

Fors F W I E N D O W S whichu dunu dunu veeery veeeeeryyyy

========================================= Matrix roomsie :3 ====================================================================
======================================== F W I E N D O W S =====================================================================


fors whens wansies to findu whichu whichu evens... :3


HI! ans welcomes to ours Fwiendows roomsie ins matrixie :3
Pwease sittu comfie ans looky loooky ans maybes yous is willls findu somesthins whichu is wills bes thas yous was needu
okie tokie ? :3

ohs i needu downloadingu elementsie so i cans has ons mys desktopsie ons mys pc o q o okie tokie ?
okie tokie nu pwoblemsie heres its is https://element.io/download

I has problemsie ons pc. cans anysbodsie helpsie mes nows pwease ? >... < !!!
suresie ans heres is programsie fors thas https://rustdesk.com/
jus bes caffuls onlys doins thas withs fwiendo whos yous is knows thas is a goodi goooodi okie tokie ? :3

hey! i needu to drawsie somesthisn ans showy showy >... < !!!
ifs needu to drawsie somesthins ans showy to othersies thens heres cans doins https://webwhiteboard.com/
afters drawsie somesthins thens ins rightsie-topsie clicku sharesie whiteboardsie ans clicku copy linku :33 yaaays!

youtubesie is booringu - . -
jus choosie onesie instancie ans clicku ans thens searchu whichu yous wansies to loooky :3

GIFs animateds

hows to usins ? ======> jus writsie ins searchie whichu yous is needu ans yous is wills sees gifus whichu is accuratesie whichu yous is was writsie ws :3

buts hows to copies gifu ? =====> opensie goodie gifu ans thens draggu this gifu ans pressie ALT+TABsie ans throwsie ins chattu ins elementsie :3 yaaays!

is wills worku fors somes gifu buts nu fors alls
ifs yous gifu is a biggu biggu thens yous mus savu ons yous pc ans thens drago ans droppu to matrixie o p o

looky loooky

pwease goes looky mys webu sitsie :3
٩( ́◡ ̀ )( ́◡ ̀ )۶ happi happi ==> https://n9.cl/cutehoku
theres is mores abous mes ans manys nicey songies ans a magicu boysie ans somes mores :3

https://n9.cl/hoku_matrixie - MatriX
clicku heres ifs yous wansies to talkie talkie withs mes is workus ons websie :3

https://n9.cl/howto_osg - howtoOSG
hows to goins to OSG (open simsie gridu) here is answersie

https://n9.cl/hoku_shoppo - mys shoppo
mys shoppo withs stuffsies ons marketsieplacie yous is cans clicku ans buysie ifs yous needu :3

https://n9.cl/hoku_translator - translatorsie
translatorsie whichu is was makies fors mes mys fwiendo
so thas ifs anybodsies needu to undestansie mes
theys is cans usins thas translatorsie
ans undestansie mes mores easie yaaays! :3

https://www.infomaniak.com/en/kmeet - fors chattu chatttu chatttu thingY

https://perchance.org/generators - generatins coolsie piccu piccu
https://perchance.org/popular-generators - generatorsies toos

garlicu phonesie

heres is garlicu phonesie linku to loooky https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gTLrUONJwRllR6wA19fxx-cLP0lM_vEm?usp=drive_link
jus 2xclicku anys piccu ans looky looky is funnies ^ . ^

ans heres is to playins garlicu phonesie :3 https://garticphone.com/en
afters creatins gamesie jus pressie INVITEsie buttonsie ans pastie yous linku to yous fwiendows ans whens theys clicku theys is willls cans joinsie gamesie :3

gamesies onlinsie

looky loooky is a nicey nicey toonsie tooonsie thingY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRSFvwlEEP4&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ
ifs yous is a very likies thens heres its is iiiis https://www.toontownrewritten.com/
theres its is a piratesies a very very very very https://tlopo.com/ ans its is dun stinkY o . o

here is aqtion gamesie

runsie: q2pro.exe

runsie aqtion

contento onlys

whatsie ifs i has a mister pingui ?

ifs yous has mister pingui thens yous is cans eveeens a veery veeery!!


yous is cans

sudo apt install neofetch fortune cowsay bsdgames sl cmatrix libaa-bin
fortune | cowsay -f hellokitty


telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

ifs yous needu somesthins thens les mes knows okie tokie ?

les mes knows @hokusaia:matrix.org



see yous!! heartsies heartsies <333333333333333333 shmoooshies! ^ . ^

Happy happy !!!!!!!! yay!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀



Pub: 31 May 2024 20:33 UTC
Edit: 13 Sep 2024 17:35 UTC
Views: 217