Brandon, the slim, tall, dark one on the left, rolled his shoulders and looked at her and shook his head "we're trying not to be fussy, but help us out here. You lost your job three weeks ago and you’re only just telling us now? Right when the rent is due?"
Tegan felt her mouth go dry, forcing herself to lick her lips before responding in her soft voice.
"I’m really sorry, I didn’t think it would drag on this long and I didn’t want you to kick me out."
"So you forestalled the inevitable, and now what?" the one on the right cut in. His name was Angus, he was square-jawed and broad shouldered, but he was of below average height. Tegan would avoid calling him stocky, at least to his face, but for all that he seemed fit.
"…yeah" Tegan conceded lamely. "I have no idea."
Angus and Brandon threw up their hands, the one in the middle, Sam, quietly settled the paperwork and held it out to her. Sam had deep and rough hands from working outdoors, a sharp contrast to Angus whose Scottish blood left him pale and prone to burn in the sun, and Brandon who seemed the weedy nerdy type who mostly spent his time in front of the computer.
"One-quarter share of the rent is two hundred a week plus utilities. I know it's on the steep side but it is what it is. I'm sorry, but we're not running a charity here, we need a roommate that can pay their way." His face softened as he watched Tegan's face fall. "I'm sorry, but we need to get in a replacement roommate right away."
Tegan raised her chin. She was slender and freckled, with pale skin and red hair like Angus', her features angular, almost sharp. "What if I can offer something other than money?"
Sam waved her papers back at her "What, drugs? Are you a dealer or something now? Even if we wanted that kind of hookup, you think we're going to want to party with two-hundred-plus worth of weed or E to party with each week?" he scoffed, looking to Brandon and Angus for support. Brandon, who didn't even drink, shook his head sadly, wryly amused at the idea that someone would be that bold. He hoped this pretty girl was only talking about party drugs and not anything harder, he'd never seen her as that kind of person in the short time she’d been living among them.
Angus picked up the conversation thread. "And that would still leave us out'f pocket. Weed and pills don' pay the rent."
Tegan waited until they were done before continuing. "I don't mean drugs. I mean something else. And it'll be more than the rent and utilities. I'll need you to cover my grocery bill as well, so I can live here with no expenses."
All three laughed at that.
"Get out of here girl," Angus started "find y'self a hubby if you plan to live as a kept woman."
Brandon laughed at that and added: "Look, I know we’ve sort of become friends, you don’t last as roomies unless you can get along, but really?"
"Sex." Tegan said plainly. The moment of truth. She had nowhere to go, her car was low on fuel and too small to live in. If this gambit failed she was out on the street. "With me." she added.
That got their attention.
"You what?" Angus said, still chuckling.
Brandon was struck dumb. Sam leaned back in his seat, apparently considering the offer.
"Like a one time deal? Paying the rent with a BJ? I don't think so."
"Of course not. You'd be out of pocket, you'd not be able to go out, meet girls, go on dates. I know you’re all single at the moment, so I propose..." she stood up, slipping her slim shoulders out of the straps of her light summer dress, allowing it to cascade to the floor "...that with me here you no longer need to."
All three sank back in the couch, crossing their legs one over the other in near unison to conceal their sudden discomfort as they seized the opportunity to absorb the view before them.
Tegan had a great body, of that there was no doubt. She was slim but shapely, with hips slightly wider than her waist, and a modest bust. Under her light dress she had been completely nude. Her breasts were between an A and a B-cup and she felt either size bra uncomfortable so she tended to simply go without at least while the ravages of age and gravity stayed their attack on her firm young body. Her pink nipples immediately darkened and stiffened in the cool room, assisted by her nervousness after suddenly disrobing in front of three relatively strange men. Below her flat belly a curl of fair ginger hair in the shape of a trimmed triangle sat above her soft nether lips, which were otherwise hairless as far as the men could see.
Tegan continued, the nineteen year old launching into the speech she'd been preparing on the way over "In exchange for you agreeing to share my portion of the rent, utilities, groceries and other small incidental expenses, you have me. All of me. At any time, day or night, as often as you like. I will serve you. I will still attend to my share of the housekeeping and cooking – I’ll even take up more of it since I’m not working. While you are here, I am free to be used at your whim. You want me to dress up? Buy me an outfit. Prefer me as naked as you see me now? Simply say so. I will serve you all equally so there are no arguments. Separately or all together, whatever pleases you. I only ask for a few days once a month for... the obvious reasons... and that this arrangement be kept confidential within this house."
The men sat in silence, none of them sure how to respond. Brandon seemed to have a calculating look on his face, perhaps wondering if he could spare the additional cost in exchange for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sam and Angus seemed more mollified. After a minute of awkward silence it occurred to Tegan that she might be standing there naked til doomsday if no one said anything. She sighed and crouched to gather up her dress around herself "I'm sorry, clearly I have wasted your time."
All three men lunged forward waving their hands "No!"

Chapter 2
It was agreed – a one month trial. The men would put up Tegan’s share for the month they were currently in arrears and the next month in exchange for Tegan’s bargain offered. After that, they would determine whether they could afford to go on like this while Tegan kept looking for a job. Tegan re-robed and sat in the living room sipping a glass of water and trying to settle her nerves as her heart pounded. After an extremely brief conversation in the kitchen between the three men, they returned and agreed Tegan would be permitted to stay, with the men sharing her expenses in exchange for her ongoing service. The true test for Tegan would be if she could follow through on her promise and how long she could maintain it. She felt she knew them as well as possible without actually having spent a long time with them personally, but she felt confident none were psychopaths or would harm her. And surely if one of them breached her trust then the others would hold him to account. She held her hands together in her lap to conceal how much they were shaking. The possibility that they would take advantage of her and turn her out anyway crossed her mind but she also dismissed it as unlikely. As long as she followed through on her end of the bargain, she was confident they would uphold theirs.
Angus broke the silence by clapping his hands "So, how do we do this then?" looking to the others. It seemed Tegan represented a kind of buffet and everyone was too shy to pick first. When no one responded Angus took Tegan by the hand and pulled her delicately to her feet, her following willingly, setting her glass down on the table.
"I don't think you'll be needing this love, it's been a little while for me." Angus said gently as he pushed the straps off her shoulders and let her dress fall to the floor again, pooling neatly around her feet.
Tegan had known that too, none of the men had had partners for the entire time she’d lived there and occasionally casual conversations whenever they crossed paths or drank together on a Friday night indicated that it had been much longer since their last conquests. In truth, the fact that she had been sharing space with three young, fit, single and probably sexually frustrated males had made her curious about exactly this kind of scenario. Perhaps her own curiousity had led her to make this offer in the first place. In Brandon's case she suspected he'd never been in a sexual relationship in his life, which she was eager to investigate further.
As Angus disrobed her for the second time in ten minutes, she stood with her hands at her sides, letting them drink her in again. She was in no rush and clearly neither were they. She expected that the first few weeks would be the most intense for her, at least until the novelty wore off and they fell into a routine, so her plan was to pace herself and ensure that these men were satisfied with their decision.
Angus stood behind her while the others watched, running his hands up and down her sides, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. Gradually he became more bold, caressing her ass and cupping her small breasts in his strong hands, gently pinching her nipples.
"So tell me girl, how'd you wind up in such a situation that you'd offer yourself up like this? Actually never mind, we can talk about that later. I'm more interested to know what you're game for. You know we'll want to fuck every day, right?"
Tegan nodded "Of course".
"You like it rough?"
"I don't mind." Tegan had not had that much experience, two boyfriends, brief relationships, but she was willing to push her limits. His touch was making her eager to get underway, and she was feeling bolder every second as she was openly molested while the two shyer men simply observed in silence.
"Oh, so she likes it rough? You take it up the arse?" he punctuated this last with a sharp swat of her firm ass, causing her to bite off a yelp.
"I will, if you want it. But It's been a while for me so be gentle."
"Oh, I'll be gentle, we don't want to break our new toy." He stood up against her back, holding her close and running his hands down her belly to touch the ginger curls at her crotch and find her slit with his fingers.
"Well, playtime's over. If there's no objections, I think I'll take this someplace more private. I’ve been dreaming about this for months and I’m not going to waste a moment longer. Don't worry lads, there'll be plenty left when I'm done"

Chapter 3
In Angus' room he closed the door, leading Tegan into the room and gently guided her to her knees by the bed by pressing on her shoulders, circling her a couple of times as he shed his t-shirt and kicked off his shoes. "Well, well. You really are a lovely little thing. And a little crazy to boot, to bring y'self in here and offer yourself up in exchange for some rent." He stopped in front of her and with a smug grin gestured to the bulge in his jeans and said, with obvious delight "well, it's not gonna suck itself".
Tegan reached up, her slender fingers deftly unzipping his baggy jeans. She let them fall to the floor and Angus kicked them aside as she took his cock out of his boxer-briefs. He was almost fully erect and free of the confines his shaft stood out from his body a little over five inches. Weighing his swelling penis in her hand she estimated him to be around seven inches in girth, certainly an appreciable thickness.
Angus continued talking, watching her size up his equipment. "I suppose we'll need to get an idea of where your limits are, girly, when we're pushing them. You know what a safeword is?" Tegan nodded. "Well I'd hate to spoil our little arrangement here, so how about we have a safeword to avoid an unfortunate misunderstandings?" Tegan nodded again, stroking his cock with her hand looking placidly up into his face as she played with his foreskin, easing it back over the swollen purple head, precum already oozing from the piss-slit.
"How about... pineapple?"
"Pineapple it is. Now suck that cock."
Tegan needed no further urging, her moment of truth was finally here. She parted her lips and slowly accepted his cockhead into her mouth, tasting his thin precum on her tongue she allowed a soft moan to escape as the thrill of what she was doing charged her with sexual excitement. She bobbed her head slowly, her jaw open wide to accept his thick shaft deeper into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head on each upstroke, creating a vacuum with her mouth, then taking him back into her mouth, crushing the bulbous head against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. He reached down to gently knead her small breasts with his strong hands, grunting softly as the taste of his precum grew stronger in her mouth and she knew that he wouldn't be far off if she kept up this pace.
Abruptly he pushed her shoulders back, his cock emerging from her hungry mouth with a pop, she looked up at him somewhat perplexed.
"Mmm, lovely work lass, but if ye don't mind I'd like to skip to the big finish." he produced a half-empty tube of lube from the drawer of his bedside table "Lie across the bed, keep your knees on the floor. Atta girl." he set the lube down next to her and kneaded her ass firmly, spreading her cheeks to expose her pussy and delicate pink pucker of her anus. "Lovely, lovely" he mumbled as he dove in, sweeping his tongue from her moist pussy up her asscrack, tonguing the little hole. Tegan squirmed suppressing the urge to giggle as the slimy tongue meat tickled her where no one had ever licked her before, causing her to quiver all over. Angus pushed his tongue against the little hole, testing it's resistance.
"Mmph, very tight. It has been awhile hasn't it girly? Well, no time like the present to break you in... metaphorically, of course." He picked up the lube tube and put a small amount on his fingers, proceeding to smear a little around her anal hole and pushing a finger a little way inside. Tegan squirmed, shuddering at the sensation of the cold lube and the digital penetration. Picturing his cock she was nervous about his thickness inside her, but she was calmly confident that he wouldn't harm her, as difficult as the next few minutes might be to adjust to.
Angus smeared the last of the lube over his throbbing cockhead then began to push the tip up against the little hole. Tegan gripped the covers and took slow deep breaths in and out, feeling the pressure and the pain, as her body opened to accept him. The process seemed to go on for an eternity, she felt as though he would never stop stretching her open. She let out a whimper then suddenly she felt him jolt forward a couple of inches. She whimpered again, biting her lip to hold in the sound as he groaned, feeling her body engulf his cockhead once again.
"Ahh, there it is. No worries love, the hard part's over. I'll be gentle." he eased his slimy shaft deeper into her tight hole, his meat disappearing inside her as she trembled under him. Her body had already accommodated his entire thickness but feeling him force himself deeper inside was not much easier. Her asshole felt like it was on fire, a sharp contrast to the slimy chill of his lubed up finger. She clenched and unclenched her fists, forcing herself to remain relaxed as he continued to violate her, then suddenly she felt his pelvis pressed all the way up against her.
"Good girl, good girl. See? Not so hard now was it? You took it like a pro. Now let's give ye a moment to get used to me." He slid his hands under her to feel her breasts again, circling her nipples with his finger tips. She could feel his cock twitching inside her ass, and focused on the beat of it, feeling herself relaxed by it, her mind shifting away from the strange agony and focusing more on the sensation of Angus becoming a part of her.
She was snapped out of her reverie as Angus took his hands from her breasts and gripped her hips "Alright then?" He drew his cock out of her about halfway then drove it back in. He was going slowly but her focus was back on the feeling of her stretched asshole being pushed and pulled as it gripped tightly at his invading cock. Her reprieve was short as he wasted no time in picking up the pace, groaning with each stroke as he used her ass. It was all she could do to stifle her own moans but Angus took this as encouragement. Tegan wondered if anything she could do would discourage him at this point.
He continued to slide his cock in and out, a smooth sawing motion that never seemed to end. Tears welled in her eyes and she squeezed them shut, determined not to give in. The sensation of being stuffed and fucked in her back hole was pleasurable in a way, but it was too much too soon for her and she could only wait for it to be over.
Suddenly Angus' rhythm changed. She could feel his cock swelling and knew he was close to the edge. He drew all bit the head out of her body, jabbing her sphincter with short strokes to focus all of the tightness on his bulbous cockhead as he reached closer and closer to climax. Tegan was panting and moaning as she simply gripped the covers, bearing down through the last stages of the assfuck then with one last heave Angus drove his thick all the way him one last time letting out a deep groan of satisfaction at the same time as Tegan let out a strained cry of pain. She could feel his cock pulse inside her, again, again... four times. Then the warmth spread and she knew she was feeling his hot ejaculate filling her bowel as he collapsed on top of her, breathing hard.
After laying like that for a few minutes feeling his cock soften inside her Angus slowly pulled out. Tegan could feel a trickle of cum leak from her ravaged anus and trickle down the hairless lips of her pussy.
Angus took a moment to inspect his handiwork, spreading her cheeks with his hands then playfully slapping her ass again "I'll be back for more of that later love, but you best go get yourself cleaned up before you get and give me another hard-on. You've got other business to attend to."

Chapter 4
After each of them made a quick visit to the bathroom to clean themselves up and for Tegan to regain her composure after an unexpectedly abrupt session with Angus, Angus led the still-nude Tegan back down the hall to the living room where Brandon and Sam were engaged in quiet conversation. As they entered Brandon shot to his feet apparently out of a combination of anxiousness and politeness, then looked around apparently feeling extremely awkward for having done so. Sam sat back in his recliner, steepling his fingertips together with a look of bemusement. Angus circuited through the kitchen and returned, flopping down on the couch with a beer in hand "Go on lad, she don't bite."
After a few moments of awkward silence had passed, Tegan broke the silence and came to Brandon's rescue by extending her arms and beckoning to him, him clearly eager, but too shy to do anything. Tegan would rectify that in short order.
"Come on, let's go somewhere quiet to talk. I want to see what your room looks like."
Awkward, stilted, but it was enough to set things in motion again and Brandon guided Tegan back down the hall towards his room, watching her firm ass move as she walked slightly ahead of him.

Brandon's room was dark and cluttered. Tegan had plenty of time to look at the posters for various bands and movies lining the walls, the oversized sound system with the volume knob all the way down, the currently deactivated black light screwed to the wall above the bed, and a few scattered accessories that Brandon periodically tidied up and threw into drawers as he paced back and forth in front of her. It was quickly apparent that Brandon was far more anxious about this arrangement than she was and was clearly unaccustomed to having any female in his room, irrespective of her state of dress.
On about his fifteenth pass Tegan reached out and took him by the wrist, looking up into his eyes once she had his attention "Sit down, you're making me dizzy. Let's just talk."
Reluctantly Brandon sat next to her, apparently too shy to even look directly at her. She turns her shoulders to face him more directly, a wordless gesture to make it clear she was not here to keep anything hidden from him as he nervously rocked on the edge of the bed, tapping his feet.
"Ok!" he blurted "Ok. I'm ok. I just... look I know it's obvious but I've never done this before. With a stranger. Ok, with anyone. I'm a virgin." the words poured out of him, which was at least some progress.
"Everyone is at some point." Tegan reassured him, trying to sound as matter-of-fact as possible then allowing Brandon to continue.
"I haven't had much luck. I've had girlfriends but I guess I never really managed to 'seal the deal', you know? Like I make a mistake or something and they get bored with me and go with some other guy."
Tegan took his face in her hands and kissed him softly on the lips.
"I'm not your girlfriend." she lay back across the bed, raising one knee. "With me there's no such thing as a mistake."
Brandon seemed to finally need no further coaxing. He fell upon her prone form and found her mouth with his, kissing her gently at first then with more eagerness as he ran his hand up her leg and side, finding her breast with his hand and squeezing it gently, feeling her nipple harden gradually under his touch. Tegan helped him take off his shirt and he lay atop her, pressing his chest to hers as he started kissing her neck and shoulder, cupping her ass with his hand, pulling his crotch against hers through his shorts.
Tegan ran her hands down his sides, finding his shorts and pushing them down enough to free his dick, feeling spring up between them she quickly grasped it lightly in her fingers, encircling the base with her thumb and forefinger then drawing it slowly along the length, getting to know him. He shuddered in her hand, moaning in her ear as he nibbled her earlobe. His cock felt long, longer than Angus’ average length – perhaps eight or nine inches. More slender than Angus’, much like Brandon himself was, and he was circumsized. She wondered if that was for religious reasons since it was commonly frowned upon in modern times, from a medical standpoint. Not that it mattered to her either way.
She continued to stroke him, appreciating his length, the rock hardness of his erection. Brandon seemed preoccupied with her touch and had stopped kissing her, when suddenly he pushed himself off her trying to back his throbbing prick from her tender grasp when suddenly it twitched in her hand and hot watery semen geysered from the purple head. The initial spurt arced high, spattering down on her left breast and two more followed spilling onto her flat belly. Brandon turned away, his shoulders hunched, refusing to look at her.
"Oh God, I’m sorry. I’m sorry."
Tegan watched his turned back, biting her lip to stifle a giggle knowing that it would be brutal to his young ego. She knew he was embarrassed as coming so quickly, and maybe because he came all over her. While it didn’t bother her, she suspected other girls might not be so forgiving. Even though she suspected they were the same ago, she suddenly felt like the worldly and experienced one in the room.
She moaned gently to get Brandon’s attention, scooping up some of his watery ejaculate off her belly with her finger and tasting it, sucking her finger. She put on what she hoped was a seductive face and eyed him as she sucked his cum off her finger. "Mmm." She craned her head down and pushed her tiny breast up with her other hand, stretching her tongue to gather a little more of his cum from her nipple.
Brandon watch her display, unsure of how to respond. The fact that she didn’t consider his premature climax to be an end to the session was bolstering him, but his past shortfalls had left him genuinely concerned that he would never lose his virginity. As he turned to face her again, Tegan sat up and rose to her knees, her hands on his shoulders as she leaned in to kiss him tentatively, momentarily mindful that he might not want to give the small amount of his cum she had just tasted, but when he did not hesitate she pressed her mouth to his with more pressure, her tongue wrestling with his as she took control, pushing him back down onto the bed.
Once Brandon was lying flat she ran her arms down his torso and took his cock in her hand, caressing his balls with the other. Flipping her red ponytail over her shoulder she locked eyes with him for a moment with an impish smirk then swept her mouth down over his cockhead. Almost immediately, his cock swelled in her mouth, his entire body shuddering as he felt a warm mouth and tongue on his cock. Tegan bobbed her head gently, easing more and more of his prick into her mouth as it continued to swell back to full hardness. She was happy to take her time with him, let him grow accustomed, slow sweeps of her mouth up and down the shaft. Watching him out of the corner of her eye she could see him watching her in return, his gaze shifting from her body, her tiny jiggling breasts, and her lips engulfing his cock over and over. She could feel him pulsing and tensing, arching his hips off the bed to urge his shaft deeper into her mouth. She raised her head, releasing his cock and using her hand to continue stroking his shaft, relishing the control she had over him at this moment even in spite of her indebtedness to him and the others.
"Has a girl ever let you cum in her mouth before, Brandon?"
"Nnnnno." Brandon grunted in response, his jaw clenched, back arched as he stared at the ceiling.
"You better watch closely then Brandon, you don’t want to miss it." Tegan purred as she lowered her head to his cock and swept him up in her soft mouth again, making eye contact with him as he raised his head to watch her ministrations. Then suddenly the point of no return came to him and he felt the build up of pressure release, a loud groan of relief escaping him as he flooded Tegan’s mouth with his cream.
"Mmmm" Tegan moaned as his cockhead pulsed and a torrent of semen flooded her mouth. She held his eye contact as he pulsed twice, then swallowed the thick load to make room for more, cupping his balls firmly and massaging them with her palm as if to coax more and more until he was completely drained. Brandon’s body spasmed again, another burst of cum escaping into Tegan’s mouth as she circled his cockhead with her tongue. Tegan dutifully swallowed again then released him from her mouth only to move to the underside of the shaft and suckle at the meaty frenulum beneath the head. Brandon let out a hoarse whisper of "oh God" and bucked his hips one last time as a small squirt of watery cum leaked from his deflating tip onto Tegan’s cheek.
Tegan rose back onto her knees with a girlish giggle as she wiped the cum from her cheek into her mouth then sucked her fingers clean, gently massaging Brandon’s wilting penis with her other hand, letting him down gently, so to speak, as he lay there catching his breath.
"That was amazing." He mumbled.
"Why thank you." Tegan tittered.
There was a moment’s silence and Tegan began to wonder if Brandon had drifted off to sleep. Tegan started to slip off the bed, aware she still had another roommate to visit, when Brandon broke the silence.
"Hey, what’s up?"
"Next time… there’s going to be a next time, right?"
"Plenty of next times, Brandon."
"Can I… you know…"
"No, what?"
"I don’t want to say it… it might seem crude."
"You’re pretty indirect for a guy who just agreed to keep a live-in sex slave for a month and whose cum I swallowed like two minutes ago."
"…when you put it that way, this is kind of fucked up."
"It’s fucked up no matter how you look at it, but I’m the one who offered. Now if I’m not mistaken, you want to know if next time we can actually fuck?"
"Well… yeah."
"Of course B, why wouldn’t we?"
"This is kind of unbelievable."
"Well, believe it. Now, I don’t mean to be rude, but I shouldn’t keep Sam waiting."
"Did you and Angus…" Brandon trailed off.
"B, let me put it this way – would you want Angus knowing the exact details of what we were up to in here?"
"I… guess not."
"There you go. Now, I should be going."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 25 Jul 2024 13:36 UTC
Views: 594