/gg/ GATE General

tl;dr: Basically the talented and gifted education program was a glowing psyop run by Tavistock based on research done after WW2 where the US realized it was falling behind Russia and China in identifying "gifted" individuals. See Tracing the Relationship between Gifted Education and the Needs of a Country. The modern-day Talented and Gifted/GATE programs are outgrowths of this research, with some people on 4chan suggesting that these programs had as a secondary objective the identification and classification of individuals based on their personality types, with certain kids (smart but obedient) selected for prominence in government, industry, or academia, and other kids (smart but anti-authoritarian) being singled out for other purposes (some nebulous idea that they will play a role in the crash of civilization and rebuilding after the crash)

Skim https://archive.is/9p1M6 and https://github.com/0x92/G.A.T.E-Research to get you up to speed


Previous threads on /pol/: https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol/subject/gg/
A good Twitter thread about GATE: https://archive.is/9p1M6
GitHub GATE research project: https://github.com/0x92/G.A.T.E-Research (has lots of images, scroll down!)

Tracing the Relationship between Gifted Education and the Needs of a Country: https://commons.trincoll.edu/edreform/2012/05/tracing-the-relationship-between-the-needs-of-a-country-and-gifted-education/ https://archive.is/3GXjR
Tavistock's imperial brainwashing project: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1996/eirv23n22-19960524/eirv23n22-19960524_024-tavistocks_imperial_brainwashing.pdf (+ Internet Archive)

/pol/ image threads about reconnecting to your higher self: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/267752917/ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/267857122/

An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning


Project Star Gate


Project Star Gate


Staff Study: Transfer of Project Star Gate to the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center


Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process


Alleged MKULTRA connections: https://conspiracylist.wiki/w/GATE_Phenomena . Horace Mann School in NYC linked to MKULTRA?

Copypasta 1: COMMON TRAITS

These are common characteristics of children involved in GATE/TAG, and of the program itself.

Physical Characteristics
-Blue eyes
-Forehead scar(s)
-Occipital bun (a.k.a "math bump")

Psychological Characteristics
-High IQ
-Interest in /x/ phenomena
-Meme magic
-Memory loss, particularly of GATE/TAG program details
-Moral intensity/strong sense of justice
-Premonitions/prophetic dreams

Life History
-Birth complications (e.g. premature, not breathing)
-Firstborn son
-Early speech therapy
-Near death experiences, especially drowning
-Leniency from authority figures
-Late teens/early twenties heavy drug use
-Jewish art student girlfriend(s)
-Tendency toward being followed, abducted, tracked, or gangstalked

GATE/TAG Program Characteristics
-Tavistock Institute oversight
-Rooms were windowless or windows were covered
-Hearing tests
-Problem solving tests
-Zener card ESP tests
-Administered special juice, especially banana flavored


Basically the talented and gifted education program was a glowing psyop run by Tavistock based on research done after WW2 where the US realized it was falling behind Russia and China in identifying "gifted" individuals
The modern-day Talented and Gifted/GATE programs are outgrowths of this research, with some people on 4chan suggesting that these programs had as a secondary objective the identification and classification of individuals based on their personality types, with certain kids (smart but obedient) selected for prominence in government, industry, or academia, and other kids (smart but anti-authoritarian) being singled out for other purposes (some nebulous idea that they will play a role in the crash of civilization and rebuilding after the crash)

Individuals belonging to the second class (smart but anti-authoritarian) tend to gravitate on 4chan and other anti-censorship social media imageboards, which has given rise to /GATE/ general on /pol/ /x/ and other chans. Many anons in these threads took part in similar talented and gifted programs, and the thesis is that for some reason (political, spiritual, or schizophrenic/confirmation bias) we have been drawn here as part of a method of wealth transfer so that we can play a role in the future evolution of mankind, as we overcome tribalism, inequality and corruption and make our way towards our destiny among the stars and greater community of life in the Milky Way galaxy.

Here is a little more information on Tavistock, the shadowy psychology/mindwar think tank that was behind the 1960s counterculture, psychedelics, psychic research, and GATE

Topics that really activate the almonds for shills

-Any suggestions of self-improvement for anons
-Any suggestions that anons should organize (either online or offline)

Experiment: a Matrix room

We just created a new Matrix room for discussion. The room name is #gatetalk:matrix.org which you can manually enter in your client or click https://matrix.to/#/#gatetalk:matrix.org . Encryption is on and history is set to be since members joined.

If you don't have a Matrix account you can create one on https://app.element.io/ (you can use a throwaway email address, e.g. a fresh Protonmail)

Other places

Search /pol/ catalog and /x/ catalog for GATE or gg (GATE General). There is also a thread on 16chan /pol/ but it is less active.

Remember that these threads are heavily shilled. Don't dox yourself. We don't show proofs that we were ever in GATE and neither should you.

Pub: 28 Aug 2021 08:11 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2021 00:59 UTC
Views: 3761