Fight with Amy and Win

[11:26] "Ah..." A smile that was never set to be seen settled on Rahl's face, the war helmet covering it. It was the dragon demon Grisha, their last encounter hadn't been enough. The story was to continue and at Grisha's hands they would meet again.

Their walk through the swamps moved to the roads of Chuggums, the Demons and undead had come out again. It had been a while since he had seen them, however, he had had encounters with Xanaxa and her people.

So, as ever, he was interested in this dragon. Especially the way he fought last time, premature, but with potential. "If you're going to fight, put on a show." He demanded towards Grisha.

"And if you only plan to ruin our match, find yourself another opponent."

His cloak swung to the side as his right arm came out from where it was hidden. He exposed his purple Tome which he clutched in his right hand while his left hand pointed his palm at those present.

A tidal wave mimicking a Tsunami. One so large directed at them, if the Dragon did not evaporate the water it would flood their house.
(Rahl Folhammar)

[11:30] The demon didn't hesitated when it came to the giant that'd bested it in it's younger age. The helmet- tone and body language was not to be mistaken. As they'd made their presence known,

Words escaped the giant and so did the beast return them in king. "You seem to be full of confidence even now. Whilst I am so close to surpassing even this stage. You were a fool to make this approach again, you should've taken the one victory you had and left it at that.

Now you will be forced to know pain unlike any other."

A roar bellowed and explosions blew the oncoming wave to pieces, steam filled the air and through it? Came a hoard of demons and The Great Dragon herself.

"This is a place of neutrality and you've soiled it already. You'll pay a hefty price!"

[11:31] Just as Amygdala was considering where exactly the chairs would sit, she found two would-be challengers interrupting.

The giant seemed to be focused on Grisha, but Amygdala's own temper was as short as ever. She was confident in Grisha's abilities, so she spots the giant's compatriot and launches herself over the railing, her halberd quickly taken in hand.

She raises it in the air, poised to strike, her legs lowering as if she were preparing to launch herself forward.

"I hope you weren't thinking that you could come here and just watch", she snarls at Phoenix Altan, giving her opponent time to draw their weapons before Amygdala's onslaught would begin. If one thing was true about her, she loved a proper fight.

[11:32] Rahl Folhammar says, "I know how strong you are."
[11:33] Grisha says, "I don't think you do."
[11:37] A small sigh escaped the priestess as she would look to Rah who had already leapt into action. "I suppose I won't have that luxury no." A look of annoyance present on her face now as she would reach her hand's up to the weapon's holstered onto her back.

As the demon would battle with her lover she would cast a quick glance over to them and then back to Amy. Letting her aura of holy magic erupt around her. A heavy breath taken in before she would start to chant.

"Athelios, son of Ymir."

"Lend me thy strength in this time of need, let your power wash onto me."

Motes of golden light would erupt around the area, as she leapt forward. Her blades at the ready as she tried to bring the cleaver down onto the hooded woman as she would defend herself from assault.
(Phoenix Altan)

[11:43] {Won Dangerous RPB against Amygdala}
[11:43] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Amygdala. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)")
[11:49] And so the rage of the beast would be let loose upon the Folhammar. No mercy held for them. Rage in the form of flames spewed forth and collided with the body of the giant. Crushing their very will and evaporating those waves conjured forth.

"Foolish boy. You thought you'd have victory here? I warned you what would happen the next time we meet. Now the hefty price you owe will be paid in full."

Lightning struck the beast time and time again in futile attempts at victory by the Falhammar.

But Grisha was no longer a beast so easily defeated. This would be proven this day. The very area surrounding her plagued- killed and absorbed of life from her mere presence. A swift approach landing the beast to tower over the giant, a claw seeped into their armor to hold them still and a roar directly in their face would absorb their very essence.

Leaving them drained and a permanent reminder of what'd taken place this day. Tossing their giant form into the ground feet away.

"Depart from me, whilst I still feel lenient."

[12:00] The priestess would battle with the white cloaked individual, blow's from her glaive causing the small kitsune's body to be battered and nearly broken. Ether and holy magic clashed, the fight being close in stature to when her and another fought on a regular basis. In fact were it not for that boy she probably would have lost this battle.

A storm of snow and ice, freezing the landscape before her, motes of holy energy converging into her weapon as she aimed to close the gap. Letting her animal like instincts fuel her pursuit forward. A mother fox aiming to go in for the final strike of it's pray. In this moment, the priestess felt something come over her, not the grace of Athelios but that of something long forgotten.

Her heart would begin to race violently, the weak body she often had to be watchful for would feel better then ever. Pure bliss would be felt in this moment, nothing else before her mattering as she felt slightly closer to understanding the war that waged between the weaver and the deity who's power was now housed in her heart.

With her action's being driven by pure instinct she chanted once more, the cleaver in her left hand being brought back as the back end was swung connecting to Amygdala's chest.


"Let your eye cast it's glance upon this one who walk's in the shadow's."

"May their action's be judged by your gaze and punishment that you see fit be delivered."


"Scorn her body with pain and suffering!"

The motes of light having been concentrated into the tip of her blade transferred onto the woman's chest. A holy crest of white light present on their body even visible through there clothes as it would glow.
(Phoenix Altan)

[12:06] 'The little dragon has grown stronger.'

Thought that passes through Rahl when at the beginning of the battle Grisha showed himself to be more overpowering than previously. He was stronger, no longer had his premature defeat. Both were in the same progress, however there was someone who had been ahead of the same development. The Dragon was lurking with its volcanoes, the instantaneous explosions that were hard for Rahl to predict blocking.

Yet the Folhammar was excited, for Grisha was forcing him to open his senses. His perception of blocking had been changing for some time and perhaps now was a good time to re-master it. But he was rusty, used to the quick bursts of slashes along with the thunder. It had been a while since he had used blocking as a threat, and only in the face of his brother Vali had he used it again.

"Needless to say, you're strong..." As an explosion cannon is directed from Grisha's hands, Rahl counters with atidal wave and the two collide, producing a slight tremor in the ground and the woods were flooding to the sides. As the blast went slightly through the tide, it narrowly missed the Giant.

It didn't take long for that to meet the same fate. Even if the tides prevented some attacks, others went unnoticed. Such was Grisha's Claw, the one that touched Rahl's armor and immobilized. His legs were so sore that they trembled.

The roar showed, the warrior's helmet was broken in half and his left eyes were open. Surprised, but not afraid, he did not expect it.

A smile looking for more. More battle, more encounters.

"You grew stronger, Dragon!" The thick voice shouting, demanding. The smile seeking.

"You defeated me, you gave the battle I sought.

Let's meet in the war, Dragon! And let it be in our last form."

This individual was strong.
(Rahl Folhammar)

[12:08] Amygdala found herself at a disadvantage - her magic in disarray compared to Phoenix Altan's finely handled arts and techniques. Her aether was summoned for nearly-divine techniques, and yet, whenever she was activating her magic, the presence of occultic remnants in her system would interfere.

She found herself relying completely on her physical abilities - mighty as they were, they were only just lacking compared to Phoenix's holy and ice magic which wore her down to the point a weakness was shown. Phoenix strikes, and Amygdala is blown back, tumbling back and thumping against the side of the newly built house.

"Gahhh!", she roars as she clutches her chest, the holy sigil feeling as though it were burning at her; immediately, in order to reduce the symptoms, she restrains her occultic mana as much as she can. As the occultic mana retreats from her circuits, the mana from the holy sigil fills its place, chasing it, and pushing it out until barely any remained in her system.

Amygdala huffs and puffs, clearly winded and in a bad shape - her symptoms had reduced greatly, but the shift in the state of her mana would take some time to get used to.

[12:12] Perhaps Win'gul's assessment of Phoenix being a child earlier was incorrect. The way they moved upon the battlefield did not denote a child, but instead, someone who had spent quite a few years growing and learning their art of fighting. While Win'gul had no issue when facing Amygdala, he did know that among swordsmen, Amygdala often made others struggle, if they were able to defeat Amygdala at all.

"I see.." he said quietly, before his staff was brought forward with a tendril made of water. As it landed within his hands the ground before him began to creak and shudder. Like the planks of an old pirate ship being stepped on after centuries of rot.

Waters began to rise from the ground beneath. The earth cracking beneath the titan's boots as he stepped forward.

"Forgive me madam, but I will be your destruction now. It'd have been wiser for you to tuck your tail between your legs and flee rather than fight." His wordsalways came off as polite, perhaps that could be attributed to him looking much like a butler.

A wave rose up and went rushing in Phoenix's direction.

[12:17] With Rahl's and Grisha's battle over and him able to leave the scene the girl felt a bit of relief. Her heart pumping violently as the crystal's of Aschea would cease their production of chemical's causing the woman to feel utter bliss. "I can not simply let things stand, you expect me to let my lover simply do such things alone?"

Knowing full well the pride the giants held she cast a glance in the direction of the west. Her attention then turning back to the undead.

"I remember you from when I was younger, I was more focused on the batkin back then but I guess we finally got out little dance."

Her body weary from the crystal's placed into her heart as well as the weariness of battle from fighting the older glaive user.

Ice and holy energy began to collect around her once more as she would ready her defenses.
(Phoenix Altan)

[12:21] Grisha grumbles in approval.

[12:23] Grisha says, "I would like this to become your permanent, residence. Not another shop."
[12:23] Grisha says, "Also- I may offer you a potion you sold me."
[12:23] Lina Weaver says, "Look at that fallon, well if it isnt just who i've been meaning to see. lets see how this pans out..."
[12:24] Amygdala asks, "Oh?"
[12:24] Amygdala says, "Huh..."
[12:25] Amygdala takes the keys.

[12:25] Grisha says, "You would be working in tandem with me to run The Dragons Maw."
[12:25] Grisha says, "Along with others."
[12:26] Grisha says, "But yes, a home."
[12:29] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Win'gul}
[12:29] Win'gul has inflicted an injury upon Phoenix Altan. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)")
[12:37] Seeing the Altan fight reminded Win'gul of the one who had recently injured him. Another swordsman that utilized ice. Yet this one also incorporated holy magics into their mixture which lead to Win'gul being blinded at times.

The waters and rough terrain that were created and shifted by Win'gul gave little room for the kitsune to move. Every step becoming hazardous. Some of the magics could be used to the Altan's benefit, with the girl turning things into ice for Win'gul to trip over.

There was a calm presence within the undead. Unlike others who would normally rush at a person to fight, Win'gul remained back, allowing only for his opponent to come to him before he'd punish them.

When Phoenix came in to use her rather powerful sword and magic attacks, only further enhanced by her ice, Win'gul sent the various elements he controlled against her. Waters forcing breath from her lungs, a field of water going as high as her waist to limit her movements, and the earth beneath trembling about creating foot falls to keep the girl off balance.

Still she had managed to press on, a times breaking through Win'guls immense defensive layers in order to slash at him or flood his form with holy magics.

The two were close in strength and it wasn't exactly clear who would win. For some of it, it seemed Win'gul would be the clear victor, in other portions of the fight, the balanced tipped towards that of Phoenix. All things had to come to an end though, so Win'gul raised up a large pillar of earthen magic and sent it tumbling into the Altan akin to a domino. The force of it enough to not only injure the girl for some time, but also drive her off the same direction Rahl had gone.

"I do wonder if that batkin is still around." he stated primarily to himself.

A small torrent of water carried words towards the Altan as he moved to return to the upcoming tavern.

"I can commend you for defending your lover, but you both should have fled. Death is an inevitable, and you two don't need to rush towards it."

[12:40] Lina Weaver says, "Its funny bc ice is also an armed bane"
[12:46] Phoenix's heart pounded violently, the crystal fragments secreting immense pleasure as she would fight the undead. Pillar's of earth and ice clashing into one another, spike erupting up from below the beastkin's feet that would nearly impale her.

Time and time again her blades would meet the flesh of the hollowed dead. A final strike made, the priestess summoning forth the last of her strength. Erected a flash of holy light and lunged in, axe at the ready to bring it down onto Win'gul's shoulder.

A pillar of earth, created at the last second breaking her guard. Her instinct's failing her in this case. The moment playing before her in slow motion as she watched in horror as the pillar would slowly make contact with her armor. In that moment she knew her defeat had been cemented a small sigh accompanied by a single word.


She said before the pillar would crush her armor and send her off flying through the woods like a small rag doll. Though thanks to her luck she was able to recover her balance and then make use of her flight magic. It truly was lucky she found that potion so long ago. With her course set she made her way from the battle field, her intent to make sure Rahl was away safely having been achieved.
(Phoenix Altan)

[12:48] Fell onto the bench, "Ok.. I need a sandwich.."
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 16 Jun 2023 08:40 UTC
Views: 148