Be anon
you are currently bound and gagged because you were captured by anthros in the invasion
supposedly you were going to be reeducated.
actually you surrendered to them a few days before the war ended.
you just pretended to put up a fight so you they would think you needed to be broken
also you weren't really in the army, the "militia" you were part of was actually just a /k/ meetup for guys with similar goals
your biggest desire was to piss off a big anthro woman enough that she broke your pelvis
you could imagine the sensation of her big fur covered body slamming you into the hard floor of the fabled lithium mines.
you came a bit as the truck pulled to an abrupt halt waiting for your "punishment"
you come up with several insults as they begin to take the bag off your head revealing..
a shitty woodsy 70s style building with a fake log cabin aesthetic.
you are gently held up and made to walk towards said building.
you turn to look at your captor, she is not what you expected.
for one thing she's a tall and lithe cheetah dressed more for woodstock than saigon.
her expression is placid
"What the hell do you think you're doing to me you hairy bitch!"
"Hey.. let's use some more constructive language ok?" in an incredibly thick northwestern accent
"Fuck off! Y-you won't ever be able to rape me into obedience."
"I won't rape you my man, I respect all wavelengths of life."
each insult is met with something along the lines of "the light in me recognizes the light in you."
you burst into tears as you hear the acoustic cover of shiny happy people holding hands.
it has been several hours and no one has fucked you, hell not even a single grope.
you saw a mommyfag try and submit to one once
she just told him that he should have more confidence because they all share the same heartbeat
the cheetah woman leans her head on your shoulder clearly tired from the close encounters screening and jefferson airplane sing along
you'd try and push her away but you were bound after you trashed your art materials during the "expression session"
one of them a wolf, built more like one of the anthros you imagined torturing you offers you some cookies.
the cheetah perks her ears
you bite into it hard and procede to eat the whole thing quickly
the anthros start looking at you some are concerned others are smiling.
notice only humans are getting cookies
you start to feel dizzy
Oh shit you're dizzy
like really dizzy
god dammit you were prepared for being slammed into the cold hard floor of the fabled lithium mines but you weren't ready for the experience of being simultaneously 10 inches and 10 feet tall as your skin becomes wax paper.
you weren't even sure the lithium mines you read about on 4chan were real
you thrust around wildly still bound, gazing up

into the nightmare kaleidoscope that was once the night sky

you feel paws on your shoulder and you turn to face your peacenik captor.
her face is mostly the same but the colors and outline are distorted
"Hey buddy, relax just let it happen... the info you're giving out is really valuable."
you hear the wolf speak
"Yeah plus if this works you're gonna feel a lot better."
your panic intensified, you weren't taken to a summer camp
you were currently being held captive by their version of MK ultra
you are soon gingerly pushed to the ground by your captor, her breath hot against your face as her warm bust presses on your chest
the last thing you see before your ego begins to dissolve in a flurry of light and sound is her eyes looking down at you with a mix of guilt and concern.


be Meridian, formerly Clara.
you've done a lot of things you weren't proud of and this is one of them
you lock eyes with your charge, he's pretty out of it but hopefully the feeling of your warmth and body mass is comforting
you hated sneaking it up on them but expectation could potentially skew the results
finally after you press down hard enough anon is now out like a light.
as you gingerly pick him up to get some readouts you start wondering how you got here in the first place
around the time you were born almost all male children would come out stillborn.
something to do with fatal drift between the mitochondria and nucleus
by the time you were around ten everyone knew it was over, a few were trying to clean up the mess before the lights went out, most were just giving into base hedonism
you tried burying yourself into quantum biology
part of you wanted to believe that you could save your species
logically knew there were hundreds of people smarter than you who tried and failed to solve it
then a miracle happened
a few neutrino detectors in Antarctica found small portals to other universes
most of them had conditions completely anathema to life, but one was different
one had what appeared to be genetically viable and attractive males
and they were humans... like in a fucking albedo comic
then the invasion started
the military began drafting any scientist who could do a pull up and shoot straight for the first wave
they needed data just as much as they needed combatants
to further justify what was essentially a glorified resource war they told you that this world's governments horrifically abused their citizens
that you'd be greeted as liberators
that humans would be jumping into your arms the minute you toppled a few government buildings
it wasn't like that at all
instead of love and gratitude you were greeted with terror and artillery fire
but it wasn't the army that really got to you
it was the civilian resistance
humans as young as 15 attacking you with baseball bats and kitchen knives
you saw a woman set herself on fire and rush at you in final act of desperation
and the worst part was you couldn't blame them
a few of your squad members literally dragged off husbands from their families
casually shaking off the wives and children who were now grovelling at their legs
the look in their fucking eyes
this wasn't your call but the girls in charge wanted as many live male captives as possible
that was a good excuse
but even that wasn't the worst part
a month after the war was over there were people back home saying that you didn't go far enough
that you didn't dominate these poor fucking bastards the way their rape fetish fanfics said you should
rape wasn't sexy
guys didn't "secretly like it"
it was horrifying mix of desperation and terror
you get the sudden urge to skin those chickenhawk sorority girls alive
but that was behind you, you were a different person now.
you walked away from all that violence and immersed yourself in the most pacifistic cultures of this world
you were trying to do as much good as you possibly could making sure humans were psychologically ready to be sent back to their assigned civilian wives
a lot were like anon, angry and combative
a few had regressed so much they called every female they saw mommy
but you knew you could make them happy, make them better
... at least for a little while
you fall back to reality as you feel your human's chest begin to gently rise and drop in slumber
still on the ground you swivel your head to see how the others are doing
a few are laughing most are stumbling around
one guy slumped against the goat anthro caring for him is muttering about how he feels like an animatronic in a hurricane
the world was about to end and all he could do was the same set of premade routines designed to sell children pizza
most are faring better than yours but with his personality it made sense that he'd have a particularly strong reaction
the drug you administered was supposed to weaken negative amygdala reactions to anthros by stimulating dopamine and other mood enhancers in the neocortex and hippocampus
judging by your guy he most likely had a strong amygdala reaction to anthros
that or he just couldn't take his hallucinogens
you dust yourself off and pick your human up in a bridal carry, his left arm flopping out as he lazily drooled
"Hey Meridian? Where you going?"
You turn to see a Jackal, you think her name was Andromeda her white paws playing human's dark hair absent mindedly
"yeah, he crashed and burned pretty hard, I'm gonna take him to the lab before he dies or some shit."
she laughs with a considerable amount of nervousness and then suddenly pauses jerking forward and rousing her human
"Oh shit! I have lab duty tonight don't it?"
"mmhmm" at this point you were already several feet out of the camp easily carrying your limp human
you hear Andromeda back at the camp now a bit frantic
"shit.. shit, can somebody look after him?"
this continues for a few minutes before she runs off to catch up with you and by the time she's caught up with you she's already out of breath
"huff.. huff This freaking sucks.."
you roll your eyes still focused on the wooded trail in front of you
"Why, you're always signing up for lab duty."
she huffs once more this time out of embarrassment and frustration rather than exhaustion
"Well yeah but like... I really liked this one, like you know?"
you freeze for a moment before continuing your slow robotic walk forwards
"You know we don't get to keep them right?"
you hated saying that
she whines
"But like don't you think it's like wrong? Like we take these guys, get attached, help them back on their feet and for what? So some sweathog back home can fuck some guy she barely even knows."
You try to keep calm and cool, you are technically one of the department heads, and if they sense dissent in the immediate leadership, you can only imagine what hell will be unleashed on you
but she's right, the guys would be better off with you wouldn't they? after all you did the lion's share of the work, you actually cared about the guys? The least they could do is give you some first picks
no that was fucking wrong, everything about this was wrong
these weren't food, they weren't even pets
these are living, feeling people with lives you destroyed
all so you could pump new blood into your vampiric fucking society
you snap, anger is the one negative emotion you are allowed to show subordinates
"None of this is right man! Why would you think that part would be any different? Now take him back to the lab unless you want to be sent back as a fucking lab assistant! "
you shove him into her arms eliciting a startled yelp
she gathers herself ears down and tail between her leg, "yes chairman.", she rushes to the building anon in tow leaving you to stare at the canopy of pine trees in front of you
"I'm freaking tired of this hypocritical bullshit." you grumble at the trees hoping that they respond
'You shouldn't be so hard on her' says a mental voice you'd like to think was from the earth's biosphere, 'She's the youngest researcher here and is always out of it even when she's sober, not that she ever is."
you give out an exasperated groan like a teenager deprived of her iphone for sexting and cross your arms for added affect
"Listen man, what the hell am I supposed to do agree with her? Tell her that she can ignore our orders and keep him? Huh what about the rest of us huh? What makes her so special!"
you cross your arms impatiently after the outburst waiting for a reply
'I'm not saying to ignore your orders, I'm saying all of you should defy them. Shake up the system ya dig?'
the idea is tempting but a thousand images of the horrible retribution you would receive from back home quickly drown it out
"Yeah sure, and risk making things even worse.." you were sick of the earth's biosphere and sick of some weakness in your left parietal lobe for giving you these thoughts
'hey take a chill pill, it was just a suggestion."
you growl involuntarily before letting out one last scream into the night
"Well do you have any more suggestions? I could really fucking use some!"
the voice remains silent this time leaving you with your teeth clenched, paws balled into fists and truly alone in the universe

pov switch

be anon

you are currently fading in and out of existence from visions of blue fractals in infinite darkness
you feel oddly calm as your chest heave and eyes blink
you see two moving blurs which slowly become clearer as you regain some of your beerings
you realize that you are now currently inside and in a room that is much more sterile than expected for somewhere like this
no carpets, no lava lamps, no wood panels, just tile and machinery
the only thing suitably psychedelic is a poster of an cloaked orange man in space with the words WARLOCK underneath
you glance upwards to see an anthro Jackal and lemur standing over you
"Like, his Vasopresin seems to be rising bretty good." says the Jackal, her demeanor fidgety.
The Jackal leans in, and cups your chin with her white paw, cautiously wiggling it around a bit before turning to her compatriot
"Yeah. but there's still a little too much going on in the Amygdala for my comfort." responds the Lemur
you feel a bit of friction on your shirt as the Jackal runs her hand over your chest
"God, I always feel bad for the little guys, they don't even know whats hitting em."
the lemur remains silent
you try and think of a comeback
something about zaboomafoo maybe?
you're sure you think of one later as you once again drift off into infinite darkness.
you awake once more for real this time
you cautiously swivel your head to make sure you're actually awake and not hallucinating
instead of the expected fear your body feels warmth and comfort
you chalk that up to the drugs as you nervously wiggle around and get your bearings
it seems you're in one of their bedrooms, lying on a tacky blue couch and draped in a rug quilt
you briefly feel around to see if you were raped only to find you were still wearing the exact same emission free pair of pants
you are admittedly disappointed
the room itself is decently sized, though not huge with the rest being taken up by a single sized bed and a large crt tv with a plethora of gaming systems attached
as the lights are off, the room is mostly illuminated by sunlight streaming through the bamboo curtains
you wiggle around a bit more the numbness starting to fade as you begin to raise yourself to sitting height
looking closer at the bed you realize it's completely empty aside from a stuffed stegosaurus and a copy of Dancing Wu Li masters
maybe this is your room? no it couldn't be otherwise you wouldn't be lying on the couch
and why would they give you a stuffed animal?
was this the Cheetah's room? It made sense that it would be with the whole assigned to you thing
plus it would make sense she lived like this, walls covered in posters for shitty prog bands and an entire collection of empty Kombucha bottles on the floor
you hear a knock at the door
"Hey, apologies for wakin ya but can I come in?"
yep you are in her room
she laughs as she opens the door two cups of coffee in tow,
after placing the coffee on the bedstand she begins the process of sprawling out on her bed her back slowly sliding down against the wall
you had to admit the t shirt shorts combo certainly helped show off her lithe musculature that would normally go unseen under all those baggy clothes
"So how'd you sleep?" she asks lazily blowing some of her ample hair out of her eye.
you shakily rise up to your full height, hand on the armrests
her smile vanishes before returning in a much smaller and more embarrassed form.
"yeah... sorry about that.. it's sort of our job y'know."
she was clearly uncomfortable judging by her sudden avoidance of eye contact.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it! You were all kindergarten teachers and then you slipped me a fucking roofie!"
she looks even more upset now, her ears noticeably pressed back against her head!
"Listen I know you weren't expecting it but it was supposed to calm you down."
You were furious, your masculine anger and rage were what kept you from those despicable mommyfags
How dare this hippie bitch violate your mind like that!
You would insult her further but at this point you knew it was pointless to keep talking
at least you could have some power by making her squirm before she spilled all her beans.
she finally looks up at you though her smile is now completely gone.
she sighs, "have some coffee.."
you take the cup but keep silent, making sure your glare does not lose any intensity
"As you probably figured out by now... you're in a re education center?"
you keep silent
"and if you've been like paying attention it's one for pretty troubled humans... n-not that there's anything wrong with bein a bit stirred up."
you still keep silent, though the sheer amount of regret in your voice softens your anger
she looks down for a brief second playing with her tail.before quickly looking back up
"anyways what we want to do here is fix you.. help you."
her voice was especially strained on the fixing part
"Fix me?"
"Yeah make you into a more suitable husband.. you know so you don't..:
you were getting sick of this
"So I don't what?! Make them cry?! Kick their asses?"
she gives her deepest sigh yet
"So you don't kill yourself when you get to the other side."
you aren't sure whether the horror or emasculation hit you harder
you thought that this was to break your will make you subservient.
that they would try and turn you into an obedient sex slave
that they'd appreciate your backbone
but this was different, and judging by her expression she was completely serious
"when the first guys were sent to their assigned wives.. a lot of them killed themselves..."
she continues, her head drooping with every syllable
"within a week... wonder why right?" bitter sarcasm now tinging her normally sweet voice
"Our job is to figure find out how to prevent that problem. Especially more troubled ones like yourself.."
"What we gave you last night was supposed to calm you down.. make you react less violently to us without a full lobotomy.."
"Of course there were a few girls back home who were down with that, but me and the girls running these places don't jive with that kind of thing."
looking back this actually made sense
after all if they wanted to turn unwilling pows into obedient husbands why wouldn't they use modern psychology?
"I realize you and your buddies were hiding up in the rockies but things got pretty rough down at sea level... some pretty nasty stuff went down.. bad shit."
now the guilt was kind of on your shoulders, the minute you heard about the invasion you and everyone in the middle of the /k/, /trash/ venn diagram ran for the hills
you left family, coworkers, and what few irl friends you had behind
a few of them even kept texting you through the invasion
of course natural paranoia prevented you from responding
didn't want to reveal your location to dead weight.
jesus christ what the fuck were you doing?
you hadn't shot anything larger or scarier than a deer
how were you going to deal with a whole platoon of 7 foot tall wolf women carrying particle rifles that could bench press you with ease
"a lot of people were hurt."
the Cheetah looks up at you sniffling and clearly restraining tears before a weak trembling smile forms
"B-but while we're helping you we're going to make sure you have as good a time as possible while it happens dude!"
she was now doing full on damage control
and from her quivering smile, you can tell she knows it
that under all the acoustic guitar and crystal telepathy, all of them knew just how awful this was.
you looked up at her a mix of rage and sympathy
then you stop, you can't even muster any will to be mad any more
the cheetah gets up panicked that you'll get closer to the thing she's working hard to prevent
"Ohmigod I'm so sorry! I shouldn't 'ave freakin dropped this on you."
the rage comes back but it's muted and just as directed at yourself as it was at her
you clench your fist but your head continues to sag
"I can't say this is ok..."
she tries to put her paw on your hand but you gently push her away
"but this just didn't turn out how I expected it would."
"If it's any consolation I get it, lot of dudes come here thinking they're gonna play Hogan's Heroes. Heck I came here, thinking I was gonna be some kinda superhero."
"course in the real world things turn out different.
you don't talk anymore
you are now sitting there silently for what feels like eternity
both of you staring at the floor not daring, to look at each other just in case eye contact alone would reveal more uncomfortable truths
she clears her throat and leans against the wall for support, her hair now covering her eyes almost completely
"You should finish your coffee."
you nod still reeling
you gingerly sip the warm black liquid
"It tastes like shit.."
she laughs this time it's genuine, "Yeah it does... come on we should get out of here, Andromeda is making waffles and I don't want to miss them!"

Pub: 21 Aug 2024 07:44 UTC
Views: 316