the future is near. ( click future to get in contact with me ! ) *highlighted = in use , strikeout = for friend
hero names , villain names , quirks , settings , movies , games , arcs + I. mha
lunchrush , gangorca , msjoke , labrava , cementoss , vladking , edgeshot , ryukyu , kamuiwoods , mtlady , fourthkind , rocklock , uwabami , sirnighteye , gentlecriminal , mrcompress , lalasoul , rorosoul , red-riot , rustriot , mva , usj , halfcoldhalfhot , earphonejack , wildwildpussycats , leagueofheroes , onesjustice , onesjustice2 , onesjusticetwo , herosrising , ultrarumble , thestrongesthero , myheroineacademia , sportsfestival , myvillainacademia
notes need to be added.II. danganronpa
projectizurukamukura , warriorsofdespair , rejectedzero , ultnuerologist , lilultimate , dr0 , monocat , monobot , kizakura , d-i-c-e
notes need to be added. III. sonic the hedgehog
ssonic , sondow
notes need to be added. IV. tian guan ci fu
heavensofficial , fourgreatcalamities , heavenlyemperor , wraithbutterflies , taicang , taicangmountain , heavensscourge