The Riptide Retreat: Amber, The Sandworm

You enter your room, quickly changing into some simple clothes so that you can go check in with the front desk. Checking the clock, it's 11pm, which means you're just in time for your hour break. You exit your room and head to front desk, where you find Vaughn reclining in his chair with a magazine. He looks up from his reading to note your entrance as you approach the desk.
"Ah, there you are. How was Camie? She can be a bit of a firecracker sometimes." Vaughn says with a bit of laughter.
You nervously rub the back of your head as you return Vaughn's laughter with a weary smile. "Camie was... intense. That's for sure. But, she ended up pretty satisfied, so I think I did okay."
"Glad to hear you're already leaving happy customers in your wake." Vaughn chuckles to himself, before shuffling a few papers around and looking at his watch. "So, you ready to go take your break? You've got an hour until your next client."
"Yeah, actually. I was just about to ask." You say.
"Glad you're keeping the time as closely as I am! How about I get you something to drink while you wait? On the house, of course." Vaughn says as he stands up out of his chair.

"Sure, but I'll probably keep it light. Tomorrow's hangover is going to a bitch thanks to whatever Khima was having me do shots with." You say as you make your way to the lounge.
Vaughn follows behind as the two of you enter the lounge and make it to the bar, taking the seat next to yours. "Oni are never gentle with their drink choice, that's for damn sure. The health potions help, but even then you're probably in for a headache."
Dawn, the usual bartender of the lounge, shows up to take your orders.
"The usual." Vaughn says with a simple hand gesture.
"And you, sir?" Dawn says, turning her head.
"Something easy on the liver. With lemon." You reply.
"Coming right up." Dawn nods her head as she turns around to make your drinks.
"You always get a drink with new employees?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"You're special." Vaughn smiles.
"How am I special?" You ask.

"You're the only employee here that I know of to have a fucking sandworm for a client." You can't tell if he's joking or being serious, so you give a light chuckle and stare at him with an awkward smile.
"Oh really?" You ask.
"Yeah, really." Vaughn says with a nod.
"Well, would you mind explaining to me what the hell a Sandworm even is?" You ask.
"I thought you'd be familiar, considering your next client is one." Vaughn says with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm learning a lot about the Oasis District on the fly here." You say with a chuckle.
Dawn returns with your drinks, a simple carbonated lemon drink for you, and an old-fashioned whiskey for Vaughn.
Vaughn picks up his drink and returns his attention to you.
"So, care to tell me a little more about Sandworms?" You ask.
"How much do you know about them?" Vaughn asks.

"The basics." You shrug.
"The basics?" Vaughn asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, they're a race of monstergirls that live in the desert and..." You reply.
"And...?" Vaughn asks.
"...That's it." You say with a shrug.
"Is it now?" Vaughn asks.
"Yeah." You reply.
"Well then, allow me to educate you on the finer points of Sandworms." Vaughn says with a nod.
"Please do." You reply.
"Sandworms are an unusual race of monstergirl. They spend most of their lives underground, but come up to the surface to sun themselves and breed on very rare occasions." Vaughn begins.
"How rare?" You ask.
"Well, the last time a Sandworm was seen on the surface was about seven months ago." Vaughn says.
"Woah. So they're not exactly commonplace?"

Vaughn shakes his head. "Definitely not. It's always a bit of a spectacle when one shows up on the outskirts of The Delta."
"How do you know this one is a girl?" You ask.
"Because, young man, she's been here before." Vaughn says.
"Really? How does that work?" You say with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing special, she just tells us when she's planning on coming back around for breeding season." Vaughn explains.
"With such a high degree of precision?"
"Yep. She's never once missed a date. Not sure how she does it over such long expanses of time, but she always comes though."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sandworms only enter breeding season once every two years, so we don't see her often."
"What the name of this girl, anyway?" You ask.

"She's always had us call her Amber. She's quite friendly, seems harmless enough. If the boys I've seen return from her clutches are any indication though, Amber's a lot wilder than she lets on!" Vaughn says with a chuckle.
"I've been meaning to ask. How does that work? The whole pleasurable part?" You ask.
Vaughn smiles. "I'm guessing you'll find out soon enough! All I can say is, if you're a fan of the slick and smooth, you're going to love your time with her."
You raise an eyebrow. "Slick and smooth?"
"Her body produces a natural lubricant. You'll see what I mean soon enough, kid." Vaughn says with a wink.
You nervously chase down the rest of your drink. "Well, I must say I appreciate the information."
"I'm guessing you're a little anxious about this. Don't worry, kid. Just take it slow, and everything will be just fine."

Vaughn downs the rest of his drink and stands up from the bar.
"Thanks again for the drink, Vaughn. I really appreciate it." You say.
"Don't mention it, you deserve it." Vaughn says with a smile. "You've already outdone my expectations for your first shift. Pull another strong performance with a VIP like Amber and you've got yourself the rest of your shift cleared."
"Really? That's great!" You say.
"Yep, you're already proving yourself to be a reliable worker and I'm a man of my word. Just don't slack off after the first day, OK?" Vaughn says with a smile. "Anyway, I've got to get back to work. I'll see you in about half an hour when Amber shows up at the front desk, alright?"
"Sounds good." You reply as you stand up as well.

You and Vaughn part ways, you returning to your room as he returns to the front desk. You spend the next twenty minutes or so preparing yourself for the rest of your shift. You're not sure what to expect from a Sandworm, considering you don't even know what one of them looks like, but you decide it's best to brace yourself for anything. You stretch, take a proper shower, change back into a looser desert robe, and try and make yourself as presentable as possible. Your last ten minutes are mostly spent pacing around your room, trying to gather enough courage to return to the front desk and face the unknown.
Eventually, the clock forces you out of your room and back to the lobby.
"It's show time." You say to yourself as you walk out the door.
You arrive at the front desk to find Vaughn already there, waiting for you.
"About time, I was beginning to think you had forgotten about your shift." Vaughn jokes.
"Of course not, I just had to get my head in the game." You laugh.
Vaughn laughs as well, then says "Well, Amber should be due to arrive any minute now, so sit tight."

You nod and take a seat on one of the lobby's cushioned benches. Vaughn takes his place behind the front desk once more, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You spend some time thinking about your coworkers and regulars back home. You wonder how they're doing, and when you'll see them again.
You're broken out of your thoughts by the sound of the entrance door being opened.
"Hello?" You hear Vaughn call out.
"Good evening~!" A voice calls out from the doorway.
It's accompanied by a sound that's like ceramic against the wood flooring. You look to the door in order to discern the source of the noise, and witness a fascinating sight.
The monstergirl that comes through the door is remarkably large. Clearly some sort of lamia-family monster, her upper body appears similarly structured to a human woman's, but that quickly changes at her waistline. She has a belt-like series of what appear to be teeth sunk into her waist, which is where her upper body changes into a series of chitinous segments layered like armor plating along a lower body that stretches into a snake-like tail. As if this sight wasn't curious enough, her upper half is entirely colored viscous pink, almost like she's a slime on her upper half. It takes some squinting, but you quickly realize her upper body is colored like a soft tongue and covered in a layer of shiny mucus that seems to cling to her body quite well. As for her snake-like lower half, the heavy plating on it is a simplistic sandy yellow.
"Woah..." You softly whisper to yourself. You had a lot of guesses as to what a Sandworm would look like, but this surpasses your expectations.

The slight clanking noise of her lower body against the wooden floor continues as she slithers up to the front desk, leaning against the counter to greet Vaughn. You watch on in amazement as her tail coils around the leg of one of the chairs in the waiting area, pulling it over to rest her lower body on as she leans back into the chair.
"Hello Vaughn." Her voice is surprisingly sultry and mature, and you start when you hear it.
"Ah, hello Amber. How are you this evening?" Vaughn gives a gentle smile, leaning back in his own chair.
"I'm doing well. Yourself?"
"Can't complain."
"That's good to hear. Is my appointment still in order?"
Vaughn nods, and you realize she's looking directly at you. "And who might you be?"
"His name is Ryan." Vaughn answers for you.
"Hmm... I haven't seen a human here before." Amber says with a slightly devious smile. "Are you as tasty as they say?"

"Oh, uh... I don't know..." You stutter, not knowing how to react.
Vaughn lets out a chuckle, and gets up from his chair to head into the back. "I'll leave you two to it. Your usual room, Ryan."
Amber turns to Vaughn as he moves to make his exit. "I'd like to take him out on the Oasis Promenade tonight, if you'll allow it."
Vaughn stops and turns to look at Amber with an amused smile. "For a customer as prestigious and well-paying as yourself, you're allowed to take Ryan wherever you want. Just have him back here by sunrise in one piece, alright?"
"Sunrise?" You repeat with a tone of anxiety in your voice.
Amber turns to you and smiles. "Don't worry, I'll have you home well before then. I promise."
You look to Vaughn for help, but he has already turned away and is heading through the staff-only door behind the front desk. The jingle of keys tells you that he has locked it from the inside. There's no going back now.
Amber returns to the front door, before looking back at you and motioning along with a hand. "Come on, let's go!" She says with a smile.

You follow after her as she leads you out the front door and onto the streets. She slips her arm under yours once you're out on the street, which is a very strange sensation. Her body is quite warm, with the thick mucus that covers it wet to the touch. Weirdly enough, her mucus doesn't seem to linger as she slides her hand up and down your forearm.
What's much more apparent is how large she is. Despite you being above average height for a human male, she's still slightly taller. Her lower half is also longer and thicker than any lamia's that you've ever seen, with the oddity of her chitin plates that layer atop each other only drawing more attention to this fact.
You blush as you realize that part of her body is brushing up against your leg.
"Hey now!" You say, giving her a playful shove.
She looks at you with a grin. "What? This?" She says, gently pressing into your leg once more.
"Yeah, that." You say, pushing back with your leg.
"Don't worry, it's just my tail. You'll get used to it." Amber says with a giggle.
"I'm used to lamia-like tails, just not women as immediately frisky as you are." You reply humorously.
"What can I say? It's been a long time since I've been anywhere near a human male, let alone this close and with one so... appetizing." Amber says as her tongue darts across her lips.

Amber's tail presses against your leg again, drawing a nervous chuckle out of you. "Nice to know you already think highly of me!"
"Mm, and you haven't even seen my full form. That'll change soon enough though."
"I sure hope so!" You joke, your sense of unease slightly increased by her ominous language.
Amber laughs as she moves her face closer to yours. "You'd better hope not..." She says in a low voice before kissing you.
She moves to wrap her arms around you, but you quickly slip out of her wide grip and break the kiss while it's still just a light peck.

It takes you a moment to find your footing after twisting out of her grasp. "Easy there! We're walking down the street, you know!"
Amber looks at you with a bit of annoyance, before her strange smile deepens. "You're right. We need to keep a low profile."
She takes your hand and interlocks her fingers with yours. "Now, now. No one can criticize our public displays of affection if we're just holding hands."

You blush slightly at her choice of words as she leads you along the street.
There's a small lull in the conversation as the two of you walk with your hands intertwined, until you decide to break the silence.
"So... I've never seen a Sandworm before. You're quite the exotic beauty." You say, trying to flatter her.
Amber giggles and squeezes your hand. "Mmm, is that so? Makes sense. Us Sandworms are the reclusive type, after all. That's why just seeing someone like me is a something of a spectacle, let alone holding hands."
"Glad to be special," You joke.
Amber laughs, but doesn't let go of your hand. "You are... special. For the past few breeding seasons I've been through all sorts of flimsy humanoids and even flimsier humans. But I can tell you're something different. I've never met a human like you."
"What do you mean?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"You seem... sturdy. Dependable. You're not afraid to take the lead, but you're not demanding either. You're just... nice." She says, her smile widening.
"Oh. Glad to hear it." You blush slightly at her words.

Amber suddenly stops walking and turns to face you. "I want to kiss you." She demands, a bit more forcefully than before.
Sensing a prime opportunity to increase the sexual tension, your lips curl into an amused smile. "I don't think we should be so blatant while we're out in public."
You punctuate your decline by pressing your index finger against Amber's lips, but she immediately throws you for a loop when she takes part of your finger into her mouth with a small moan and starts to suck on it.
"Amber!" You say, a bit more loudly than anticipated. You can feel your face turning red.
Amber giggles and lets go of your finger. "You're cute when you're flustered." She says with a smile.
You don't really know how to respond to that, so the pair of you just stand there in silence for a moment.

"Would you like to visit the Oasis Promenade tonight?" Amber asks, breaking the silence.
"Sure, that sounds great!" You reply a little too quickly, eager to sweep away some of the awkward tension brewing inside your chest.
Amber giggles to herself, before taking your hand once more and leading you down through the streets.
You feel like you should talk again to fill the tense silence, but Amber actually looks to be enjoying herself quite a lot. She's gently humming to herself with a pleased smile on her face as she squeezes your hand. The feeling of her hand is still very foreign, a bizarre sensory combination of warmth, wetness, and viscous gelatin that makes you a little more aroused than it should.
The pair of you walk through the streets, before reaching the Oasis Promenade. It's a long road that runs parallel to the ocean, with beautiful sandy beaches on one side, and hotels, bars, and shops lining the other. There's also a section entirely dedicated to a large open air marketplace filled to the brim with tents and stands. It's a sight to behold, made even more impressive by the fact that the road of the Promenade itself is paved with sea glass stones in every color imaginable, like a cobblestone pathway made from a rainbow of colors.
"So, where do you want to go first?" You ask.

"I dunno." She replies. "It's all new to me. I've heard about the Oasis Promenade my whole life, but I've never had the chance to come here before. It's much bigger than I thought it would be. There's so much to do here!"
You look at her, a bit confused.
"What? Sandworms don't spend a lot of time in deeper civilization." She says, looking at you as if you were stupid. "We're just a bunch of desert nomads. We travel from oasis to oasis, and make sure not to disturb them too much in between a few sparse activities."
"Sorry. I only really learned about Sandworms a few hours ago, so I'm totally in the dark when it comes to the finer details." You admit.
"Well, I'm not an expert myself. Let's find a place to sit down and talk."
You and she walk along the Oasis Promenade until you find a bench. You sit down on it, as she curls up beside you, wrapping her tail around your legs.
"So... tell me about yourself." You say, genuinely interested in your client.
"What do you want to know?" She asks.
"Everything." You reply.

"I was born in a small oasis far to the east of here. It's not really traveled much, as it's not on most maps and people tend to forget about it once they've left it. It's a small community of Sandworms, all with the same father. We're all siblings, as you might expect."
"That must be nice." You say, imagining a world without conflict or drama.
"It has it's benefits. We're all close and look out for one another. The only major downside is that we're all related, but I assume that's the same with all families." She says with a chuckle.
"I suppose it is." You reply. "I was an only child, but I imagine the stresses of relatives can be quite high sometimes."
"Absolutely." She says with a giggle.
Amber shuffles against the bench for a few moments, before uncoiling from around your legs with an irritated expression. "I don't like benches very much. Would you mind if we talked down on the beach? That sand is so much more comfortable..."
You agree, and follow her towards the sand. You take a seat a few feet from the highest point of the tide, while Amber curls up next to you. Her body slightly sinks to the sand with the wiggle of her lower half, which she seems to really enjoy the feeling of. With a small noise of satisfaction, she leans back against part of her lower body, while pushing her tail up against your leg again through the sand.

"So..." She begins, staring up at the sky. "You're a prostitute, are you?"
"Yep. Been in the game of keeping monstergirls happy for about two years now. It's good work, if a bit stressful on the body at times." You reply.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. There's definitely aches and pains that come with this line of work, so it takes some strengthening to get used to. I've been doing my best to get stronger lately in order to keep up with the workload."
She lets out a long, low whistle. "So do you get many...clients? I imagine mamono like myself would make up the majority of your work, but I also imagine humans probably make up a sizable chunk of business."
"Humans show up here and there. Most of my work is with monstergirls, though it's not uncommon for a humans to pay for services every once in a while."
"I see..." She says, looking at you with a glint in her eyes.

You stare back at her, and after a moment the tension becomes too much and the two of you lean in to kiss. Your lips meet, and you can feel your body temperature rising as your heart pounds in your chest. You part from her mouth and lean your head against hers as the two of you gaze into each other's eyes.
"You're so hot..." She whispers.
"So are you..." You whisper back.
"I want you... badly."
"Oh, do you?"
"Mmh... I want you up against me. I want to feel you pushing into my body, covering me with your touch."
You can feel the heat coming off of her body in waves as she continues to seduce you with her words. You lean in and kiss her again, and this time she grabs the back of your head and holds your face close as the two of you make out.
"I want to take you somewhere..." She says as your lips pull apart.

You can feel her lower body starting to curl around your legs, coiling up towards your waist.
Amber's breathing is as heated as it is labored. "Somewhere special... more secluded... come with me..."
You feel her tail continue to slide up around your body, until she has you bound from head to toe. It's a bit uncomfortable, since the plating on her body doesn't have any give to it when pressed against your skin, but it's clear Amber is trying to be tender. There's a very strange sort of shuffling and grinding noise around you, before little bits of sand fall through the gaps in her body that's wound around you. This continues for a few minutes, which makes you a little panicked, but Amber finally releases you from her coils before you can get too nervous.
Your surroundings are very different, and it appears as though you're in some kind of sandstone cave, lit with strange glowing crystals that imitate torches.
"Come on, this way..." She says, beckoning you towards her with one finger.
You follow her into a more secluded part of the cave, and she presses up against you from behind.

"You're so sexy..." She whispers in your ear, as you feel her coil around you again.
The plating that covers her body doesn't have any give to it at all, but the skin of her upper body is incredibly soft, almost squishy. It's strangely intimate, as though she's trying to be as close to you as possible.
"You have a lovely body..." You say, trying not to sound awkward.
"Mmmm... That's good..." She says, as she turns your head with a hand, pressing her face against yours and forcing her tongue into your mouth in a surprisingly aggressive manner. It's a very strange experience, given that the embrace of her mouth feels almost identical to the rest of her pink and slimy body. You're hardly complaining though, since it feels fantastic. Every part of her touch is warm and gooey, like being hugged by a very enthusiastic and affectionate person covered in warm, sticky honey.
You feel her hands begin to wander over your body, as she slowly begins to rub against you. Her hands feel slimy and sticky, but the sensation is so good that it's no problem at all. In fact, the slime seems to enhance the feeling of her hands on your body.
"Do you like that?" She asks, as her hands slip under your robe to massage your bare skin.
"Yeah..." You say absentmindedly. It's hard to focus with how engrossing her touch is.

"I want to taste you..." She says, as her hands slide into your robe and onto your chest.
She begins to massage your chest, as her tongue snakes out and licks your face repeatedly. Her slippery pink tongue feels odd at first, but soon the pleasure far outweighs any strangeness as she begins to massage the rest of your body.
"Oh... That feels... Good..." You moan.
"You're so warm... So delicious..." She says, as she kisses the side of your face, sliding her tongue over your cheek again and again.
"Th-thanks..." You say, your voice quivering from the intensity of the attention.
Amber's body is slowly getting even warmer, with some of her body's sticky coating starting to rub off on you. You don't notice it at first, but as Amber begins licking her way towards your neck, it's clear that your clothing is start to dissolve, like it's being attacked by acid.
"What the..." You start, before you're interrupted by Amber.
"Shhh... It's just a little trick of mine. It'll make sure your clothes don't stay in the way of our fun..." She says, before returning her tongue to your neck.

Her long, thick tongue swirls around your neck, as her hands rub your bare chest. It's a strange feeling to have your clothes literally melting off your body, but you're too distracted by the pleasure to really care about it.
"Ah... A-Amber..." You say, as her tongue makes its way towards your mouth.
You close your mouth and try to turn away, but she's not taking no for an answer. She takes your face in her hands, turning you to look her in the eye. She gives you a small whimper, looking back at you with a crestfallen expression. "Aww... Don't be like that..." She whispers.
"I don't even know where we are, and you're getting really... really handsy with me." You say, struggling to put a sentence together under the pressure of her love.
"We're in a favorite underground secret spot of mine. No one can see us. No one can hear us. No one will know if you give in to your desires. Just give in to your needs... Let go... and give into your lust..." She says, in a whisper that sends shivers down your spine as she presses her body against yours.
You find yourself giving in to her desires. You don't know why or how, but you just can't help yourself. You begin to feel her up, sliding your hands along her curvy body. "Mmmm... Yes... That's it... You're mine now..."

You continue to touch her, as she presses her body against yours. Her pink, gooey body is inexplicably turning you on, and it's all you can do to keep yourself together.
"Oh... I can feel your lust... I want more... Give me more..." She moans, as she rubs her body against yours.
Her rubbing has coated your entire body in her mucus, with all of your clothing melting away in layers as it dissolves.
"Ah... I want... I want you... So much of you..." She says, as she slowly lowers her body onto the ground.
You follow after her, and she uses her arms and lower body to pull you down on top of her. She's so slick that you start to slip off of her, but her tail quickly re-coils around you and brings you to a halt before you can even touch the ground.
"I can't let you get all dirty... You're so tasty when you're clean like this... Just for me..." Amber whispers as she pulls you back against her.

She then begins to slowly rock back and forth, rubbing her body along yours. She moans as she continues to pleasure herself with your body, coating you in a slick layer of mucus that lets you slide back and forth along her body with ease.
"Yes... Mmmm... You're good... So good..." She whispers as she rocks back and forth, sliding your body back and forth against hers.
You moan as her slippery movements pump chills through your body, the thrill of being coated in her goo and the intimacy of her embrace being almost too much to handle.
"Ohhh... Ohhh yess... You're good... So good..." She moans, as she moves her mouth up to your ear and wraps her lips around it, sucking on it gently.
You squirm in her grip, your body being rocked back and forth as you grind against her. You can feel the slime running down your body, soaking you as it mixes with your sweat.
You reach your hands up to grope at her breasts, but she stops you.
"No... No... Just let me... Enjoy myself..." She whispers.

She pulls you in closer, making out with you as she continues to slide your slick bodies together.
As Amber becomes more and more worked up, she starts running her tongue along your face and neck more feverishly. You swear it's just your foggy mind playing tricks on you at first, but soon it's quite apparent that her tongue is getting longer as she's licking you. Your suspicions are confirmed when she goes back to suck on your ear, and her tongue slips out past her lips, long enough that she can still caress your neck with it while she keeps your ear in her mouth.
You moan as her long, thick tongue wraps around your neck.
She takes her mouth off your ear with a gentle moan, slowing down the rubbing of her body and changing to deep, strong griding motions. Her long tongue wraps around your entire neck, moving up to your chin and wrapping around it as well.
"Mmmh... Oooh..."
Amber is very clearly enjoying herself, face twisted into a mask of bliss as she continues to grease you up with her body while running her tongue along your neck and face.
"Oh... Oh... Mmmm..."

You can feel yourself getting closer, and you can tell she is as well. Her entire body is covered in a thick layer of slime, and you're currently slathered in the stuff.
You writhe in her grip, moaning as her long tongue rubs along your face and neck, wrapping around it like a lover's arm.
"Mmmh... Mmmh... Ohhh..."
Surprisingly, the slime she's drenching you in has made her lower body start to feel a little softer. It's still hard as rock, but her coils aren't as abrasive on your legs thanks to her gooey secretions keeping them slick. Amber's tail is just as restless as the rest of her, quivering and squeezing your legs as the rest of her that's not circled around your body shimmies and shivers with erotic enthusiasm.
A long, low moan that could only come from a creature like her shakes you as her entire body starts to writhe and twist around you more and more aggressively.
She's close. You're close.

Her tongue slithers around your neck and face, wrapping around it in an affectionate, intimate embrace as she rubs her body up and down yours even more frantically. You're totally bound in her grip, at the mercy of her motions as Amber rapidly approaches her climax. The heat and slickness of her lower belly against your dick is almost too much, but Amber finally gives out and buckles under the weight of a violent orgasm.
"Oh! Oooh! Aaahhh... Mmmmhhh!"
A long moan shakes her body as she climaxes, her slick, gooey body convulsing and throbbing against you. Her entire lower body begins to spasm and shudder, losing all strength and letting her coils slacken and release you. Her entire body, now totally exhausted, falls to the floor of the cave with you on top.
"Ah... Aaah... Oh my..."
Amber's long tongue slithers over to your face, giving it one long, slow lick from cheek to cheek before she lets out a long sigh.
"That was... Mmmm..."

She continues to pant and sigh as her body keeps quivering. The feeling of her slick body rubbing against yours is an interesting one. You're incredibly disoriented from the hurricane of pleasure that you've just been put through, which leads to you sliding off her body and falling onto the cave floor next to her.
"Ah... Aaah..."
Amber's body is still shuddering with little aftershocks. She's as disoriented as you are, if not more so.
"Oh my... That was amazing..."
She spends a few more moments drunk on her full-body orgasm before she starts to stabilize a bit, quickly realizing that you've fallen onto the floor next to her.
"No!" You hear her squeak.
She slithers over to you, her body still rearing back and forth as the aftereffects of her climax cause her to shiver and shake. Amber quickly scoops you up in her arms, wrapping her tail around your legs and squeezing them protectively. She sets you down on another part of her lower body, gently caressing your head and chest as she stares into your eyes. She looks like she's about to cry.

"No... No... No! I got you dirty! I'm so sorry!" She says, her voice shaking.
"Wha...?" You stammer.
"You came out of my grip! I let you fall and get filthy! I'll make it better, I promise! I'm so sorry...!"
You're incredibly confused, seeing as you just lightly slumped over against the stone floor of the cave. Amber seems incredibly torn up about it though, on the verge of tears as she tears as she caresses and licks every inch of your body as gently as she can.
"I'm so sorry..." She repeats as she frantically works to massage your body with a tongue bath.
"Hey." You interrupt her in a soft and warm voice, trying to soothe her strangely unstable emotional state. "I'm perfectly fine. You didn't do anything wrong. I just sat down for a moment, that's all. It's okay."
"Are you sure?" She asks, a bit of hope returning to her voice.
"Yeah. I'm sure." You reply with a warm smile.
Amber smiles back, and the two of you embrace in a hug.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! You're such a nice human! I won't let it happen again, I promise." She says, hugging you tight against her.
You hug her back, savoring the strange sensation of her touch. "Don't worry about it, you're perfectly fine."
Having you pressed against her seems to have an effect on Amber. You can feel her lower body shift beneath you as her hands begin to wander across your back. She lets out a small exhale of pleasure as she moves to lick your neck again.
"I'll keep you nice and close... Safe and protected..." She says as her breathing becomes heavy with arousal.
You feel her hands move from your back to your arms, squeezing them tightly. She presses against you harder with a heavy moan as she seems to be losing herself to the moment.
"I'll keep you safe... I'll keep you safe..." She says, more to herself than to you. "I won't let you fall... I won't let you get dirty... Not again... I'll keep you safe... With me..."
Amber slides her hands onto either side of your head, gently petting the base of your skull as she looks deep into your eyes. Her expression is a deep mixture of lust and protective love.

"I need to do something for you. To keep us together. To make sure you're nice and safe with me. Will you let me do that? Will you let me be your protective shell?" She asks in a rich and sultry voice.
It's very hard to concentrate right now. Amber's body is sandwiched against yours in a way that's all-consuming. She's putting steady pressure on your legs as the heat of her gooey skin oozes against yours. Her hands are gently massaging the base of your skull and the top of your head. Her face is right up against yours, and her rich pink lips are calling for a kiss, but her mouth is just out of reach.
Her eyes stare deeply into your own as she whispers, "Let me wrap you up in my love. Be mine."
You find yourself nodding.
"That's a good human. You make me so happy. Now, hold on to me. We're going to fall into a whole new world of pleasure. Are you ready?"
You nod once more.
Amber smiles and whispers, "Then just relax."

Her coils unwind from around your legs as Amber lifts herself high into the air with you in her arms. You rest your head on her shoulder as she lifts herself up, and witness a bizarre sight. Her lower body is rapidly growing longer and larger, the segmented plating growing to fit a massive worm-like body that's now almost cylindrical as it expands. The strange belt-like ring of teeth sunk into her waist rapidly grow larger and thicker as they pull away from her waist to meet the expanded diameter of her body. What was once Amber's upper body is now above and at the center of what looks like the mouth of a gigantic worm, with you still held in her arms.
The mouth part beneath you and Amber opens as wide as it can, revealing that her upper body is actually attached to the inside. The walls of the interior are made of the same gooey pink material as she is, dripping with a similar slime. She begins lowering herself down towards the mouth, and you squirm in her grip with a bit of instinctive panic.
"Relax, I've got you," she whispers, gently pressing you against her with a soothing hand against your back.
She lowers you into the mouth, and you squirm yet again as you feel the slime coating the inside of her mouth slide over your skin. The sensation is actually fairly pleasant, and after a moment you stop squirming altogether.
"See? Not so bad, is it?" she asks with a smile.

Her lower body has extended into the cylindrical worm-like body that's typical of sandworms when they emerge from desert sands. Her upper body is still human-like, but the reason for its strange appearance and texture is now explained, since it's normally found here, inside the mouth of her worm body.
The ring of teeth above you is starting to retract closed, and now the fleshy pink muscle of her mouth is holding you in a tight grip. You can feel the muscles inside the worm body moving and shifting, carrying you further down into her body while Amber follows along, keeping you in her arms.
"Woah..." You say, in complete awe at quite a few things.
"This is my real body, without having to keep it constricted. It feels so nice to be like this again..." She says as she squeezes you against her. "Now we can be with each other all night long... Nice and safe in here, with you inside me just like this. No more falls, no more filth... Just you and me... Safe and warm... Together..."
The walls of her worm body are made up of the same fleshy pink material as her body, slickened by her familiar mucus. You can feel the muscles in her mouth and body shifting you around to swallow you deeper inside, as her human body follows along, holding you tightly in her arms.

You can feel her worm body twisting and turning, taking you further down into her body. The ring of teeth closes above your head, blocking you off from the outside world. You can still see thanks to the light that's now emanating from the walls of her throat.
You can see her face now, smiling with a lusty grin. She's panting heavily, quivering with arousal and excitement. You feel something run across your back from behind, sliding up to your neck before coiling around it very lightly. It catches you off guard, but it feels like Amber's touch, despite coming from somewhere her human body can't reach. You look down at your neck to see a smooth tentacle constructed identically to Amber's body, made of the same pink muscle and coated in the same mucus. It's a strange sight, and she seems to notice your confusion.
"Don't worry, that's just me. In here, I don't have to settle for just my hands..." She says as she leans in to kiss you.
As Amber pulls you into a deep and wet kiss, you feel two more tentacles appear and wrap themselves around your legs, gently massaging them as Amber's hands wander along your torso. You shiver in ecstasy as her tentacles explore you, while her human hands pull you into an embrace.

"Mmmm... I can taste the sweat on your skin... The flavor of your arousal..." She says, breaking off the kiss.
Amber begins kissing down your neck, before moving down to your pectorals as her tentacles move lower down your body. She seems to be really focused on your torso, which is fine by you. Her warm saliva coats your skin as her lips move lower and lower, soon reaching your crotch.
"Oooh... I need to taste more. I need to taste all of you." She says.
"Ah..." You let out a gentle sigh as she begins to lick your member, which is now fully erect.
Amber's tentacles begin to rub your thighs, inching closer and closer to your most sensitive areas as her lips and tongue continue to work. One of her tentacles continues along your inner thighs, while another rubs the base of your shaft and the head of your cock. The third one, the one that was previously coiled around your neck, is now wrapped around your cock and moving up and down with the others.
"How does it feel?" She asks.
"It's hard to put into words..." You say, short on breath and vocabulary.
"Try for me." She says, pausing her licking for a moment.

"It's like... Your tentacles are massaging me everywhere, and your lips and tongue are giving me the best feeling I've ever had in my life."
"Mmmh... That's what I wanted to hear." Amber looks up at you with a satisfied smile, before returning to work.
This time, Amber doesn't hesitate to take your cock in her mouth while her tentacles are still working on it, leading to an almost brain-melting assault of dual sensation.
"Oh, fuck...!" You grunt.
You feel yourself getting close to orgasm, and try to pull away.
"Mmm! Mmm...!" Amber says in protest, grabbing your ass and pulling you back into her.
She begins to suck even harder as she begins moving her tentacles faster along with her mouth. It feels so good that you can't help but stare blankly ahead as you get closer... closer...
"Amber! I can't! It feels too good!" You say.
"Come on, baby... Do it for me... Let it all out..."

With your dead giveaway handed over, even more tentacles appear to massage every inch of your body. The walls of the worm mouth pulse and push against your body as well, with Amber's human body still working away your cock with incredible hunger. She wants you to absolutely break under the force of your orgasm.
You can feel your body explode past the limit as the tentacles push you to your peak and beyond. You're done for, there's no fighting it now.
"Fuck... Fuck!" You groan as you release yourself into her mouth.
You cock continues to erupt over and over as she keeps sucking, not missing a drop. Her mouth finally pulls away, but not to leave you be. Instead, her lips wrap around yours and force you to kiss her as your orgasm continues.
It's not long before your strength gives out and you collapse backwards, though the tentacles are still wrapped around you. You feel like jelly, like you've been put through a five hour fuck session in the space of two minutes.
"Mmmh... That was good. Very good. You want more?" She asks.
You just groan in response.
"I'll take that as a yes." She says with a laugh.

She releases you from her tentacles and crawls on top of your body. You feel the soft, squishy sensation of her body rubbing against yours as she moves up and positions her pussy over your face.
"I need you to return the favor." She pleads, voice aching with desire.
With what little strength you have, you flick your tongue along her pussy. It's just a few teasing taps, but the reaction is instant. Amber moans deeply, her entire body shuddering as she arches her back and presses her hips downward.
You push your tongue out and begin your work in earnest. You lick up and down, side to side, in circles and every which way you can think of as she grinds her hips into your face.
The taste is... Bizarre, to say the least. It's not bad, just very, very odd. Somewhat sweet, but with the sort of flavor tint that comes from acutely tasting the inside of your mouth.
You're clearly doing a good job, as Amber's vocalizations have only become louder and more violent as the pace of your work has increased.
"Oh yes! Yes! Just... Like... That!" She screams.
The wet sounds of your licking and her moaning continue on, as Amber struggles between noisy moaning, deep panting, and ragged cries for more.
"Oh god, oh fuck! Yes! Just... Like... Fuck!"

She continues to scream profanities and religious invocations as you work your tongue on her pussy. The taste is starting to grow on you, and it's not a bad taste to begin with.
You flick your tongue harder and faster, alternating between broad strokes and pushing your tongue just past her lips as she continues to press her pussy against your mouth. She's absolutely desperate for it, but you're determined to try and drive her wild as best you can.
"Oh shit! Ooohh! Don't stop! Please, don't stop!" She cries.
You can feel her pussy beginning to clench and tighten as her orgasm rapidly approaches. You do your best to continue, but she collapses on top of you and smothers your face with her pussy. The feeling of her entire body weight smushed against your face is incredibly arousing, and you can't help but moan into her folds, sending vibrations through her body.
"Fuck! I'm gonna... I'm gonna co-"
Amber's words are cut short by a loud moan, which continues to get louder as you feel her body begin to convulse. Her muscles clench against your head as she presses her pussy into your mouth, and you can't help but breathe through your nose as you feel her pulse and shudder.
"Oh... Oh fuck! Here it... It co- !"

As her climax deepens, you decide to push it further by driving your tongue as deep into her pussy as you can. It's difficult at first with how hard her inner walls are clenching under the force of her orgasm, but her folds soon greedily greet your tongue, instinctively trying to milk it with rhythmic motions.
You feel her body go rigid as she holds her breath, her pussy gripping your tongue as a sense of urgency fills you. You begin to push deeper, faster, and harder, until finally...
"Oh my god! Oh fuck! No! I can't take it! I'm cumming again!" Amber screams as her body ripples with pleasure again, a hot weave of esctasy tearing through her.
You feel her pussy's rhythmic motions begin to quicken as you lick and suck desperately, the taste of her sweet nectar filling your mouth. You redouble your efforts, your strength returning as you work with the intent of pleasuring her as intensely as she did you.
"I... I can't hold o- Ooohhh! Oh god! Fuck! Nooo! Too good! It's too good! Oh my god!"
You feel her entire body shudder as it begins to spasm, her pussy beginning to violently convulse against your mouth with enough force to push you back. You barely manage to keep your head in place as you feel the muscles in her walls rapidly clenching and unclenching around your tongue. You push forward as she lets out a scream, her body shuddering and quaking as you only increase the intensity of your work.

You feel your head begin to swim as the taste of her nectar becomes overwhelming. You reflexively push forward into her folds, driving your tongue into her pussy as deep as you can as you feel it begin to spasm in ecstasy.
"Fuck! I'm... I'm gonna... AHHH!!!!"
You feel her quiver one last time as her folds begin pulsing around your tongue. You can taste the amount of thick, gooey liquid that is being forced out of her as it washes over your tongue and into your mouth. You pull back, swallowing the sweet liquid and letting out a moan as you feel it hit your stomach.
"Fuck! I'm cumming! I'm...!" You barely manage to pull your head out of the way in time as a thick, clear liquid begins erupting from her pussy. Your quick dodge has left you safe, so you resolve to just gently massage her hips with your hands as she rides out her orgasm. This proves to have the opposite effect, as the strength of her climax only increases from your ministrations, her pussy gushing and pulsing even more violently now that you're working the meat of her hips like dough.
"Oh my...! Oh my fucking god! I can't... It's so good! I'm going to... AAAAHHH!!!!"

You continue working her hips, gently kneading them as the thick liquid begins hitting your chest. You're covered in the stuff, and you can feel it beginning to drip down your body as her orgasm renews itself. You're not too stressed about it though, seeing as you're already slathered with worm mucus.
You gently press your hands into her hips as she's only pulled deeper into a vortex of carnal bliss. Her body continues to shudder as you work her hips, the inside of her pulsating violently as she's hit by another wave of pleasure. You can hear her coo and moan as you work the inside of her hips, but the sound is soon replaced by much stronger orgasmic moans.
"Oh my fucking... I'm going to... Not again... Please... Oh fu-Ooohhh!"
You feel her pussy begin to convulse yet again as it forces out more of the thick liquid. You can feel her quivering as you massage the inside of her hips, and the liquid bursts out onto the floor, coating a few bystanding tentacles. You smile, knowing that she's finally finished.
"Oh... My god... That was a lot..." She says, panting heavily.
You pull yourself up over her body, looking down into her eyes as you wipe some of the liquid from her cheek with your thumb.

"I don't... don't think I've... ever felt this good... ever had so many..." Amber is struggling to bring words together correctly, her brain absolutely melted by the force of the afterglow.
"That was pretty intense," you agree, "I'm glad you liked it."
"Mmmm... Come here... Let me hold you... Just for a little while..."
You nod, leaning in to rest your head on her chest as she wraps her arms around you. You can hear her heart beating slowly, the sound of it almost melodic.
"Just close your eyes... Relax..."
Amber's hands start to wander again as she pulls your against her chest, planting your head between her breasts. She lets out a few soft moans as she massages your back, and some of her tentacles return to work on gently caressing your body as well. Her body is still shaking slightly, her heart beating quickly.
"This is right where you belong... Safe and warm. Pressed up against me... Wrapped up in my love..." Amber purrs as her hands continue to gently squeeze your back, sliding to your arms as she keeps massaging you. Her tongue joins the work as well, rubbing against the back of your neck while her tentacles softly squish against your legs.

You smile as you listen to her heart slowly begin to calm down. She's enjoying this immensely. Her hands slide up to your head, and she gently starts to pull you up.
"Kiss me..." She says softly.
You lean in, planting a kiss on her lips as she smiles.
"Mmmm... You are such a sweet boy..."
Another tentacle joins the others as it wraps around your waist, pulling you in tightly as you feel her hot breath on your face. Her tongue darts back up, rubbing against your lips as she gives a quiet moan. You open your mouth, letting her long tongue enter as her hands start to rub your chest.
You let out a quiet moan of your own as her hands move lower down on your body, rubbing against your manhood gently. She gives another moan as she starts to rub harder, her tongue moving faster in your mouth as you push back with your own. Her hands grip you tightly, and you can feel yourself starting to blush.
Amber breaks the kiss with a smile, looking into your eyes as she lets out a moan.
"Take me..."

Amber pulls you against her chest again, wrapping her arms around you tightly and rubbing your back.
"I want you to take me..." She whispers into your ear. "Please... I need you... I want you... Let me fully wrap you in my love... Let me feel every part of you..."
You nod eagerly, sliding your arms under her as you start to massage her back. You exhale contentedly as you curl your fingers against her shoulder blades, and she giggles softly.
"You're so cute... I'm glad you were the one they gave me... I'll take such good care of you..."
Amber lifts her head, kissing you softly on the lips as she wraps her arms around your shoulders. Her hands slide down your arms, grabbing your hands and intertwining your fingers together. She squeezes them gently, rubbing her cheek against yours as she looks into your eyes.
"I love you... So much... You're perfect... Just like this..."
Amber pulls your arms forward, putting your palms against her breasts. You blush as she smiles, gently caressing her breasts with your hands as she moans softly.

"Do it like this... Like I'm the only girl in the world... The only one who matters... The only one who could ever love you... The only one who could make you feel good... You don't need to think about anything else... I'm here for you..."
She wraps her arms around your shoulders, pressing her body against yours as she kisses you on the lips. You close your eyes, leaning into her kiss as your hands continue to gently caress her breasts. She lets out a quiet moan, and you can feel her tentacles squeezing and coiling around your legs.
Amber lifts her head, kissing you on the cheek as she slides her arms around your waist. She nibbles on your ear, gently moaning into it as she slides her hands down your stomach. She takes a deep breath, kissing down your neck as she gently slides her hands against your inner thighs.
You take a deep breath, and she lifts her head to look into your eyes.
"I'll take care of you... Whenever you need it... Whenever you want it... I'll be here for you... You're mine... I'm yours... All night long..."
She smiles, kissing you on the cheek. She brings her arms back up to your shoulders as she squeezes your body against her own. You can feel your dick pressing against her lower stomach, and she can too. It pulses with need, pushing against the soft skin of her tummy. Amber lets out a deep moan at the sensation, quivering slightly.

"Do it... Love me... Need me... I'm yours..."
Amber slides her arms around your back, gently lifting herself up and pressing her body against yours with force. Her tentacles slide up around your legs and around your waist, like a pair of legs keeping you bound to her. She kisses you on the neck, working her mouth up to your ear as she gently sucks on it once more.
"I want you... I need you... You're mine..." she whispers.
You blush heavily, feeling her hot breath against your cheek. She gently nibbles on your earlobe, making a loud squelching sound as she pushes her chest into yours. You let out a quiet moan, and she smiles as she pulls her head back to look at you.
Amber's heated breath cascades across your face as she stares deep into your eyes, panting and moaning to herself as she speaks. "Ooohhh... This is how it's meant to be. Nothing else, except the sensation of a human man in my grip. It feels so good... So right... I want to feel like this for the rest of my life..."
You smile, nodding your head. You lean in to kiss her on the cheek, but she stops you. "No... Please... Don't..." You quickly pull your head back in an apologetic manner, but she shakes her head. "I want to feel that... Your lips against my skin... It's so hot..."

You lean in once more, softly pressing your lips against her cheek as she squeezes you tightly. She lets out a long, pleasured sigh as she closes her eyes. You slowly slide your lips from her cheek down to her neck, softly kissing every part of it as she holds you close.
"You're so... So beautiful..." you whisper.
Amber smiles as she looks at you, closing her eyes and gently biting her lip. She lifts her head back up and stares at the ceiling as if in deep thought. You kiss her neck a few more times, before running your tongue along her collarbone in broad strokes.
"Nngh... You're too good to me..." she whispers.
With a slight smile, you shift your mouth to the side of her neck, and start to gently suck on it. Amber's reacts in an instant, squeezing you against her with force as she lets out a deep moan.
"Oh... Oh, baby..." she whispers.
You continue to suck on her neck, and she continues to react with loud moans, gasps and sighs of pleasure. She starts to run her hands through your hair and over your back. She pulls you against her harder as you continue to suck, making loud pleasured panting noises. You wrap your arms around her, and gently start to rub her back as you continue to kiss and lick her neck.
"Oh... Yes... Yes! Just like that! Don't stop!"

You continue to kiss her neck, and she continues to moan loudly. She starts to grind her body into yours, and you feel something hard and slimy poking your side. You pause for a moment, and she quickly reacts.
"No! Don't you dare stop! Keep going! Please!"
You nod, and continue to kiss her neck. You slowly run your hands down her sides, and gently start to press your fingers into her slimy skin. She reacts by letting out a loud moan and squeezing you against her side. You slide your hands back up, and gently start to rub the sides of her breasts with your hands as you continue to kiss and suck on her neck.
"Mmmm... Yes... That feels so good..."
You gently cup her breasts with your hands and start to squeeze them, as she lets out a loud moan in response. You slowly move your hands around her breasts in circular motions, occasionally tweaking her nipples between your fingers. She reacts with loud moans and gasps of pleasure, holding you tightly against her.
"Oh... Oh! Baby! I'm... I'm about to...!"

The tentacles holding onto your legs begin to pulse and throb as they squeeze against you. Amber forces your hands off her breasts onto her sides as she smushes her entire torso against you as tightly as she can, tentacles tightening to keep you tied together as she experiences a full-body orgasm. You run your hands along her back in smooth massaging motions as her fingers curl into the skin around your spine. Amber gasps, moans, and cries out with pleasure as she savors the feeling of completely absorbing you in her touch.
"I can't! I can't! I'm cumming! It's feels so good! I'm cumming!"
Amber's body pulses and writhes against yours as she holds you tightly against her. You feel something more of her goo rubbing off onto your skin, and the feeling of her tentacles writhing and throbbing around your legs gets stronger as the pleasure washes over you. You close your eyes, and just enjoy the feeling of her pleasuring your entire body with her tentacles and her body.
"Oh... Oh! Yes! I can feel you! You're so close! You're at the middle of it all...! At the center of my love!" She cries out as her hands clamp onto your skull and pull you against her shoulder. You feel the sticky skin of her shoulder rub against your face, and you open your mouth to let out a muffled cry as you reach your own orgasm. You release inside her tight embrace, your semen splattering against her skin and seeping into her body.
"Oh! I can feel it! I can feel it! Give me your seed!"

You erupt again, releasing more of your seed onto her skin. You feel her skin absorbing it, and know that she's taking in everything you have to give her. She holds you tightly against her, and you feel her tentacles throb one last time as they go slack and release you.
Amber's worm body shifts so that you can lie against her, completely limp as she cushions you with her humanoid body. She's also quite spent from the force of her orgasm, and for some time the only sound between the two of you is heavy breathing and groaning as you try to stabilize your bodies and brains from their near-dissolved state of pleasure.
"That... That was... that was..."
"Fantastic?" You offer.
"More than fantastic. It was... Oh! I can't find the words. I've never felt something so good in all my life. Thank you, human."
You smile with satisfaction, and she shifts herself into a more comfortable position so that you can lie against her naked body.
"Just doing my job," you joke.

"Oooh... You're very good at it. I haven't even felt all of you yet... Not the best part..." She says with a hungry tone to her voice.
"I'm yours for the taking."
You close your eyes, and feel her tentacles slowly start to caress every part of your body. One of the larger ones wraps around your head softly, and she uses it to pull you into a deep kiss. You feel several more wind around your arms and legs, working their way towards your waist as Amber's hands rub the sides of your head.
"Ooohh... I need you... So badly... I'm addicted. I can't help myself. You just feel so good... Taste so good..." You can hear the weight of her breath as she massages your scalp, running her fingers in gentle circles around your temples.
Amber's tentacles snake up to your waist and past it, what feels like dozens of them massaging your stomach and back.
"I'll take care of you with everything I have. Just let me keep you here... Safe and warm in my love... Where nothing else matters..."

You open your eyes to find Amber staring back with a look of pure and gentle love. She's so passionate, so aroused, that it's infectious. Her ministrations cover every inch of your body, and it's like heaven on your skin. You've always known that you were attractive by human standards, but with her... It's like she's worshipping you. You never knew there could be someone so deeply infatuated with you.
"Please... Just let me love you like this... All night long... Give yourself to me... So I can love you... Right here in the middle of my body... So I can be your protective shell..."
You find yourself nodding vigorously, and her tentacles begin to work over your body with renewed vigor.
"You're so good to me... I'll give you everything... All of my love... Just give me a bit of yours... Be mine... Just for tonight..."
You nod, and she smiles.
"Thank you..."
She moves her face towards yours, and you close your eyes as your lips meet. Her lips are surprisingly soft, and you can feel a faint sucking pressure as they gently embrace yours. Amber pushes her mouth against you, parting your lips with her long tongue. You let out a moan as you feel it massage your own.

She wraps her arms around your shoulders, pulling you deeper into the kiss. Her tongue swirls around yours as you feel her inhale through her mouth, and then blow the air back into your lungs.
You can feel all of her weight on top of you, and her tentacles gently coil around your body. The one at your side starts to massage your hip and side, while another one cradles your head.
Amber's tongue is still insanely lengthy and equally nimble, easily winding around your own so she can suck on it while she explores the rest of your mouth. It's practically a tentacle of its own at this point, guided by her lust and hunger for your body.
You feel several of her tentacles shift their grip as they massage your lower body, so that your hips are completely under her control. A single tentacle crosses the deadzone of attention around your crotch to grasp the base of your cock, ensuring that it's perpendicular to your body.
You moan into her mouth as she sucks on your tongue, before she slowly pulls out of the kiss. She tenderly bites your lower lip as she pulls away, staring at you with a loving gaze.
"You're perfect..."

She smiles and kisses you on the forehead, as her tentacles slowly guide your hips forward. It's not long before the tip of your dick comes into contact with her labia, which is just as gooey and sticky as the rest of her body, if not more so. It pulses with heat and desire, desperate to engulf your length. Amber lets out a long moan as her tentacles continue to ease you forward, the head of your dick pressing past her entrance almost effortlessly.
"Oh! Yes! There it is! There you are... So good... So big... So... Mmmmh! Perfect!"
Your body twitches in Amber's grip as her tentacles pull your hips forward, sliding your dick inside her slippery, pulsating pussy. You figured maintaining another erection at this point would be almost impossible, but once Amber draws you in deep, the heat, the wetness, and the gooeyness of her insides make you harder than ever.
"Ohhhhh... Yes... Your cock is perfect... I've never felt anything so right inside me..."
Amber's tentacles work your body with ease, slowly sliding you in and out of her. The tip of your dick goes so deep inside her that you can feel it pressing up against her gooey womb. Her tentacles work independently of her own hands, which caress your chest and stomach, then move up to your face, stroking your cheeks and stroking your lips.

"Open your mouth..."
You do as she says, and she plants her lips on yours, kissing you deeply and passionately. Her tongue slides into your mouth with ease, quickly embracing your own as it curls around it again. She's got plenty of tongue left to spare though, enough to keep your tongue bound inside her sucking motions as she slides the rest around inside your cheeks and across your gums. Amber wants to taste every single part of you, as much as she can.
"Oh... Oh yes! Your mouth is so hot...! I can feel the heat pouring out!"
Her tentacles continue to work your body, stroking you up and down as they keep thrusting you in and out of her. You're not sure if it's because of the heat she's generating, or the moisture, or a combination of both, but your whole lower body is beginning to get sticky with her juices.
The walls of her worm body begin to pulse and close in as you feel Amber sinking downwards with you in her grip. She's drawing you even deeper into both her bodies, all the while still coaxing more pleasure out of you as she bathes your skin in her slimy juices.
"I want you... Deeper in me..."
The sinking feeling stops as the fleshy walls around you have finished closing in to a very intimate distance. You're not sure how deep inside her body you are, but you don't really have the time to think about it as Amber's tentacles begin guiding your hips again, this time at a stronger and deeper pace.
"You're so delicious... I want more..."

She's got you right where she wants you now, and she's not going to let go of you so easily. Her tentacles start caressing your back and shoulders, while her lower body squeezes you tightly in a rhythmic motion. Her upper body is completely focused on you, stroking your hair and face with her hands as she locks lips with you repeatedly.
Her fluids are all over both of your bodies now, but that doesn't stop her from licking them up anywhere she can find them across your skin. The embrace of her tongue doesn't clean the fluids away though, it only thickens them and adds more heat. Her tentacles are causing a similar process, and before long your entire body is drenched in Amber's thick, sticky goo. It's a lubricant that's efficient and pleasurable beyond description, compounding your state of bliss as even more tentacles enter the fray.
There's not a single spot on your body that isn't being smothered with Amber's attention, but that's not enough. Her upper body pulls you even deeper, until you're pinned against one of the pulsing walls. It throbs in time with her ragged breathing and the pulsing of her tentacles, running like an auditory undercurrent to the wet squishing sounds that drown out even Amber's own moaning.
"I'm... Going to... I'm going to..."
You can't even get the words out, and you don't need to as she already knows what you're saying. She's ready to climax as well, and with one last push her entire body clenches up in an ecstatic seizure that has all her tentacles constricting you tightly.

"I'm cumming! Don't move!"
Despite her demands, your orgasm is so intense that you can't help but thrash in her embrace. This doesn't seem to harm Amber though, in fact it appears to be deepening her climax as you rub against her inside and outsides with incredible force.
Your dick finally gives out, erupting inside her with more force than you ever thought possible. Her tentacles and insides squeeze and milk you with almost crushing force as Amber screams with pleasure, determined to drain you to the bone.
"Oh! Oh! I can feel it! I can feel your seed pouring into me! I can feel every single drop!"
You can't even answer her, barely even able to hear her over the deafening wet noises that seem to consume everything. You continue to thrash and cry out under the sheer force of the orgasm that Amber seems to be continually drawing out of you, which only drives her further in turn. The walls of her worm body start to draw even closer and tighter as she loses all self-control.
"Don't stop! Don't stop! It's so good! It's too good!" Amber cries out.
The walls of her worm body start to contract and crush the air out of you, but it's in such an erotic way that it only serves to drive you further into ecstasy. You feel like you're drowning in a pool of her juices and slime, but drowning doesn't even begin to describe how good it feels.
"Oh! I can feel it... I can feel your pulse through every inch of your skin... I can taste how good you feel..."

You're about to suffocate, but Amber seems to notice. One of her tentacles that's wrapped around your head peels back, rearing up and diving into your mouth. It plunges into your throat, and it feels like you might choke on it, before your entire body is overwhelmed with a calming sensation. It's presence in your mouth becomes comfortable, and the feeling of suffocation from the pressure of her embrace disappears completely.
"I have to take you deeper... Take you further..." Amber pants as you feel her tentacles pulse and wriggle along your body with renewed vigor.
You can feel her pulsating and throbbing around you, squeezing and massaging you in the tightest of embraces. You feel your body being pushed to its very limits, but it's not enough. It will never be enough. You need more. She needs everything.
You grab her tentacle in your mouth, and begin to suck on it as hard as you can. She moans in ecstasy, and you feel her tentacle pulse and writhe around your mouth. You groan as it forces its way down your throat, but you don't fight it. You push your body to the limits, taking everything she has to give.
You can feel her tentacles pulsating in your mouth, on your body, and squishing against you. Amber's hands on your hips manage to stand out in the churning chaos of her sloppy embrace, but just barely. She doesn't even have to work to keep herself tightly pressed against you anymore, since the walls of her worm body are almost suction-tight around the two of you. It only acts another source of steady pressure and pleasure, deepening the sensations of everything else. It's a struggle to even focus on the sensations of her sliding you in and out of her anymore, since every single inch of your body feels the same way.

You feel her pulse, and you can't tell where she ends and you begin.
"I'm going to... Going to..." She pants.
You can feel her pulsating faster now. Her entire body is beginning to tighten up, pulsing in waves, like a beating heart. You can feel the same heartbeat in every inch of your body, and you know she's close. You're close. You need release. She has to have it. She needs it.
You push your body to the limit, straining against the push and pull of her tentacles to try and thrust in and out of her. She begins to moan louder, and louder still. You begin to moan as well, the sound reverberating against the tentacle in your mouth, which feels like a squishy tongue filling your throat. You moan in unison with her, creating a symphony of lust and passion.
"I'm... Going to..." She pants.
You can feel her tightening around you, pulsating in a faster and faster beat. You match her, thrust for thrust, push for push, squirm for squirm. You fold first, but she follows in short order once a fresh wave of your hot cum fills her depths.
"Yes! Yes! Pour it into me! Fill me with every last drop of your love! Please! Please! Oh! Fuck!"
Her tentacles pulsate in spasms, throbbing against your body, filling the room with a cacophony of squishing and moaning. Her gooey mass presses against you from every direction as it attempts to push you as far into her as possible.

You're helpless but to moan against the tentacle she has in your mouth, an action which she seems to derive extreme pleasure from as you reflexively suck on it.
"So good... Please... Keep going... Don't stop! I'm... I'm...!" Amber tries to finish her sentence, but every single part of her body buzzes with raw pleasure as she completely collapses under the strength of another crushing orgasm.
You continue to thrust into her, even though she's lost all strength. You don't stop, even as your own orgasm begins to fade. You can feel yourself getting close again.
Amber's tentacles pulse against you in waves, massaging every inch of your body with her gooey essence. You can feel it leaking out around you, but you don't care. You continue to thrust, until your second orgasm is just moments away. With her so deeply connected to you, Amber can feel it. She lets out a gasp as she realizes you're about to cum again, her face splitting into a smile of pure joy.
"Oh please! Do it again! Keep going! I want to feel every last bit of you inside of me!"
It's all the motivation you need. You plunge your dick into her with everything you have, and that does it. You let out a heavy moan against the tentacle in your mouth as your dick begins erupting inside her, filling her with wave after wave of your love.
"Yes! Yes! Oh god, yes! I can feel it filling me! Oh my god! I can feel it! Don't stop! Please, don't stop! Give me all of it!" Amber screams out as her body fills with a strong orgasm of her own.

Her worm body walls crush the two of you against each other in waves as they pulse and spasm in time with Amber's moaning and cries of encouragement. Her tentacles work across every single spot of your skin at a pace that can only be described as manic. You can't even think straight as you and her both reach the height of your ecstasy.
You go completely limp in her embrace, utterly exhausted. You've never felt so much pleasure before in your life. You don't even have the energy to pull out, and instead just let your dick rest deep within her as you both try to catch your breath. Amber's tentacles seem to weaken slightly as her worm body walls finally retreat back to a distance that gives you two some breathing room. With a slimy slithering noise, the tentacle in your mouth finally retreats back to your neck, and you gasp for air as it pops out of your mouth.
Amber softly cuddles up against you as she pants heavily, trying to recover some of her energy after what you've just been through. Her tentacles keep your collapsed body snug against her as they slowly drift across your skin in soothing motions.
"Oooh... That was incredible. I've never brought anyone this deep... Never felt so good... I could really get used to this..." she says in a groggy tone.
You feel her tentacles squirming around you as they slowly coax you into a deeper state of relaxation. Her worm body starts to suck you in deeper with her, and you barely even have the energy to care. You just let yourself be taken wherever Amber wants you to go.

"Just rest... It's over now... Just rest... I'll take care of you..."
Amber's tentacles begin to wrap around your body in a tight embrace, pulling you into her gooey depths. As the tentacles pull you in deeper, you start to lose feeling in your body thanks to the deep massaging action of her embrace. The strange pink glow of her insides starts to fade, bringing the two of you into an intimate darkness.
"Just... Just rest... You did so well... You were perfect... Now rest... I'll keep you safe and warm with me while you sleep... Right here in my love..." She whispers as her tentacles and body cover you like a warm and squishy blanket.
You feel the tentacles coil around your body and gently squeeze you, and you can't help but sigh. You try and speak up, but Amber silences you with a gentle finger.
"Shhh... Just rest... Just relax..." She whispers as her tentacles begin to caress your face and head in a loving manner, as if trying to comfort you.
The massaging and caressing of your face soon lulls you into a deep sleep, and the last thing you remember is the smile on her face as the tentacles wrap around your face in a loving embrace. You feel a gentle kiss on your forehead, before finally drifting to sleep.

Pub: 05 Oct 2020 06:47 UTC
Views: 263