half of the time HELP , youre were always here for me and im always happy to help you out with anything ^_^


Pub: 12 Jul 2023 19:13 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2023 02:23 UTC
Views: 63