You Have To Be Tough To Survive
Ramona: 'You English?’
Xue: 'I’ve lived there. I wasn’t born there. If I might call myself a taxi, I’ll take myself off.’
Ramona: 'No, let me give you a lift if you’re okay with it.'
Hikari: Ramo-san, you're looking good~......
Lilja: Yeah. Cool. She's a good fit for the role.
Koyomi: It seems that there are high expectations for her among the members of the theatre company.
Koyomi: A hard-boiled detective played by Ramona-san…... You can't miss it…...!
Lilja: Do you think so too Koyomi?
Koyomi: No! This is......that.
Koyomi: I'm just quoting the words of the members of the theatre company.
Lilja: I see. ......Oh, it looks like a break.
Ramona: Thanks for your time. How was it?
Hikari: It was cool! It was hard-boiled!
Ramona: Hah, I'm glad to hear that.
Lilja: It's a rumor even among the troupe members.
Ramona: Rumour?
Xue: ‘Tickets for Ramona's Marlowe are definitely selling out!’
Xue: I heard that.
Ramona: What, you knew that too, Xue?
Xue: Ever since rehearsals started, it's been the talk of the theatre company. I hear about it even if I don’t want to.
Ramona: I see......
Ramona: Then I'll have to work even harder in rehearsals.
Lilja: Ramo, you look happy.
Ramona: I don't feel bad about having expectations placed on me.
Hikari: Ramo-san, why are you always so snappy?
Ramona: Snappy?
Hikari: Always clear! ......Ah, crisp! You know?
Hikari: ......Always straight backed! Like that!
Ramona: Oh, if that's what you mean, maybe it's because I grew up watching my parents' backs.
Lilja: Your parents?
Hikari: They both had straight backs?
Ramona: Ha, well, they had straight backs, too.
Ramona: My parents are both military.
Ramona: To be disciplined, to be aware of your surroundings, and to lead......
Ramona: I learned most of what I want to be from my parents.
Koyomi: ......You have a lot of respect for your parents, don't you?
Ramona: Yes, I do. And my love of Japanese culture comes from them as well.
Xue: It really feels like you grew up watching your parents' backs.
Ramona: It's embarrassing to hear it from someone else.
Ramona: ......Well, but I guess you're right. They are my beloved and cherished family.
Koyomi: .......
Director: Let's get back to rehearsals! Assembly!
Lilja: Spartan, as always.
Xue: Let's see, ‘No one here-’, no.
Xue: ‘They don’t know how to make them here.’
Xue: ‘What they call a gimlet is just some lime or lemon juice and and gin with a dash of sugar and bitters. A real gimlet is-’
Hikari: Xue, independent training? There's still time before dinner, right?
Xue: Hmm? Yeah. Because it’s a long line with unfamiliar words.
Hikari: What is this 'gimlet' in the dialogue?
Xue: It's the name of a drink, a cocktail. A mixture of liquor and juice.
Hikari: Cocktails......! Sounds mature-......!
Hikari: Ramo-san or Lilja-san would look good with it.
Ramona: Haha, that's a good thing.
Hikari: Ramo-san! Good work Ramo-san, do you know what a ‘gimlet’ is?
Ramona: Well, in a manner of speaking. It has a high alcohol content, and I've never drunk it…...
Lilja: It sounds like you’ve had others before.
Ramona: I used to drink a lot of beer when I was in Germany. German beer is good, it’s not bitter and has a rich aroma.
Hikari: Eh!? Ramo-san, you used to drink!?
Ramona: In Germany, you can drink beer and wine from the age of 16.
Ramona: I liked to toast with beer with everyone, I only drank beer......
Lilja: Ramo toasting and drinking beer with everyone......
Koyomi: It's not hard to imagine......
Hikari: Okay then, so what does it mean by ‘it's too soon for gimlets’?
Ramona: That's because there's a scene in the story where Terry writes a suicide note to Marlowe, right? Gimlets are a memorable drink for both of them. That's why-
Ramona: 'I want you to drink the gimlet at the end. Then forget it and me’. Terry disappears, leaving a note.
Ramona: So, ‘drinking the gimlet’ is a sign of farewell for both of them.
Hikari: But I don't want to say goodbye yet, so-
Ramona: It's too early for a gimlet.
Hikari: Adult~......!
Hikari: Stylish! Amazing!
Hikari: Xue! Did you know!
Xue: Wha-!?
Xue: Y-Yeah! It's my line, of course I knew!
Koyom: Well, we are still minors in Japan, It's 'too early for gimlets' in that sense too.
Lilja: Don't you say it's too early to say goodbye too?
Koyomi: Gingaza is a place where the strong survive. I'm not going to say goodbye to you out of familiarity.
Ramona: Haah.......
Ramona: You're as unapproachable as ever, Koyomi.