Baloney Pony's Guide to Superior Creation Club and Beyond Skyrim Alternatives

Well it looks like Todd has found a way to release Skyrim again. The fancy new Anniversary Edition comes with dozens of new DLCs for only a $20 upgrade from your last Skyrim version (Special Edition). Many people are very hyped about both this recent release with the Anniversary Edition and the potential future releases from Beyond Skyrim creating a reddit hype train that will crash and burn with legendary disappointment. So much in the same vain as my Armor and Weapons guide I am here to list all the currently available best alternatives.

Unlike my previous guides I am going to list each of the releases and give a number of alternatives to each mod. There will be a number of repeats since many of the mods I will be listing are compilations of a number of items. One or two of these official releases might be worth installing and if I feel it is worth an install I will make note of it in my little write up.

Changelog 5.18.22

  • Added link to my mods and ports page
  • Added new Shadow of Morrowind link

Creation Club Alternatives

Todd's wild ride trying to pay modders for fixing his game continues. This time he's just trying to give you everything he contracted for $20. But the question is whether all his new plugins are worth it over the decade of Skyrim mods we have seen over the years? The answer is no, not really. A couple of these quest focuses creations are fine but they aren't worth $20.

Arcane Accessories

Arcane Accessories adds a handful of spells from previous Elder Scrolls games. There are a million spell packs for Skyrim to varying degrees of quality but the ones I use are listed here:

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim:
A big pack with a ton of new spells to play around with

Arcanum - A New Age of Magic:
Another big pack but this time with a ton of new boss fights and overpowered spells to mess around with

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Arcane Archer Pack

Arcane Archer Pack adds a handful of new arrows to the game. There's probably more than I use that adds neat arrows like this but I'm only going to list the ones I use.

Archery Gameplay Overhaul:
Overhauls archery in the game and adds enchanted rings to create spell arrows!

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.


Chrysamere adds a barebones questline to gain the Paladin's Blade from Morrowind. There are a million versions of this artifact out there, but here's my favorite.

Tamrielic Lore Chrysamere:
Adds a small quest where you fight a bunch of enemies and a dragon to gain the sword itself.

Divine Crusader

The Divine Crusader's armor is back in Skyrim and it's been stolen by bandits... This creation is pathetic and their way of fixing the lore is a joke. There is a nice fix for this creation called Knight of the North but honestly just use one of these alternatives.

Pelinal Follower:
Who needs the crusader's relics when you can have him slay elves for you. Unless you are an elf in which case you are scum and he will not follow you.

The Breton Paladin:
Embark on a quest inspired by the Knights of the Nine DLC to learn about Breton lore (Everyone's favorite lore). I really like the puzzles in this one and the model itself looks great. Rather than using the handful of trash Pelinal armor mods just use this one instead!

The Doom Drum:
Okay but what if Pelinal's "Hand of Killing Light" was actually Megaman's blaster? Pretty cool right? Immersive! Free!

Plague of the Dead

Hunt Negromancers and get zomboid spellbooks. This quest sucks and is the perfect example of the kind of garbage the Creation Club has produced over the last 5 years. There's a bunch of zombie mods out there but here's what I personally use.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Death Consumes all:
Okay so I would never use this on my regular playthrough, HOWEVER, Anbeegod is a great writer and if you want a mod that gives you a Zombie Apocalypse this is the place to go. Writing is good, quest is okay. Just don't use this on a save you intend to use for a while since it has been known to break things often.

Ruin's Edge

Ah, the funny man's bow, one of the many Sheogorath artifacts that the Creation Club loves to churn out. It's shit and was so shit in fact that one modder took it upon himself to make a superior version.

Ruin's Edge:
HeirOfTheSeptims is a man of pure salt and rage against the Creation Club. His mods will show up a lot here as they have in previous lists of mine because he makes good mods.

Staff of Sheogorath

Now we go the funny man's staff... even though in Oblivion they said that if you wield the funny man's staff you'll become him. It's shit and someone remade it but better.

THE Staff of Sheogorath:
HeirOfTheSeptims remade the staff but now you rent it from the funnyman instead of outright wielding it. Far more respectful for an artifact of such note!

Stendarr's Hammer

So they took the joke item from Morrowind but then realized they had to make it usable because people were paying money for it. Maybe this could have been something cute for them to offer people for free but now it's just an embarrassment.

Morrowloot Ultimate:
Trainwiz actually recreated this artifact years ago and gave it an enchantment closer to the one in Morrowind so you can't effectively use it. Ya know because it's the weapon of a GOD so you have to use GOD mode to use it. Morrowloot will show up a couple of times here because it adds a lot of these items the Creation Club covered so you should probably grab it.

Survival Mode

The swan song to Chesko's modding career. Survival mode it's actually that bad but it's anonymous creator Chesko actually made something better and free.

This is another mod I don't personally use because it likes to bloat up save files. Still Frostfall is a great mod that makes the environment of Skyrim feel like a frozen hell at the edge of the world.

Last Seed:
Last Seed is the actual swan song of Chesko that was completed by fans to create the best needs mod out there. It's bloated too like Frostfall but if you want survival mods this is probably the best option

Dwarven Armored Mudcrab

They made an April fools day joke about this one years before the Creation Club was a thing... It's kinda pathetic that they went through with this.

Mudcrab Follower:
What if you could have a cute little mudcrab follower for free and with his only little sack? Look at this little baby boy!

Lord's Mail

So they took the Lord's Mail from Morrowind and gave it a coat of paint? And then a crappy quest to go alongside it? Does bethesda remember these are the artifacts of Demigod's? Whatever here's the best alternative I know of.

Lord's Mail/Morrowloot:
Morrowloot adds this artifact but you might not like the model it uses. This will swap those models. Have fun!

Adventurer's Backpack

So this one is actually kinda neat but don't spend $20 for this.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.


A companion to survival mode that they bundle separately from Survival Mode itself. It's shit and there's better camping mods that even work with survival mode.

If you need a camping mod this is the best one out there. You can design your own little camps and explore new perk trees.

Basil's Caravan Homes:
Here's some vastly superior camps already pre-made outside of a number of the major holds in Skyrim. They were made by a /tesg/ regular many years ago and hold up amazingly well. Oh also I maintain this mod so there's that.


Oh sure he's cute now but he'd eat you if he got hungry enough.

Morrowind Creatures:
Here's some better looking nix hounds and a guar mount too! Check out the booty on that kagouti!


So this one actually breaks if you have a non-vanilla character because the shadow version of yourself wasn't expecting the player to use mods...

Artifacts of Skyrim:
This mod adds a TON of new artifacts courtesy of HeirOftheSeptims. Shadowrend is one of them. I don't even know how it integrates the sword and I don't care because I know it's better than what Bethesda put out judging from the many other locations and artifacts I have discovered!

Tundra Homestead

Elianora is from a made up country Russia and Japan use as a fish laundering scheme called "Finland". Her mods are usually alright but this is just kinda mediocre as far as her mods are usually concerned.

Half-Moon Cottage:
A sweet little cottage for a person looking for a more traditional homestead. ak0d does a great job making house mods and I will always shill for him!


Another house by Elianora but this time it's a small wizard tower. Wait a second

Halamshiral - Mage Tower:
That Finnish bitch already did this exact mod years ago! I'm not going to port this one but I doubt it would take much effort.

Nordic Jewelry

Some neat little pieces of jewelry that Bethesda tried to charge money for.

Immersive Jewelry:
A big Jewelry overhaul that merges a bunch of jewelry mods together and changes a lot. Not everyone's cup of tea but I really enjoy this one.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Pets of Skyrim

While it's kinda cute this isn't worth $20. Especially since none of these little idiots can do anything.

Pets of Skyrim:
Adds a bunch of new animals as pets in Skyrim. And for FREE! I feel like I'm having a stroke with some of these mods.

Rare Curios

It's a bunch of alchemy ingredients that Khajiit sell you. I think it's free now but who cares just use Cira's version.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Bosmer Cuisine:
Bonus round! Now the leaf eaters have their own goods!

Bone Wolf

Ya like bones? I like bones. This one isn't too bad and he's kinda cute even. But we can do better than this.

Garm the Husky:
Okay so this one is only technically an undead dog. Garm is an amazing follower though and I think I use him on every playthrough of this game I do.

Pets of Skyrim:
Adds a bunch of new animals as pets in Skyrim. And for FREE! I feel like I'm having a stroke with some of these mods.

Staff of Hasedoki

I've never even used this one before. Never done the quest or anything. This shit isn't worth money bro just get anything else.

Artifacts of Skyrim:
This mod adds a TON of new artifacts courtesy of HeirOftheSeptims. It's a platter of new items to collect and find all for free!

Wild Horses

Couldn't drag me away ~! This mod is a weird as shit and adds a quest to get your own horse. But instead of all that noise let me just give you something better.

Simple Horses:
Press H, Recieve Horse.

I'm gonna go way more into this mod later on but it does have a Unicorn mount and it is pretty sweet.

Civil War Champions

So with this one you can become a regular poster on the thread with an Imperial waifu. These Armors look fine but who cares? This isn't worth the money even with the discount.

Novos Legion:
An edit of New Legion that has some nice looking Imperial armor with gold encrusted lining.

Imperial Tribune Armor:
Some more really nice looking armor for Imperials.

Talos Housecarl:
Some true nord armor for a true nord! This version also comes with some bosmer armor to cover up your bosmer boy's bussy!

Guard Armor Replacer:
Tons of new Imperial and Nord themed armors all for free courtesy of Russia and Nordwar!

Saturalia Holiday Pack

They charged money for a reindeer and santa outfit. There's not even reference to Uncle Sweetshare from Morrowind in this. An insult the holiday!

Saturalia - Christmas in Skyrim:
I like to turn this one on around the holidays for a good laugh. I wouldn't use it regularly though it's a bit too much. But at least it's free!

Secret Saturalia:
Lore friendly christmas mod. Haven't tried it yet but it looks good!

Elite Crossbows

Not worth the money but hey they look nice.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Vigil Enforcer Armor Set

For how short this quest is at least the concept of playing detective lends itself well to the lack of voice acting. I would never recommend this one seriously though there are way better alternatives.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Unplayable Faction Armors: AND
This adds armors to the Vigilants of Stendarr, Silver Hand, Blood Horkers, Alik'r, Khajiit, Thalmor, Orcs and Black Blood Pirates. I love the Vigilant sets in particular and use them on my own character. For some fucking reason this is split into two mods. I have ESLed the addon version. If you use the patch for the Vigilant questline you can make it so the original pack is also an ESL. This shit is free and looks leagues better!

Sunder and Wraithguard

Do you really want to spend money on ANOTHER Sunder and Wraithguard mod... At least Trainwiz worked on this one so it's decent.

Morrowloot Ultimate:
Trainwiz actually recreated this artifact years ago and I prefer how he did it in this one. You have to use your head to piece together how to use these ancient dwemer artifacts instead of just being handed them. Legacy of the Dragonborn also has it's own version of these that is alright and free.

Forgotten Seasons

So it's trainwiz level design without any of the clever writing or goofy characters... So this one isn't actually bad and if you wanted to pirate it I would say it's worth a playthrough but honestly don't buy this. This is where the Creation Club apologists really started and now they've infected the entire ecosystem of the community with garbage taste.

Anything else by Trainwiz:
Trainwiz has made a ton of great mods over the years. Just pick one and have at it. He just made one called Train Fight that is pretty cool! World Eater Beater is coming to SE eventually I swear.

The Forgotten City:
An overrated but still fun Dwemer ruin with a nicely written story and characters. Is it IGN 10/10? No. But it's worth a shot for that nice Dwemeri fix!

Arms of Chaos

Kind of a neat take on Arena Lore but is that worth $5? The answer is no go use something else.

Artifacts of Skyrim: mod adds a TON of new artifacts courtesy of HeirOftheSeptims. It's a platter of new items to collect and find all for free!

Shadowfoot Sanctum

Elianora made a thief house this time. Wait a minute

Thief Player Home in Riften Canal:
What a shocker she already did this one too. I wonder if she's messing with us?

Spell Knight Armor

I really like these sets and the quest is another that lends itself well to the format. There are better Breton armor mods though

Breton Paladin:
Some great looking variants on Breton armor.

Creation Club in Skyrim: a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Adventurer's Armory:
Some more Breton looking armors for you filthy half-elves

Artifacts of Skyrim: mod adds a TON of new artifacts courtesy of HeirOftheSeptims. It's a platter of new items to collect and find all for free!


So that sword they wrote out of the series with an entire book is back. This one has a neat dungeon and bossfight but we can do better than this.

There is No Umbra:
This adds a sword waifu and actually respects the two novels by making her a reforged umbra, Dumb-ra!

Dawnfang and Duskfang

This one also has a neat dungeon and gimmik but again this can be done better. This one is also in Legacy of the Dragonborn but I don't want to outright recommend that mod. Look into my other guides for why but if you already use that mod just use it's version.

Artifacts of Skyrim:
This mod adds a TON of new artifacts courtesy of HeirOftheSeptims. It's a platter of new items to collect and find all for free!

Expanded Crossbow Pack

Some nice looking crossbows but like there are other crossbow mods...

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Every Single Blades Port/Alternate Armors

These are all the same and I refuse to list them all individually. All the quests are shit but the armors look nice. Just use other armor mods honestly guys -.-

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

NordWarUA's Armor Variants:
Some other armor variations that look better and are free.


Elianora seriously just copy pasted Breezehome outside the city.

Seidr's Rest:
My favorite Nord themed house mod inspired by concept art for Nord Telepaths. Just an amazing home!


Yeah they're cute too but we can do better.

Goblins and Durzogs:
Adds a bunch of really cute Goblin camps with their own Durzog mounts!

Slave pack Riekling Porter:
You can give him a Goblin skin if you wish, but this little guy is so cute. Also has a custom voice!

Dead Man's Dread

Remember Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard? No you don't. It was shit and only ran on computers that don't exist and have never existed. It was the first game Todd directed though so it's no wonder he approved this.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Morrowloot Ultimate:
Trainwiz made this artifact... I think he might be messing with us too.

Unplayable Faction Armors: AND
Tons of new Redguard armors in this one. And they aren't all Pirate themed so you can also wear some arabian looking outfits!

Saints and Seducers

This is another one that apologists point to when trying to defend the creation club. This is absolutely fucking shit. Its 4 bandit camps and a crappy dungeon. Honestly I wonder if Bethesda paid people off to shill this shit. At least the assets in this one are public.

Idenitity Crisis:
Uses the new assets Bethesda put out and does so much more. Has new boss fights and locations. Oh it's also voiced by the Wes Johnson doppelganger Daniel Hodge!

Better looking Dark Seducers. I really hope he releases his Golden Saints sometime soon because they look amazing!

Gray Cowl Returns

Now this one is insulting. It is hands down the worst depiction of the Gray Cowl anyone has made in Skyrim. If you even joke about using this one you deserve to be beaten for your insolence!

The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal:
What if you could get the Gray Cowl and travel to Hammerfell? I'll talk more about this one later but it's worth it for the Cowl alone!


So this is a smaller quest that was released with the anniversary edition. It's set in Falkreath and sounds kind of cute but there's actually a much better Falkreath focused mod out there.

Cage of Clavicus:
A cute little mod just outside of Falkreath Hold where you can become a Pokemon master against your will to serve the prince of lies. This mod is hilarious and always worth an install.

Bloodchill Manor

So it's a vampire manor I guess? There's a lot of these for free already though.

Raven Castle:
I remember this one looking nice. Not really my cup of tea though since I don't have any Vampire characters anymore.

Bow of Shadows

Another artifact that has been done a number of times. This one is in Legacy and that's actually the version I use but here's an alternative because Legacy can be kind of poopy.

Bow of Shadows:
This comes with the Gray Cowl too and has a nice little dungeon. It doesn't have an official port for some reason I guess even FrankFamily thought there were too many versions of these artifacts.


Just play Stardew Valley or something.

Half-Moon Cottage:
A sweet little cottage for a person looking for a more traditional homestead. ak0d does a great job making house mods and I will always shill for him!

Fearsome Fists

Bethesda has the ability to create new skill trees but refuses to give us that feature in the creation club so we have to use weird workarounds. For some reason when they decided to overhaul Unarmed attacks they didn't think to give us that option and now it's just a bunch of fists.

Morrowloot Ultimate:
This has some new fist weapons in it.

Custom Skills - Hand to Hand:
Adds a skill tree for Hand to Hand. It's kind of janky but it works.


Another anonymous creation likely by Chesko. This one has some history to it but let me just start off by saying that this Fishing is shit

Art of the Catch:
So a long time ago Bethesda and Valve teamed up to try and charge money for mods on the Steam Workshop. One of those mods was called Art of the Catch and required a third party software to work correctly. Well the creator of that software threatened to sue and that was part of why the paid mods system was retired and ties between Bethesda and Valve were heavily damaged. This would also lead to Chesko retiring from modding choosing to never finish his Arissa follower, Last Seed needs overhaul, Dynamic starvation system, and Art of the Catch. Obviously the paid mods system would return in the form of Creation Club where we are now. It is hilarious that they tried to re-release the very plugin that lead to the last disaster and even funnier given that it is inferior to the old Art of the Catch.

Gallows Hall

Y'all like Bones? We got bones at home too!

King of Worms | Queen of Dawn:
A Mannimarco/Meridia style dungeon/house mod for everyone.

Ghosts of the Tribunal

It's Morrowind Nostalgia and you guys know I love Morrowind Nostalgia. But I can get Morrowind Nostalgia for free and it's better.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

Moon and Star:
A Morrowind questline focused around a cute little town and an old Tiger Slaying friend.

Project AHO:
A Telvanni inspired quest mod heavily inspired by Morrowind. The location is the big draw with this one while the story is kind of odd. Also some people might not like this mod since it has mean people in it.

Vivec Follower:
It's the funny boy with the penis spear here to follow you around and sniff your panties in your sleep!

Trainsportato Real Time Trains and Ships:
Want Morrowind Mod Nostalgia? Here's Skyrim's version of abot's Silt Striders but this time with trains and boats. Oh and an Elmo hell staff.

Anything else by Trainwiz:
Trainwiz was a Morrowind modder and he makes the best Morrowind style quest mods. Just use some of these.

Soltheim Ordinators:
Adds some nice Ordinator Armor and a Robed Variant!


Another artifact everyone and their mother has done themselves. And yes this is one of the worse depictions.

Tournament of the Ten Bloods:
Get not only Goldbrand but also Eltonbrand the joke OP sword from Morrowind. Oh and a bunch of other Daedric artifacts. Seriously it's like Bethesda isn't even trying.

Headman's Cleaver

Hey did you guys know that Bethesda actually made working Spears for Skyrim and just chose to never release them? This isn't a proper spear with custom animations though it's just trash.

Animated Armor:
Adds a ton of new weapon types into Skyrim. Spears included! Oh and some new artifacts for extra measure!

Horse Armor


Buyable Horse Armor:
Fucking kill yourself.

Nchuanthumz: Dwarven Home

Arthmoor tried to make a house that's cute. Too bad he's shit at it.

Mhulchazn - Morrowind Dwemer Home:
ak0ds little dwemer home released for free and with custom Morrowind Dwemer assets!

Negromantic Grimoire

Same as the last spell pack, we have better shit for free and have for years!

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim:
A big pack with a ton of new spells to play around with

Arcanum - A New Age of Magic:
Another big pack but this time with a ton of new boss fights and overpowered spells to mess around with

Redguard Elite Armaments

This might as well be a blades port so I'm gonna just post the same shit I did with the blades ports.

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

NordWarUA's Armor Variants:
Some other armor variations that look better and are free.


This shit should have been free. They're nice looking but seriously $6 for some staves of all things?

Creation Club in Skyrim:
Adds a number of these creations without any annoying quests attached to them. You will see it a lot on this list so just grab it.

The Cause

Some Oblivion Nostalgia but this time with retcons. I guess the Mythic Dawn aren't just that one weird dude who's way into Roleplaying in Dawnstar. I don't have much nostalgia for Oblivion so I'm just going to point you guys to my favorite Oblivion inspired quest mods.

Shaodw of Meresis:
Not only is this one of the best quest mods for Skyrim but it is also the only mod I've ever found that treats the events of 200 years ago as events from 200 years ago.

Carved Brink:
Travel to a new Realm of Oblivion inhabited by little Goblin dudes. Story isn't great but the location alone makes this mod worth the trip!

The Mods of Slime Sire:
Do you want to explore the various realms of Oblivion and infultrate demonic cults? Try anything by Slimesire and he's got you covered. Great shit and honestly one of the best modders out there lately!

The Contest

Kris Takahashi wants to make his own Ice Blade mod that's cute. But we've had a vastly superior version for years. Oh also the Fists in this mod are in Morroloot.

Ice Blade of the Monarch:
FrankFamily did this same artifact eons ago and it was great. There's a nice little quest and the model looks amazing. The definitive Ice Blade!

Beyond Skyrim Alternatives

Shortly after the release of Skyrim the council of modders on the forums came together and formulated a plan to recreate all of Tamriel in Skyrim's engine much like their Morrowind and Oblivion projects before. And much like those projects, Beyond Skyrim, has proven to be a mismanaged mess with countless contributors coming and going with constant restarts on their projects and multiple internal revolts to reorganize the power structure only for the same mistakes to be made over and over again.

Normally I would describe each version Beyond Skyrim has produced but given that they will never come out anyways I don't see any point to nitpick vaporware and instead I will describe each province and give you the various mods that let you travel to them. Oh and I'm including provinces that Beyond Skyrim has said they will never cover because that doesn't mean other modders haven't covered these provinces in some form or another.

High Rock

To the northwest is the small province of High Rock. Once ruled by the Direnni Hegemony of High Elves the land is now mostly populated by the Half Elf Bretons, the wandering tribes of Orsmer, and the hordes of Centaur tribals. To the east is the many kingdoms of the distinct Reachmen tribes and their demon gods of savagery. It's largest city is the Kingdom of Daggerfall, a massive city resulting from strategic location and political luck rather than divine prospect and city planning. Daggerfall's most noteworthy rival is the Kingdom of Wayrest who has been in a political chess match since before the histories were relevant to record. Religiously the most important cities are the Isle of Balfiera where the oldest structure in the world, the Ur Tower, resides, ruled over by the last of the Direnni Hegemony, and the Isle of Alcaire where the God Emperor Tiber Septim was said to be born, ruled by the Stormcrown kings. High Rock is not truthfully a country and is more a congealment of Breton Kingdoms at constant war that phase in and out of existence.

Beyond Reach:
Beyond Reach is one dude on 4chan's decade long mission to recreate High Rock from East to West. He's about halfway there with a main quest already complete. It actually uses a lot of Beyond Skyrim assets in it to add further insult to injury. The writing is also top notch if a bit depressing. On did I mention this mod originally released in 2013? Yeah Razorkid has been doing this for a while and knows what he's doing with this mod. Also if you know this mod for some more edgy jokes those have been mostly removed. Probably for the best but I still miss the edge.

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:


Hammerfell is the land of the Redguards. Once the province of Dwarves, their new Yokudan masters have transformed the barren desert into their home. It is ruled by the Crowns and the Forbears who have recently declared independence from the Empire after it's betrayal in the Great War. Their greatest Hero was Cyrus the Red who defeated the Dragon Nafaalilargus and saved Hammerfell from the Tyranny of Tiber Septim. Hammerfell is also the current home of the Nomad city of Orsinium, the city state that the Orcs call home. To the north is the Kingdom of Dragonstar, ruled half by the Nords of Skyrim and the Redguards of Hammerfell after the War of Bend'r-Mahk (Depicted in The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey for Nokia N-Gage). Their religon is to the old Gods of a time before time, when the men and mer came together to carve through Magnus and walk sideways on the dragon of time. Hammerfell is ruled by it's capital Sentinel, a city of rich culture and political unrest, much like the province it makes it's home in.

Gray Cowl of Nocturnal:
Gray Cowl of Nocturnal is a flawed Gem of a mod. The Cold Harbor sections are terrible but the locations in Hammerfell and the puzzles are great. The writing isn't perfect but it mostly holds up. Oh and a lot of people complain about this mod contradicting the lore but that's a bit of a misnomer as the Champion of Cyrodiil you encounter in this mod can still easily have an aspect of himself beyond Sheogorath. Oh and this mod has some addons that add more to do in Hammerfell itself, here's what I use:,,

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:


Elsyweyr is the land of the Cat Demons, the Khajiit, who worship both demons and gods as they see fit. As the phases of the moon shift, so too does the form of Khajiit that shall be born. The land is half desert, half jungle, with two distinct countries of Anequina and Pelletine. The capital is the city of Rimmen, named for the Cyrodiilic Emperor who's advisor once called this city his home. They are often at war with the Bosmer of Valenwood, sharing common ancestry as the Khajiit are truthfully a race of Elves. The common tounge is not their native and thus the Khajiit speak in an odd accent, often mocked by those not familiar with their custom. The most cat like forms of Khajiit like the Alfiq are completely incapable of speaking Cyrodiilic and must rely on interpreters. They are lead by the Mane, a demi-god king who reincarnates upon death so that he might continue to lead his people to providence in the lands of sugar and sand. The land is now a part of the Altmeri Dominion after the Thalmor liberated the moon Gods Joan and Jode during the void nights.

Moonpath To Elsyweyr:
Now here's a classic mod so old it wasn't even made in the creation kit. Moonpath is a series of vinettes set in the province of Moonpath. It's also a tragic tale of Beyond Skyrim's bullshit as the more open sequel was absorbed and scrapped by Beyond Skyrim Elsyweyr. At least we still have Moonpath. It hasn't aged perfectly but this mod is still always worth a playthrough for anyone in my opinion.

Faction - Pit Figher: is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:

Black Marsh

Far to the Southeast is the Marshes of Argonia, Ruled by the Hist Trees from beyond the Veil. Roads do the survive in the shifting bogs thus the Argonians travel in the stomachs of worms between settlements through the roots of the world. Each Hist faction transformed the Argonians into their own twisted forms, like the An-Xileel who's strength was boosted as they invaded the demon realms during the Oblivion Crisis. In the past Argonia was officially an Empire province though the reality of the claim was mostly a fantasy of Imperialist Cyrods. Now Argonia is truely free and has set it's eyes on their Northern Brothers in bondage by the evil Dres Dunmer. Dotted around the province are the old runes of the Southern Kothringi Silver Men who died out after a mass disease overtook the province. The Argonians worship the Hist and the Veil of Sithis. They are the only province to hold open relations with the Dark Brotherhood, though in recent times this connection has been severed due to the weakening of the guild. The capital is the impenetrable walls of Helstrom, never taken by the forces of the Empire in all of History. Their greatest figure was "Lifts-her-Tail" who's cunning disguize allowed her to infultrate Crantius Colto's estate and learn the secrets to [transcription lost].

Sign of Cipactli:
I'm gonna level with y'all: Argonia has no decent mods really. Here be Monsters is a somewhat mediocre giant monster hunting series of quests, one of which takes place partly in Black Marsh. I hope one day someone will make something set in such a unique province.

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:


To the East is the Province of Morrowind. Once ruled by the Tribunal Living Gods, it is now a land of quite reflection on the Good Daedra: Boethia, Mephala, and Azura. The lands of Morrowind are lead by the Great Houses: Redoran the traditionalist hunters of the North, Telvanni the Wizard Kings of the East, Indoril the traditionalists of the heart, Dres the Slavers of the South, And Sadras the [transcription lost]. Morrowind is covered by Fungi, not foliage, insects, not mammals, demons, not gods. Once the central Island of Vvardenfell was a populated land ruled over by the Living God Vivec, containing the heretic Sixth House and it's Satanic King Dagoth Ur. Morrowind's greatest hero was Indoril Nerevar, who united the Dunmer and Dwemer against the Ash King of Skyrim. When betrayed by the Dwemer, Nerevar lead his army and defeated the Dwarf King in Single Combat. Upon his death at the hands of his advisors, his matron goddess Azura swore Nerevar would return on a certain day, under a certain star to uncertain parents. The Nomad Ashlanders protected this prophesy and veted the many failed incarnates until one day a prisoner arrived on the coasts of Sedaneen. He defeated the Sharmat Dagoth Ur and the False God Almalexia before disappearing to the Eastern Lands of Akavir never to be seen again. Morrowind's Capital is Blacklight where the defenders of Redoran govern the shattered province.

Wheels of Lull:
HAHA gotcha bitch! This mod takes you to the Clockwork city of the Dead God Sotha Sil. It's a cyberpunk adventure by Trainwiz steeped heavily in his own lore that has now made it into the canon thanks to ESO! You might be wondering if there are actually any mods set in Morrowind the answer is: not really.

Shadow of Morrowind:
Shadow of Morrowind is the worst victim of Beyond Skyrim. It was a project mostly made by one guy over the span of a few months. It covers a good bit of the country and looks great. But no quests were ever implimented and it remains unfinished as the creator was sucked into Beyond Skyrim only to have all his work scrapped in favor of starting over from scratch.
Update: A group of moders have started to revive this old project and it looks like they actually have the right mindset going in so keep an eye out for this one!

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:

Morrowind as a Beyond Skyrim province is somewhat unique as it is probably the most poorly handled project so I will actually go into more detail on it. Not only is the management of the project staffed by idiots who scrap everything every few years and have next to any real direction, but Morrowind has a deeper problem. Vivec is a very misunderstood character in the Elder Scrolls. He is the God of Contradiction and is both Male and Female (Though more in the Hindu sense). While it is interesting to have an Intersex character in the Elder Scrolls what many people forget is that Vivec is a rapist, a murderer and a villian in the overarching story of Morrowind. So it's odd that many of the LGBT community seem to hold him in such high regard. Nevertheless the Morrowind project has attracted many amature LGBT authors to their project which has lead to many poorly thought out LGBT themes to make their way into Beyond Skyrim Morrowind. Obviously Beyond Skyrim Morrowind has not yet come out so we don't truely know how pervasive these themes will be but from various leaks and rumors it sounds pretty bad. If you're interested in decent LGBT themes in the Elder Scrolls consider 3DNPCs, or Children of Azura (Yeah that mod actually tries to take the fantasy setting into account with transgender characters).

Summerset Isles

Home to the Altmer and rules by the Thalmor, the land of Alinor is steeped in history and supremacy. To the Altmer, Religon and History are one and the same. Once the elves were Gods and those who have sought the path the Psj have regained the endless creation of aetherius's Godhood. To be mortal is to suffer and ever Altmer seeks death with prupose. The cities were crafted by ancient magics from times forgot, reflecting insectoid architexture, each building a work of art. The excpetion is the captial Alinor which was destroyed by the Brass God Numidium at the end of the Second Era. The greatest Hero of the Altmer was the mysterious Underking who saved them from Tiber Septim's conquest and further senseless genocide. With the fall of the Crystal Tower, the Dark Queen Morgiah was deposed and the religious zealots, the Thalmor, took power. Now Summerset rules over the newly formed Altmeri Dominion who seeks to reconquest the provinces of elves.

Summerset Isle:
I did not like this mod when it came out. The world design was shit and the mod has no respect for the lore of the Elder Scrolls instead choosing to do it's own thing. I've heard it gets better in more recent versions but the writing is still probably a problem. Check it out if you want a taste of the Altmer but personally I'd skip this one. Anabeegod is working on a Allinor mod which should come out sometime soon but who knows if that will come out any time soon.

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere! Grab the patch too:


The land of trees and mystery, Valenwood is home to the Bosmer and their Forest God Ysmir, who's spinners keep the lore of their people protected from the sands of time. Bosmer are a non-confrontational people but if provoked will initiate the Wild Hunt and transform into shapeless nye-immortal beasts who ravage all they encounter under the leadership of the Wilder King, a demigod who reincarnates in times of strife and can shift to and from his shapeless form. They are ruled by the Cameron Kings and the Silvenar, embodiment of the people's voice. The bosmer do not cut down trees or foliage, instead the very will of the forests bend to their will to serve the people. As such a diplomatic race, Valenwood is also home to a number of other sentient race like the Forest Orcs to the North, and the Ape men of Imga. It's capital is the walking City of Elden Root, who in recent time has ceased it's migration across the countryside.

Abandoned Temple:
There's not really any good Valenwood mods but this one has a small section set in the country. It's sad because Valenwood is so often written off by fans despite it's potential to be quite unique. For now though all we get are bussy memes and this neat little mod.

Milandriel - A small piece of Valenwood:
Adds a small bosmer village to Skyrim. I am only really including this one because the author is working on a Bosmer themed mod set in Valenwood which I think is looking to be pretty good. It's not out yet though so

Faction - Pit Figher:
This is a globe trotting adventure where you battle in the arenas of cities from all over Tamriel! This is a small look at each province however it's not really a full mod set in each province but I am including it here because it's worth a look to get a taste of everywhere!

The Sea of Ghosts

Far to the North, beyond the holds of Skyrim, is the Sea of Ghosts where the bearded men of the Grasslands once sailed. It is a harsh and often frozen ocean dotted with a number of islands, settlers have come to call home. One such island is the land of Roscrea where the bear cult stood independent from Tamriel until the conquest of Uriel Septim V. Another is Lorkhan's Ironing Board: Falskaar where Shor and his shield brothers flattens their loinclothes. It is a dangerous and alien ocean of endless mystery.

Sea of Ghosts:
(And all other Thirteen Oranges mods). This has to be one of my favorite new lands mods. This allows the player the purchase a ship and sail to a series of small islands with interconnecting side quests and mysteries. It's a great mod and I recommend it to anyone. Seriously one of my favorites

You go to an island that is a mix of Morrowind and Skyrim and hunt a dragon. It's a pretty good time though somewhat overrated. I haven't played this one in a while though but the author is very active with updates. Give it a shot guys it's pretty alright.

Do you like Dark Souls? Here's Dark Souls in Skyrim. You have a neat little island kingdom with interconnected level design and an unmarked quest with mysteries to discover. It's a fun time!

The Hanging Gardens:
A fun little dwemer island with some interesting puzzels. It's nothing outstanding but I recommend giving it a try!


Atmora is the elven word for Grasslands, though sailers today might not believe such words today. Far to the north and past the Sea of Ghosts is the frozen wastes of Atmora. Once there was a thriving land ruled over by the Dragon God Alduin and his servant Atmoran and Giants. Their greatest hero was Shor Son of Shor who sacroficed himself so that his people might percist against Alduin another day. But the races under the dragons lived in fear and fled south to the continent of Tamriel. Soon after the dragons followed and the North changed. Verdant grasses became icey planes and the life of this land evapourated, as if the physical abandonment of the gods had taken everything with them. Crops froze over and the remaining men became desparate. Refugees of the North chose to settle the sparse Northern Land of Skyrim rather than continue to hold out in Atmora. When King Talos Stormcrown left his kingdom for the lands of the south, Atmora was no more. Dead and frozen in time.

Unslaad is a quest mod by Vicn that takes place on the continent of Atmora. You travel though time shifts, make love with a dragon, have a daughter and do battle with the mysterious Grey Owl. The area of full of colorful characters and an amazing story. The final confrontation with Junal the Black has yet to be added since Vicn is working on finishing up his other mod, Glenmoril. But Unslaad's story itself is complete. Sadly the voice acting won't be finished until the Vicn Trilogy is done so it might be a while if you're desparate to hear these characters voiced. Unslaad is outstanding though and hands down one of my favorite mods out there.


And so our journey ends in the Seat of Sundered Kings. It is mostly dense jungle, dotted sparsly with rice pattes and Imperial Legions. To the West Lies the Colovian Estates with its sparse tropical grasslands. To the East is the Nibenay River Basen and it's think rainforests. In the center of it all is the Nine Isles of the Imperial City and the White Gold Tower where the remaining dragons make roost under the protection of the Imperial Emperor. They are ruled by the Bloodline of Dragonborns tracing their liniage back to the Slave Queen Alessia in the First Era. Their most holy site is Sancre Tor, where the Wandering King Hroll made love unto a hillock in the Vestage of Alessia and did give birth to a mountain where the Emperor Reman Cyrodiil, with the lost Amulet of Kings around his neck, did speak: "I am Cyrodiil cum!". Their greatest hero was The Divine Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake III, the King in the North who road to the aid of Saint Alessia and defeated the God King Umaril the Unfeathered. Today Cyrodiil is ruled by the false Mede Emperors under Titus Mede II. An empire, once spanning the whole continent and beyond, now lies in ruin, governed by unworthy hands.

Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil - Bruma Pre-Release:
Despite all my bitching, the Bruma Pre-Release is an amazing mod. Taking place in the northern most County of Bruma, the player is given free rein the roam the countryside and explore a whole new country. All that praise aside, this mod was meant to be released in Summer of 2014 and was delayed 3 years to Summer 2017. While the original scope was meant to only be the city itself, feature creep lead the developers to shoot for finishing the entire province before release. Instead of taking a note from their inspiration, Tamriel Rebuilt, the team is dead set on the only other release being the final release of the mod. There has never been a full province release of any Elder Scrolls mod (To my knowledge). We will never see more of Cyrodiil in the 4th Era by this team. As time progresses, more people join this team and their talent is suckered in by a mod that will never release. So much potential is lost. Skywind, Skyblivion, Apotheosis, Lordbound, Lufdaarin, and so many more are fantasies of amateur developers who can edit together a trailer. Each time you explore County Bruma I want you to remember all the characters we will never see the story conclusions to because of poor managment of a popular mod project. And not just the stories of those characters but all the stories we missed out on because of developers and projects that were suckered into the prestige of Beyond Skyrim. But there is hope, and not just the one of a fool. You have seen it in the many mods I have listed that these provinces have and will continue to be adapted regardless of Beyond Skyrim's lackluster management. You do not and should not sit around and wait for one mod project to release the province you are most interested in seeing! Download these mods you've never heard of and give them all a try! If these interpretations are not enough go out there and read the Poetry and Lore of the Elder Scrolls that inspired my interpretations you've seen written here! Learn the creation kit with some friends and start a mod project to tell the stories you want to tell in this world! The Elder Scrolls is an open source fantasy setting where one guy shitposting with trains can become an official developer for the game's DLC! I am absolutely in love with these games and their modding community, each time I see you all posting my lists it brings a warmth to my heart! I have saved Cyrodiil for last not because Cyrodiil is the only location Beyond Skyrim has released so far, but because my favorite mod is set in Cyrodiil.

Vigilant is perhaps the most moving story I have ever experience in a game before. In first act you play as an exorcist, culminating in a confronation with the King of Rape Molag Bal. In Act 2 you face off against the Blood Matron in the ruins of a forgotten city. In Act 3 you explore a haunted mansion that phases in and out of Oblivion. In Act 4 you travel to the realm of Coldharbor, which is a time agnostic Cyrodiil, and do battle with the Alessian Order, the Knights of Jyggalag, the Knights of the Nine and the forces of Molag Bal itself all while playing psychic therapist to a number of important figures in Cyrodiil's history. The story fleshes out the characters in the lore that were underwritten and underutalized. In the final confrontation with the God of Rape, I felt a connection with his tragic character. And all this was made by one Japanese guy. One man was able to outperform an entire team of modders in a game that wasn't even originally in his native language. Vicn is an outstanding: author, level designer, scripter, modeler and all around developer. This mod sometimes gets written off as "Dark Souls in Skyrim" but outside of the armor designs and some level cues it is so much more. This mod might be overhyped on 4chan, but it really is worth a playthrough if you haven't tried it out already!

And with that I feel that my guides are complete! I still want to update my Immersion Guide with a section for Skyrim's worldspace and I will add new mods as they come. But for now I feel like every aspect of Skyrim that people had never gone into serious detail with has been covered. I would like to thank everyone on the various threads and discords for all their feedback (Even you CGO shill guy!) I could not have made these what they are without your recommendations and challenging of my own choices! As always here's our little 90s webring:

For my mods and ports check out:

For my Immersion and Gameplay Guide check out:

For my Armor and Weapons Guide check out:

For some great general recommendations check out:

For a more guided Skyrim modlist check out:

For a list of amazing town mods that I use myself:

For a list of amazing creature mods that I use myself:

For sex mods of the vanilla and beastial check out:

For an alternative Immersion guide check out:

For another alternative Combat guide check out:

For some more obscure mods you've never heard of but are all great check out:

Thank you everyone again for the help and I swear I will have someone proofread all the guides again soon!

Pub: 14 Nov 2021 06:39 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2022 21:48 UTC
Views: 3463