Alpha Gardevoir Docking


You somehow manage to catch an Alpha Gardevoir way above your level by some fluke, and are feeling proud about it. You go and try to use her on a higher level random battle out in the field, but as soon as she leaves the pokeball, her eyes flash red and she grabs both you and the pokeball before you can call her back, carrying you into a copse of trees nearby.

As she puts you down and pins you to the ground with 1 hand, you see the massive porcelain-white horsecock and balls swinging between her legs. The stallion dick was easily longer and thicker than one of your arms, and her balls looked to be about the size of your torso and almost visibly pulsing as they churned up more sperm. Her eyes flash red again and she begins to tear off your clothes, growing fully hard as she does. From the look on her face, it seems like you only caught her because she was distracted trying to find a mate, but it seems like one just delivered itself to her. While still lost in an aroused haze, an idea seems to come across her eyes as she looks down at your naked cock, which has been hardening and leaking precum due to the pheromones and lewd situation. She grins, and points her massive horsecock down towards your own member, and immediately you feel an intense, odd tingling sensation in your cock.

You then remember reading in the pokedex that some Gardevoir have enough psychic power to bend dimensions to their will, and gulp in anticipation. As her fat blunted cockhead begins pressing down onto your own hugely outsized dick, you can only watch and feel as your cock is forced to act as a supernaturally tight sleeve for the Gardevoir's equine length. Besides the curious pleasure of the insertion, you also have to deal with the stimulus of your cock being stretched to more than 5-10x its original width. Even though the distortion seems to have been giving you some length as well, your ~7 inches are no match for her multiple feet, and so her cockhead begins to push further into your urethra and past the base to where she has about a third of her cock in.

After she meets some slight resistance inside you, the Gardevoir is certainly not going to be stopped by anatomy now after going so far already, and with a short thrust that knocks the wind out of you, your prostate is made to cling to her bulbous tip. After a brief pause to compose herself, the alpha Gardevoir begins slowly thrusting into your cock. The pleasure is mind numbing, as due to the extent of the stretch, you can see and feel every vein, every bump, every ridge as she slides in and out of your urethra, only able to pull out slowly due to the tightness and suction of your prostate around her head.

After a couple minutes of this, the Alpha Voir gets an impatient look on her face and seems to think for a minute, she's not very satisfied with 'shallow' strokes that only get near half of her cock in at maximum. After another realization, her eyes widen with lust and you feel somehow more tingling in your cock as the space inside your package is distorted even further. She pops her tip out of your prostate, draws back grabs hold of either side of your stretched cock and begins to bear down slowly into you with more pressure, increasing the pleasure load on your urethra, until something gives and your cock seems to accept more of her length.

However, despite the pushing, her cock suddenly feels like its only halfway down your urethra. Your prick feels simultaneously massive and the same size all at once, but as she continues to push in, you realize that she's increased the spatial distortion to make your cock a perfect fit for her otherwise massive equine shaft. Once she finally manages to rest her medial ring on your cocktip, the bulge of her blunted head just barely has reached the base of your dick. The fullness and sensation is extremely intense, as inches of cock are made to feel feet of thrusting horsecock, making your nerves go haywire. She pushes in slightly more after that to get her medial ring scraping against the inside of your cock, and then begins thrusting in earnest, having distorted your dick into a custom length, ludicrously tight pussy capable of taking her immense shaft. The Gardevoir's thrusts are now much more like that of a rutting stallion, each rough pistoning pushing you into the ground and the tree she has you pinned to (not that you were able to move now anyway).

Her massive alabaster balls join the action as well, slapping against your entire package with near as much impact as the thrust itself, giving you a preview of how dense and hot the seed she was churning up with each wet thud. With the Gardevoir's size and how pent up she is, her balls must weigh more than half as much as your body at this point, and there's no telling what that much poke-breeder sperm will do to your testes, but since the Gardevoir is panting and speeding up, you realize you'll see firsthand really soon.

As she nears her climax, her thrusts slam into your cockhole, with each pushing in a couple more of the remaining few inches. Her fat cockhead has begun pounding on the entrance to your prostate again, the expanded distortion making each thrust more forceful than before. You are barely conscious or able to see at this point, in complete bliss from being used by 'your' new Gardevoir. Suddenly, her eyes flash red one more time while hazing over, her thrusts nearly blur together, her massive cumtanks lurch and jump, and with one final massive thrust, your world melts into pleasure and heat.

As the huge Gardevoir swings her hips down one last time with her full strength, a few things happen. First, the base of her cock hilts itself in your overstretched member, your tip kissing her groin. Second, the force of that last thrust along with a little bit of further instinctual distortion pushes through the last little bit of defense at the end of your urethra (pussy) and allows her cockhead passage into your prostate again, massively bulging it from your groin just with the widening of her bestial flare and locking it in place. Third, with a long, low, drawn out "VOIIIiiiiiiir...", her alabaster sack pulls up and clenches, sending a matching, roiling alabaster load rocketing through her cock and, by extension, you.

You feel the weight and heat as cum shoots through you, slowing down and pressurizing just due to how supernaturally tight your cock is and bulging her cock out somehow even bigger from your from your shaft. And as the condensed semen finally moves past the grip your prostate has on the flared head of her cock, the impact of it hitting the inside of your prostate knocks you out.

The first rope of cum made your pelvis recoil with the impact as it rocketed out of her cock, just the first shot alone filling your prostate over capacity. With each one after, the alabaster flood immediately entered your vas deferens, long since stretched open by repeated attempts to climax. The deluge of nearly boiling hot seed pushed further and further down your tubes with each pulse until they rapidly ballooned out your balls, nearly doubling them in size with just the first spurt arriving. With each jolt and jump from her spasming testes, another gallon or five of dense alpha seed poured into you, with your nuts eventually growing near the size of one of her massive orbs.

By the time the Gardevoir's orgams slows down and stops a minute or so later, your sack has been inflated to even larger than hers, dwarfing your regular-sized frame with the contained oversized load. Your passed-out form just twitches at the heat and sloshing as the dozens of gallons of poke-sperm begins to settle into your balls (wombs). Even with the liquid pressure of her own load, the Gardevoir has to wait a few minutes in the afterglow for her to deflate her flare enough to dislodge itself from your prostate and slowly slide her member out of your cock (pussy).

Once she calms down, she looks at your sleeping and decides to set up shelter and stay with you. After all, having a trainer doesn't sound too bad now that she's let off some steam, and a Gardevoir always protects her trainer. Like it or not, you would have one powerful, loyal Alpha Gardevoir at your side from now on, with everything that entails.

As you both begin to rest, her sperm does not, still frantically searching for eggs as would be expected from such a massive load in rut. The sheer movement of the wriggling cells is enough to keep the thick payload inside churning even without your ball's help, if they even could. Eventually, her seed finds its target: since her sperm were so much larger and outnumbered your swimmers by around a million to one, your sperm were almost missed. But, after so much churning and combining, the psychic link developing overnight between the Gardevoir and her trainer points the legion of seed on a direct path towards yours. Each and every single one of your sperm is immediately swarmed and squashed between an army of oversized pale green swimmers with enough force to start fusing together instantly. With the sheer amount of genetic material involved, the barrier between pokemon & human is disregarded entirely as each clump bruteforces your DNA against hers until it takes. While most of these clumps combine with each other on the way, each of them nestles into the walls of your testes and begins to slowly grow. For whatever sperm of hers is still leftover, your balls are still producing barely a trickle of sperm, which are also knocked up the instant they leave the tubes. Her cells might even start getting to your spermatogonia with a few more loads like that, and who knows what else she can do with the distortion.


You wake up in the morning mid-orgasm, your overfilled nuts trying to empty themselves as if you were the one trying to breed something. While disoriented, you see the Gardevoir bent over a Lopunny, and her thrusts seem to correspond with each wave of pleasure on your own cock. Using Trace and Synchronize to relieve herself and you at the same time is a bizarre kind of considerate, but she gives you a cheeky smile and a wave as you both continue to cum until your balls are a more manageable level of massive. While you won't learn about what's in your balls for a while, your Pokeballs at least now contain a lewd new partner.

Pub: 28 Nov 2022 04:23 UTC
Edit: 28 Nov 2022 13:42 UTC
Views: 1161