Chapter 4: The Wavering Moon

Staff: The on-day tickets for Salome have all sold out. Please line up here if you've reserved your seats.

Spectator A: Thank God I got tickets for the first day. I wonder what kind of show this will be.

Spectator B: The actors are a refreshing choice. The support actor is play the lead role and the newbie is playing the second lead.

Spectator A: Right!? When the news broke, the whole topic went viral.

Spectator B: I'm really looking forward to the show.

Tetra: Great turnout today. The on the day tickets have all sold out as well.

Hatsumi: Yeah. Lets hope all goes well.

Iruru: ...

Tetra: Iruru.

Iruru: Hmm...?

Tetra: Come here.

Iruru: What is it?

Tetra: Give me your hand.

Iruru: Alright--

Iruru: What....Owowowow!?

Tetra: Ahahaha. I hit a pressure point to help your nervousness.

Iruru: Don't suddenly hit me like that!? You scared me...

Tetra: You looked like you needed some loosening up. I noticed that furrow in your brow just now, y'know?

Tetra: You looked to happy when the cast was announced. Don't get all worked up and just relax.

Iruru: Yeah...

Iruru: You're right... Thanks.

Tetra: Once this is all over, lets go grab something to eat. Anything you want. It's been a while since you played a lead role after all.

Iruru: Tetra-san...

Iruru: ...I'll do my best.

Iruru: But...

Iruru: But, if...

Tetra: Iruru. That's the one thing that shouldn't be said rigth now.

Iruru: ...!

Tetra: It's alright.

Tetra: You've got this. And that's coming from me. This will be a great play.

Tetra: I believe in you. So you should believe in yourself too.

Iruru: ...Got it.

Nikako: The curtain's being raised... I'm so nervous~.

Iruru: It's time...

Hatsumi: Iruru, break a leg. Don't forget your training.

Iruru: Right...

Nikako: "Tell this to the king and his wife. Acknowledge your sins, and repent..."

Iruru: "That prophet sure is scary. Those eyes are the scariest thing, like the never-ending seas. I feel like I'll drwon in them."

Tetra: You've made it this far, Iruru... You're standing on the stage up to this point without using your Sense.

Hatsumi: That's a given, this is what Iruru's been preparing for.

Hatsumi: And as one would expect, all eyes are on Nikako.

Tetra: Yeah. And not only that, Nikako, Daikoku and Shigure have all done great work.

Hatsumi: Because they're all aiming for full points from me. Iruru on the other hand...

Hatsumi: Is as I expected. Her acting is stiff, but I can forgive that. The important part is to be able to move the audience's heart even if only a single moment.

Hatsumi: "Where is Salome? Why didn't she come back to the feast when I ordered her to?"

Daikoku: "Oh King, is that child not a good child?"

Daikoku: "I hate that man... He's always glaring at that child."

Hatsumi: "That's not it, Herodia. I'm just tired. I must see my lovely daughter, otherwise I will be tormented by that prohpet's grudge."

Hatsumi: "Hmmm? Speak of the Devil."

Iruru: ...

Hatsumi: I'm willing to bet on you again and again. Until you succeed.

Iruru: ...

Iruru: Sorry for splurting out something like that! Even after you gave this chance to me...

Iruru: ...Alright. Lets see this up until the end.

Daikoku: "Don't look at the child, my King!"

Hatsumi: "Haha, I'm just looking at the moon. THe moon tonight looks wonderful."

Hatsumi: "But there's something wrong. It looks crimson like a young maiden that has fallen in love."

Iruru: (Hatsumi believed in me right until the very end. I had never seen her hurt like that....)

Iruru: (It looked like she was almost about this cry... But maybe thats just my imagination. I need to live up to her expectations no matter the cost.)

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:30 UTC
Views: 30