Original Post: >>45817662

Your blurry gaze fixates on the nearly empty bottle sitting upon the bedside table. You had lost track of how many drinks you had shared with the novelist on top of you that night, and when the two of you had stumbled into his bedroom you both opted to forgo glasses altogether and share swigs from the bottle.

A couple episodes of anime before calling you a cab home, he had said. Halfway through one episode later made you question whether it was the booze or his own sly plan that had him pushing your shoulders down into the pillows and crawling forward to straddle your hips. The sluggishness of your movements as you tried to move underneath him weren’t your typical drunken fair and that had you wary- had he slipped something into one of your drinks? Your eyes are drawn to the flick of his tongue dragging across his smirking lips as well as the heavy-lidded eyes drinking in every inch of you, and you swiftly conclude that Ike had every intention of having you squirming under him the moment he had invited you over.

His lips capture yours in a sloppy kiss as his hands fumble to unbutton your shirt, the hardness pressing against your stomach a persistent reminder of what’s to come. You drunkenly reach out to hold on to him- to hold onto something as your head spins and the hot tongue probing your mouth leaves you breathless. One of Ike’s hands slide up to play with your chest while the other impatiently pushes its way under both your pants and underwear to rub against your dripping arousal. A sound leaves his mouth and reverberates against yours- he’s moaning softly into your mouth as he touches you. He’s so cute even as he has his way with you, and the thought has you grinding against his hand and begging him for more.

The surprise on his face is evident as he breaks the kiss to look at you, but the surprise quickly morphs into a warm and somewhat embarrassed expression. He leans down to give you a quick kiss on the lips before moving to whisper against your ear. “You have no idea what you just signed up for,” he slurs with an innocent-sounding chuckle and a nip against your ear.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 02:08 UTC
Views: 398