♡ Position of the Captain (I. Future in the target aspect, target)

The area of the captain's self-realization is the future. He considers laying his life route his and only his task. The captain does not believe that the future will unfold on its own; he does not have a "trust the waves" mentality. TThe captain always keeps in mind one or more points of the future route.This is not necessarily some kind of detailed plan - rather, it is typical for the captain to form an image in his head of what should happen to him or his affairs in the future (near or far), where he should eventually “sail” and, further, move towards this image . The image of the future can be “registered” to the smallest detail or with general “strokes”, it can be both realistic and far-fetched. It is important here that the captain uses the image as a fulcrum, a landmark, a beacon - this gives him strength and motivation.

The captain's future seems almost real  For the captain, his imagined version of the future is more reliable than what is actually possible (the past). Therefore, the captain is extremely reluctant to change long-term plans, even under the pressure of circumstances, this destroys his reality.

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Pub: 12 Feb 2023 02:22 UTC
Views: 868