Fishing Master Sasuga

Fishing Master Sasuga

A Made-Up Story, a Truth or a Joke?

Kathrina: Good morning!
Chisa: Hi!
Kathrina: Oh, Sasuga, youʼre alone? Whereʼs Panda?
Chisa: She went to look for a location for her new video. Sheʼll turn up later. What about Kokona and Shizuka?
Kathrina: Looks like Hiiragi-san asked Kokona to run an errand. Shizuka and Niizuma decided to help her out.
Kathrina: So… In other words, today…
Chisa: Itʼs me and Kathrina, one-on-one.
Kathrina: Go easy on me…

Kathrina: (However, in the end each of us proceeded to practice on her own…)
Chisa: Ho… Ho… No, a scallop won’t do… Should I handle this scene of silence with the feeling of a giant clam?
Kathrina: Itʼs really incomprehensible.
Chisa: What exactly? How a scallop feels? Or how a giant clam feels?
Kathrina: Ah, no, I was thinking about something else… Donʼt mind me.
Chisa: If it has to do with fish, you can talk to me. Iʼm pretty good at that topic.
Kathrina: Itʼs not about fish, in fact…
Chisa: Kathrina, have you ever gone fishing? I went with Panda on a day off a while ago.
Kathrina: Oh? Thatʼs surprising. I didnʼt expect her to be interested in that kind of leisure.
Chisa: She joins me every now and then. She says when sheʼs with me she often gets an opportunity to record a cool video.
Kathrina: Well, that does make some sense…
Chisa: That time my fishing was pretty successful, too. At first, I caught a shrimp, but right then it was caught by a sea bream.
Kathrina: I feel like I heard a Japanese proverb * that goes like that… But is that really possible?
Chisa: It got even more impressive from there. The next moment I saw a squid and an octopus grasping the sea bream with their tentacles…
Kathrina: Are you trying to make fun of me?.. I doubt something like that could have actually happened…
Chisa: No-no, it did happen. It was hard to tell whether the squid and the octopus would break each otherʼs tentacles or the line would break first.
Kathrina: I am no fishing expert, but you wonʼt fool me! I shouldnʼt have tried to take you seriously!
Panda: Good morninʼ... Huh? Itʼs just Sassu and Kathrin?
Kathrina: Seems like all the others are busy. Speaking of which, didnʼt you go on location scouting?
Panda: I had an urgent business with Sassu, so I finished up earlier.
Chisa: What could that be? I have no idea.
Panda: People who say that tend to have a perfect idea. I told you to check the video I took when we went fishing, because I was going to post it on social media, didnʼt I?
Chisa: Oh, sorry. I was so into imitating a sea urchin that I forgot.
Kathrina: Wasnʼt that a scallop or a giant clam?..
Panda: Whatever, just check it now. You only need to watch the last bit.
Chisa: “Thatʼs no good. They are too heavy.”
Panda: “A sea bream, a squid and an octopus entwined with each other… What kind of fishing experience is this?!”
Chisa: “Really makes you realize the seaʼs full of mysteries, right?”
Kathrina: This isnʼt edited in some way, is it?
Panda: Of course not. That was a really intense moment…
Chisa: The sea bream nearly escaped, too…
Kathrina: Itʼs so hard to comprehend it makes my head hurt…

* Kathrina is refering to the proverb 海老で鯛を釣る, that literally translates to “using a shrimp to catch a sea bream” and means that itʼs possible to gain something great even with a small cost.

A Wolf-Girl Sasuga?

Panda: Hahaha! No wonder Kathrin thought it was a joke! Hah… Hah… My stomach hurts from laughing this much!
Chisa: I tried to explain that that cool story actually happened, but…
Panda: Uff… Iʼve finally calmed down… But that canʼt be helped, right? 80% of Sassuʼs stories sound like utter nonsense.
Kathrina: Then say it in a way so that others understand if thatʼs true or youʼve thought it up… Itʼs hard to tell whether Sasugaʼs serious, when she always talks like she does!
Sasuga: …
Kathrina: Ah… Sasuga, itʼs not like Iʼm angry at you or something. I just want to understand you a little better…
Panda: Kathrin, you donʼt think youʼve hurt Sassuʼs feelings, do you?
Kathrina: Huh? But she made a sad face…
Panda: Um… Sassu?
Chisa: Yeah, itʼs alright.
Kathrina: Really? Then what was that sad look about?
Chisa: The scene I wanted to show wasnʼt in Pandaʼs video, so I was a little disappointed. The final grand battle unfolded between the squid and the octopus, both pulling at each otherʼs tentacles. I really wanted you to see that.
Kathrina: Eh… This time I wonʼt believe you! Thereʼs no way such a crazy development can happen…
Panda: Ah, I recorded it with a special camera. Here.
Kathrina: Woah… Really… The squid and the octopus are fighting…
Panda: I wanted to film that breathtaking scene in the highest possible quality!
Chisa: Didnʼt you film them showering each other with ink beams at itʼs climax?
Panda: I did, but it ended up blurry as I desperately tried to avoid the ink. My skills still have room for improvement.
Chisa: Panda, your strive for perfection is deeper than Tokyo Bay.
Panda: Thatʼs doesnʼt sound much of a compliment…
Kathrina: …
Chisa: Kathrina, whatʼs wrong? You look like you have a headache, a stomachache and back pain all at once.
Kathrina: Your story defies common sense, and it gives me anxiety.
Panda: 80% of Sassuʼs stories sound like utter nonsense, however, about 90% of them are true.
Chisa: I ainʼt a wolf-girl.
Kathrina: Thatʼs frightening…

Pub: 22 Apr 2024 13:05 UTC
Views: 130