An Unconventional Yeen GF
Tags: Yeen, pseudo penis, public sex, public masturbation, public humiliation, anal sex, prostate stimulation, bully, handjobs, cuckquean, ntr, male human/anthro femboy, girly
*Tags now edited since April Fools is over

"Hey there squirt!"
That voice. That damn voice.
Anon tried to move away but gets his neck grabbed by a large hand. He then gets shoved to the nearest locker and cornered by the large hyena.
"Aww~ Not even going to say hi?"
He looked up to see the bane of his existence. The 6'2" captain of the football team, Leading track star of the school, wearing a leather jacket with a white crop top that barely hid her assets and tight track pants that accentuated her muscular legs.
But Anon knew her as the biggest bully of the school, Amelia.
"What do you want Amelia?", Anon mumbled at her.
Her grip tightened which made him wince.
"Oi, that's not the tone I'm used to when it comes to little fucks like you.", Amelia growled at his ear.
Anon grit his teeth. He just needed to get past her for the day to end. Just bear it a bit.
"What do you need from me?", the tone now less aggressive.
"That's the spirit.", The hyena lets go of Anon's neck. The human coughing and rubbing his neck. He then noticed her gang behind her.
Her two partners, Rosey and Lilac, names that do not match the rat and leopard's nature. Both were obviously enjoying his struggle.
"Y'see, I don't usually say this but I need your help."
The human was surprised at what she was asking from him.
"My help?"
"Yep. Finals are coming at the end of next week and I can't afford failing. Wasted scholarship and all that."
Anon's eyes darted to the three girls in front him before speaking
"And If I refuse?", It was hard for Anon not to squeak due to fear and caution
The hyena's eyes narrowed and bared her teeth next to his ear.
"Wouldn't want you to fail or have summer classes due to being 'sick' now do we?"
The human gulped at the threat which Amelia grinned at the sight of fear. She stood tall and spoke again.
"I also need it tonight. Can't spend time wasting away with hanging with the gals and such."
"B-But I can't just stay at your house without telling my parents!"
The rat this time moved forward, playing with a phone on her hand. Anon's phone.
He tried to grab it but the leopard pinned him against the locker, shaking her head at him at such an indignant action. Despite her smaller stature, she was surprisingly strong.
"Amelia already planned to ask them loser, though I think it would be better if YOU did it for her", Rose sneered.
The rat held the phone right in front of him, prodding him to unlock it.
"And no funny business. Wouldn't want to have an accident do we?", Amelia gruffed. Her arms crossed at the little humie.
And so Anon, with some struggle thanks to Lilac, dialed down his mom's number. After that, the leopard pinned his arms above his head while the rat put it up to his ear.
"Hey mom?"
"Oh hey Anon. Aren't you still in school? Why are you calling in this hour?"
"Yeah there's uh... Something came up and I wanted to tell you that I'll be staying over night with someone."
The three's gaze upon Anon hardened, with a sense of uncertainty in them.
"Sure! I'll just help you get an over night pack when you get home."
'I have my friend lend me some clothes and some bathroom supplies', Amelia mouthed.
When Anon paused at what she was saying, Lilac squeezed his wrists which made him wince and talk
"I h-have my friend lend me some clothes and bathroom supplies!"
There was silence on the other end.
"Okay then. Well have fun! Bye bye."
"Bye mom."
As soon the call ended, Lilac finally let Anon go. The human for the nth time finally had some room the breath
"Well done nerd. Maybe our study session might go smoothly after all."
"Can't I just have my phone back please?"
Amelia snorted, "Well since you asked nicely."
The bully snapped her fingers. Rose immediately handed his phone to the large hyena.
She was about hand it over to you but she crushed it within her palm, leaving you gobsmacked.
"Can't have the idea of you telling the folks at home what's actually happening."
The hyena opened her palm and lets the broken phone fall into your shaking hands.
The trio left you alone, laughing all the way to their next class.
What did you do to deserve this?

The school bell rings to signify the end of the day for every student. Every student except Anon of course.
Anon pushes open the door to see Amelia on her motorbike, revving up the engines while giving him a knowing smug look.
He knew he can't out run her. He tried that once and it didn't end well. Without any words exchanged he sat behind her. Students outside notice the two, whispering about the scenario in question
Anon wanted to get this over it as fast as possible.
"So uh, aren't I supposed wear a helmet?"
Amelia revved the engine and responded. "Nah just hold on tight."
"Wait what was that supposed to meEE-"
He instinctively gripped the hyena's sides as the motorbike accelerated forward. Anon could feel the wind in his ears as Amelia overtook every car they came across. The hyena was laughing all the way.
The buildings past them became more luxurious and less urban. The ride eventually stopped to a moderate two-story house with a garage.
"Alright squirt we're here."
Anon felt something tug on his collar and get lift up. Amelia put Anon to the side and slowly guide her motorcycle to the garage door.
"So what am I supposed do now?", The human crossed his arms.
"You stay here until I unlock the front door. Can't have a humie like you screwing up the place.", Amelia huffed as the garage opened, revealing a tacky sports car and a minivan.
'Great not only a pain in my ass but also incredibly well off. The universe seems to favor certain people.'
His thoughts were interrupted as he felt a large paw on his shoulder. Amelia pushed the human to the front door and unlocked it.
The interior had a homely feel to it. With the wooden furniture and trophies placed around the fire place and a large glass case filled with memorabilia. Anon noticed the trophies were the recent wins of the school.
"Alright humie a few ground rules."
He was forcibly turned around, to the sight of Amelia looking down at him with a serious frown. He almost forgot who was with him the whole time.
"One: No getting into other people rooms, especially mine. Clear?", she emphasized that point with her claws grazing his shoulders.
"Good boy. Two: We aren't finishing the study session until I'm satisfied or hungry."
Anon had some trepidation about that statement. He swore the hyena licked her lips at one point.
"And finally Three: I will have to pat you down every time you leave. Can't have you stealing something from my home."
The boy was surprised from that rule. Already he's being painted on as the bad guy in this scenario.
"What?! Why would you need to do that!"
Amelia grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up at eye level. Her face hardened as she whispered to the human.
"My house. My rules. Anything broken is something you'll have to experience as well."
The human was struggling from the hyena's grip until a voice called out to them. Amelia unceremoniously dropped Anon from the ground.
Anon picked himself up from the floor and found a man was standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron. The guy was just as tall as Amelia and wore dad shorts and a polo shirt.
"Oh! I didn't know Amy had guests over!"
"Hey dad!"
The two embraced and left Anon wondering where the Amelia he knew went. The man then went towards Anon and put out his hand.
"Name's Troy young man! Or Mr. Hart if you prefer. I'm surprised little Amy had her boyfriend over for dinner."
"Uh... My name is Anon sir. And for the record she's not my-"
An arm wraps around Anon's neck and gets his face stuffed into Amelia's chest.
"Aw well you know dad! Can't have the folks at home missing what's happening at school today! You should also know he's my study partner for the weekend!"
The boy tried to push away and tried to talk but her arm wrapped tighter to silence him.
"To think my baby girl is growing up." Troy wiped a tear from his eye. "In any case Anon you should make yourself at home!
Amelia's dad went back to the kitchen and Amelia finally let's Anon go. The human took a deep breath. He was about to ask what was that about but Amelia put her hand on his mouth.
"Shut up and play the part."
He didn't need to ask twice on what could happen if he didn't. The two sat on the couch and Anon put out all of his reading materials in the table.
"So where should we start then?"
"I dunno.", Amelia said wistfully.
Anon was left speechless.
"W-What do you mean you don't know?! How am I suppose to know what we're covering for?"
"Probably a lot. I didn't pay enough attention to class."
'This bitch.' Anon really wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
So Anon started laying out the pointers for the test next week. It was awfully painful how the hyena barely started grasp what the basic lessons he was talking about.
"What do you mean I have to remember how they are suppose to be added?"
"Just, focus on the acronym PEMDAS alright?"
Though to Amelia's credit, she was actually trying. But the several lessons afterwards Anon noticed she was falling asleep on Science.
"Hey wake up!"
Anon snapped his fingers in front of the snoring hyena. He got up and tried to shake her awake only for her arms to suddenly shoot up and wrap themselves around him.
He's in trouble if she ever woke up to find him in this state. Now trying to shake himself free, he didn't notice Troy walking up to them and shooting a knowing smile.
"Hey, just letting you two know that dinner's ready."

Anon tried to shake the sleeping beast off. He let her arms relax a bit before carefully pushing them up with his arms. He was almost in the home stretch until the front door slammed open waking her up.
Amelia tried to stand up but tripped, landing on the poor boy. She pulled herself up faced towards the recent arrival of the home, her mother.
Compared to her, the hyena mother was a towering 6'5", wearing an office suit that hugged her muscular figure and sporting a pair of glasses on her snout.
Her cold eyes scanned towards her daughter and the human on still on the floor.
"Amelia, I presume this is the guest you wanted to bring?"
Amelia's eyes were drooped down and nodded. "Yes mom, this is Anon and he'll be tutoring me for the weekend."
The hyena teen forcefully pulled Anon up and presented him as if we was a prize. Her mother snorted and adjusted her glasses before putting out her hand.
"Good to meet you Anon, you may call me Mrs. Hart. I trust my daughter's studies are going well?"
Anon was still reeling in from the weight on his body and Amelia's hand squeezed on his arm, waking him up and finally introduce himself.
"Yes... Yes! I'm Anon. It's going well Mrs. Hart."
When Anon shook the older hyena's hand, her grip was firm but controlled. She patted him on the shoulder walked towards the kitchen. He then took notice Amelia breathing a sigh of relief.
The hyena's eyes landed on Anon again before taking back her old persona.
"Alright humie, looks like grubs up judging from the smell. You better be on your best behavior."
She pulled him closer and growled at him
"That's 'Yes Mistress'."
"Y-Yes Mistress!"
Amelia snickered and patted him on his head. She pulled Anon towards the kitchen were food was being prepared by Troy with Mrs. Hart already on the table.
Making Anon sit right next to her, Anon saw the various food being prepared were all types of meat. It was actually too much to for them to finish it all.
Troy looked at his watch with a frown. "Someone's a bit late today." He nonetheless shook his head and got everyone's attention at the table.
"Alright everyone, remember to say grace before the meal."
Anon just put his head down in silence, as the rest of the three said their prayers. After that however, the feast began. Mrs. Hart and Amelia immediately started chowing down. Chunks of meat disappeared inside the hyenas gullet while Anon watched in awe.
"Don't worry dear, that's just a regular meal for them. C'mon eat. You must be starving!"
The guest of 'honor' nodded at Troy and began to dig in as well. Taking in sticks of barbecue and a slices pork into his plate. Though that would be the case if it wasn't for the fact Amelia kept swiping some pieces away from him.
"Wrldn't wrn't yur tur grt frwt.", the hyena girl said to him. Anon just gave up after that and just ate what he can get. Plates started to stack on the table as time goes by.
With the family and guest all having their fill, except Anon, Mr. Hart collected all the dishes and started cleaning them on the kitchen sink.
"You two should go to bed, it's getting a bit late.", Amelia's dad said while carrying a full stack of plates. Amelia grabbed Anon's arm and dragged him upstairs. He was brought in front of what could be presumed as the hyena's room.
"Alright humie listen up, whatever you see inside the room is none of your business. Same rules apply from before."
Anon nodded, though with a tired look. He just wanted the day to end. Amelia unlocked the door proceeded to enter. The human teen was about to follow before a hand stopped him from entering.
"Sorry, forgot I had to do something in my room. You'll be sleeping outside.", Amelia peeked out of the door.
"What! Where am I supposed to sleep then?!"
Her arm slams on the side of the doorway. The hyena let out a frustrating huff and glared at Anon.
"I don't fucking recall giving you permission to speak to me that way."
Anon shut up at that. Ready to run away from this crazy bitch if she pounces. Amelia sighed and continued.
"You're gonna have to figure that dilemma on your own egghead. Good night."
With that, she shut the door on his face. Anon was speechless at the audacity of this cunt. He just shook his head and walked down stairs. There he saw Mrs. Hart on the way. Might as well ask.
"H-Hey Missus Hart, can I ask where can I sleep tonight since Amelia won't-"
The hyena matron just walked past him with a gruff, the floorboards creaking every step. The teen's shoulders slackened and headed down stairs to the sofa. There, he met Mr. Hart who shot him a sympathetic look.
"You can use the sofa Anon. It's reclinable so it could be turned into a bed. Do you want a blanket?"
God bless this man's kindness. Anon nodded and went on to check on the sofa to see where the lever was. With a pull, the bottom of the couch extended for one person. Though he was still surprised
He then rested on the surface after a long day. Dealing with Amelia was exhausting enough. Now his whole weekend was booked just trying to survive with the hyena's dealings. His eyelids grew heavy, thoughts of how to turn this situation around.
The sound of rummaging woke Anon up. He sat up with a blanket on his person, probably from Troy, and looked towards the kitchen emitting a light. The human didn't think this neighborhood was susceptible to robbery.
He peered his head around the corner to find someone rummaging around the fridge. The human slowly snuck to the side of the intruder to get a better look. Seeing the silhouette of an anthro with pointy ears and a snout, similar to a hyena.
Though that investigation was cut short as the figure turns to him with a scream. Something hits the top of Anon's head. The guy was sent reeling to the floor as the lights went up to the sight a hyena looking down at him, this time with a ketchup bottle.
"You got a lot of balls trying to steal from this place! Who the fuck are you?!"
"Me?! I'm not the one trying to steal from someone's fridge!"
The 'robber' bit their lip and shouted at the top of their lungs. "Mom! We have a robber in our house-"
"Okay! Okay! I'm Amelia's Tutor alright! She forced me into helping her study and her dad, Troy, let me sleep on the couch!"
Anon panicked at the thought of that brick shithouse of a yeen would do if he ever gets caught in the situation. So he decided to spill the beans of why he was here.
That seemed to stop the stranger in their place. They dropped the frying pan down and realized the situation.
"Oh shoot- I thought- I didn't think she'd-"
The hyena slapped her forehead while Anon took a good look on who this new person is. Unlike Mrs. Hart and Amelia, they had a more smaller figure. Wearing a sports jacket and tattered pants, it was hard to believe they are related to the two.
The stranger sighed helped Anon up. They stuck their hand out
"L-Let's just start over shall we?"
Questions are way past Anon's priorities right now. He took the hand of the hyena and shook it.
"I'm Anon. Amelia's well tutor, not exactly volunteered for it but-"
"Riley, and yeah, my sibling isn't exactly the welcoming bunch."
The two chuckled at the thought of the anthro in question. Though Riley now saw the swelling bump on Anon's head.
"Let me get some ice for that."
"N-No that's not necessary."
But the yeen already started rummaging in the fridge again and brought out a ice compress. She didn't even let him get a say as she pressed the bag over his head. It stung a bit but the coolness overwhelmed the pain on his head.
"It's nothing. But, I saw you earlier in the couch and I thought it was Amy? I'm pretty sure she's got more than enough room in her to let you sleep in."
Anon grabbed the ice pack and sighed. In the hindsight it was actually a blessing he was sleeping in the living room and not there alone with the big hyena.
"She was about to let me in. But then she just decided I should find a place to sleep. Some sleepover huh?"
Anon chuckled at the predicament which didn't convince the teen. Riley rubbed her arm and looked away. She looked at him with a serious look.
"You can sleep over to my room."
"Wait really?"
This was surprise to be sure. But it beats getting a possible back ache from sleeping on the couch. The hyena guided Anon to her room, adorned with posters of constellations. She unlocked the door and gestured him to enter.
The room was very different from the old rustic style from the living room. There were large array of speakers, a vinyl collection and player, a laptop on a work table. All of it complemented with some back light of blues and violets that seriously made the atmosphere cozy.
Anon turned his attention and felt something passed to his chest. It was a sleeping bag.
"Some of my friends sleep over here and I decided to pack an extra if they decided to bring a friend.", Riley sat on her bed while looking at him.
It was surprising how fast she was being comfortable with him, despite their first impression. He laid out the sleeping bag and placed the blanket Troy brought to him, and laid down.
It was still awkward to say the least and he doesn't feel he'll being sleeping soon with a headache. So he decided to ask a few questions.
"So, can I ask why you're up so late?"
Riley blew out her bangs and laid down. "Practice. Had some late night drills with the cheerleaders."
Damn, a football captain and a cheerleader under one roof? What are the odds in that.
"-boyfriend?", her question brought him to the present.
"I said that Amy presented you as her boyfriend to mom and dad?"
He wasn't sure if he could say the obvious truth to her. Considering she might tell on him. But fuck it, he needed to vent out.
"Yeah, but for the record I'm not her boyfriend. I'd rather fucking eat my own shoes than to ever admit that."
She peeked over to him with a surprised expression. But then her eyes softened and laid her arms to hang on the edge of the bed.
"Sorry, I uh. It's been a long day.", Anon turned his face away.
"No no, it's okay. Even she doesn't even treat me well. She just wants to impress 'Mommy' and all that."
Both of you chuckled at that. It did seem that way considering the way she acted to her when the matron got home. Guess she's a kiss ass when it comes to higher ups.
"It's getting late. I should probably wake up early so I can be first to the bathroom.", Riley yawned, which was honestly cute.
"Alright, good night Riley."
"You too Anon."
And so the day ends.

"Hey nerd wake up it's time for school!"
God fucking damnit!
Anon's ears were ringing as his body jolted. The sound of laughter reached his ears as he looked up to see Amelia in tears. Though what caught his eye was the fact she only in a towel.
"Couldn't you have been gentler!?", Anon chided.
"And miss seeing you having a heart attack? Now way. Now get up, you're gonna join me in the shower."
Anon could've sworn he heard that last part.
"You heard me, you and I are gonna take a shower together. Saves us some water now come on!"
Amelia grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the bathroom. There she forcibly removed his clothes, much to his dismay, and leaving him with just his underwear. She took a good long look at the human from head to toe, leaving him uncomfortable.
"Hmmm... Not too bad. But mine's bigger."
What could that possibly mean- oh.
The hyena unceremoniously dropped her towel and let her naked body shine through. It was hard to admit but she did a rocking bod. With a pert set of tits and musculature that could make any guy jealous.
But what stood out was the pseudo penis that was hanging on her crotch. It was definitely long. One that made Anon's body shivered, in not in a good way.
"Impressed? Don't feel too bad~ It's practically useless unless I get turned on."
She suddenly pushed him into the shower, smothering him in her tits while she grabbed his flaccid log. The human was struggling which made her smile even wider.
"MMmm this is what I've been missing for so long."
Anon tried to push her away, but she strokes made him moan instead.
"See this is how I want to see you pipsqueak. Underneath me, moaning like a bitch and treating me like I'm your only way of getting off."
To his dismay, he was already feeling the sensation of an orgasm coming quickly. He really didn't want to give her the satisfaction of getting him to cum.
"Hey sis! Are you done in there? It's taking too long."
Amelia let out a frustrated sigh and pulled away from Anon. He dropped down from the wall, trying to pull in any of his dignity. Though his orgasm went away, it did leave him a small part of him frustrated.
"Alright humie, lets get ourselves cleaned up. Wouldn't want to piss off mom for running late."
This time, she did leave him alone to clean himself. Aside from the instance she tricked him to holding her pseudo penis, which she couldn't let him live it down, they got off from the shower.
The two exited the bathroom, but not without Riley waiting for them, who was also in a towel.
"Alright nancy it's your turn. Ended up using all the fur shampoo so you might have to open up a new one under the sink.
"Gee thanks, sis."
Riley huffed and step foot in to the bathroom, but not before shooting Anon a sympathetic look. With that out of the way, Anon dressed himself up and met Amelia on the driveway, revving her motorcycle.
"C'mon we don't have all day nerd!"
After a few close calls from nearly rear ending all cars and motorcycles, they finally reached the school. Getting off the motorcycle, Anon noticed some of the students looking at him funny.
An arm wraps around his shoulder and pulls him close to Amelia. Who was sporting a smug grin as she guids him through the school hallways. All eyes on them, including Rosey and Lilac shooting the hyena with approval.
Ah now it makes sense, he thought.
Soon enough, they reached his class. Amelia put her hands on his shoulder and turned him to her.
"Good luck in class, humie~"
The hyena pulled him close and gave him the sloppiest french kiss ever. He could feel her fangs graze his cheeks as her tongue pushed through his throat. She finally pulled away after a few minutes, leaving him gasping for air.
Amelia licked her chops and walked away, with a pep in her step. On the other hand, Anon was trying not to get turned on by the gesture. Why did he liked that?
Classes pass by throughout the day. Luckily she didn't approach him at Lunch, much to his relief. Though his mates apparently are listening to the rumor mill and telling him he's a lucky son of a bitch to go out with the team captain.
It was honestly getting tiresome to say the least. Anon just wanted for the week to end. He rushed towards the entrance hoping she'd miss him, but she was already waiting near the road.
"Get on."
He really didn't have much choice did he? He got on and she immediately sped away. Though this time she went slower.
"So where do you live?"
He was surprised by that question. She was actually taking him home? The human was just relieved and directed her to the address.
"Over there past that corner."
They stopped at the front of his house. Home sweet home. Not as big as hers, no pun intended, but it was still something of a safe haven for him.
"Oi, don't remember the deal we made. Make sure you at least pack something for tomorrow."
"Yeah yeah I got it."
He speed walked towards the front door and closed it shut when he got in. The sound of the motorbike going farther and farther away left him a feeling of joy for the first time in what feels like forever.
Returning to his bedroom, he just wanted to relax and sleep on the comfort of his own bed. Eyelids felt heavy as he slept away from his troubles.
Morning came in, with his mom preparing him breakfast as he walked down. This time he was carrying an overnight bag, with some bathroom essentials considering how wasteful Amelia was judging from yesterday.
Anon was just munching away his cereal when his mother said something to him that made his blood run cold.
"Oh and by the way sweetie, your girlfriend is waiting outside. She was extremely polite and even offered to ride you to school today! Isn't that great?"
Choking on his cereal, Anon was trying to process on what she just said. How. How did she even know-
...Oh shit, he just told her where he lived. He banged his head on the table to realize the blunder he just caused.
The sound of a motorbike grew louder as he peeked outside. Seeing Amelia with sunglasses on as she waited.
Anon really wanted to make a break and escape to the backyard. But his mom immediately opened the door and called out to the hyena. Fucking great.
"Oh Amy, Anon's over here waiting for you!"
This time, Amelia carried herself with an innocent smile as she walked towards the barrier of his home, his safety. She turned to look at him, with her smile underlying an intent far too innocent.
"Oh Mrs. Mous I really enjoyed the talk today. Now me and Anon are going to have to go now since classes are about to start."
"Of course. Of course. Just make sure you make him feel welcome at your home too."
The hyena licked her lips and nodded, "Oh I will."
Why can't this day get any easier?
School felt way too fast for him. The rumor mill was getting bigger, even so far as framing your relationship with Amelia as something straight from a fairy tail. A scrawny human and a buff hyena, what could possibly go wrong?
A lot. Alot a lot.
"We're here."
Anon shaked himself from his thoughts and noticed they weren't in the hyena's house. This was a skate park.
"Aren't we supposed to be studying?", Anon was getting a bad feeling from this.
"Nah that's boring. I decided to be nice for once and introduce you to my folks."
Amelia 'guided' Anon towards the graffitti covered skate park.The sight of various mean-looking yeens, noticed the duo, with the one at the center puffing a cigarette, smiling at them.
"Well look's back! And to think she finally grew a pair and brought home a humie!"
The whole pack laughed as Amelia brought you to seat right next to her. They all crowded around as if you were a new toy.
"Y'know I couldn't disappoint ya boss! Besides, I had my eyes on this one since school started."
School started what? She targeted him from the beginning? All he remembered from the past experiences prior to this one was being stuffed into a locker or knocking him when talked back to her.
The leader whistled and took a good look at him. The scent of tobacco reached his nose which made him wretch.
"Aww~ This one is not so used to cigarettes huh? Good. At least he's healthy for a whole lot of fuckin"
Anon gulped at that. Was she seriously going to pimp him out? He tried to struggle but Amelia's grip around his shoulder held him firm.
"Sorry, but he's mine and mine alone. Though I wouldn't mind testing him out in front of all of ya."
Her hand reaches towards Anon's pants, which intensified his panic. He kicked around but the hyenas around him, hold them down. Amelia finally reached his underwear and pulled it down, revealing his hardening erection.
All of the hyenas cooed at the sight, some were already preparing to masturbate at the sight. The leader was already grinning ear to ear.
"This should be fun, greenie."
Amelia's other arm wrapped around his eyes, while she let his mouth open to let him moan. Her stroking already got you hard, much to your horror. He could only hear the sounds of the hyena's laughing as Amelia got his rocks off.
"C'mon fucking cum you slut!"
"Look at him moan!"
"Shit Amy's really going at him!"
Anon's breath hitched as felt the rush on his crotch and thrusted in the air. Strings of cum shot out of his dick as the hyena's voices got louder in celebration. Amelia's hand reached to his balls as she coaxed more from his load.
His orgasm finally subsided and the hyena finally lets go. Seeing all the yeens in front of him masturbating or taking phones of him. Amelia reached down to scoop up the semen and licked it all of her fingers.
"Fuck humie~, this is the best study session I've ever had.", Riley whispered in his ear.
His stomach dropped at the realization of what just happened. He just wanted it all to end. The voices were tuned out in his head as Amelia and hyenas talked. Occasionally she'd reach down to his face and give him a peck on his lips but she nonetheless kept him close.
Soon, he was on the motorbike again, heading home. He wanted to cry, it just felt wrong. Doing it with Amelia, no matter how she made him feel good, was wrong.
"Alright we're here pipsqueak. Get yourself cleaned up be ready to wait on me in front of my room."
As Anon sluggishly followed the hyena, the latter was surprised to see Riley in front of the door with her arms crossed.
"And where were you two during this late hour?"
"Fuck off, I just took for sightseeing isn't that right Anon?"
The human was just looking down, nodding his head. Riley bit her lip and turned to Amelia.
"I told dad that Anon will be staying in my room from now Anon."
Amelia was caught off guard by that statement. She growled and grabbed Riley's collar.
"And who the fuck you think you are saying where my mate sleeps huh?!"
"Says me Amelia."
The the two turned to the matron Mrs. Hart as she walks down the stairs. Amelia immediately fixed herself up.
"As much as it is surprises me to say it, Riley has made the claim to house the human. You, Amelia, should've laid claim to that earlier when you brought him home. I didn't raise my daughter to half-ass her efforts in claiming the boy."
Now the teen hyena wanted to say something but couldn't. It was the first time Anon noticed her blushing in embarrassment. That point of not letting him enter her room, why was that?
"Now, if you could let the boy wash up first before dinner, maybe the room wouldn't smell like cigarettes and motor oil."
"Yes mother."
Amelia bowed her head and went to her room, but not before shooting Riley a scathing look. The smaller yeen returned one back, and approached Anon cautiously.
"You alright Anon?"
Anon opened his mouth before closing it. He shook his head and went up stairs, leaving the young concerned teen.
The human had a long cold shower after that, making sure wash off any smell that reminded him of what happened. Tears started to form on his face before his knees hit the floor and sobbed.
Why did this had to happen to him?
Leaving the shower to get some fresh clothes, he went down stairs to see the whole family waiting for him. Amelia tapped the seat next to her. He could tell she liked him this way, broken and afraid.
But next to him, Riley looked at him with a smile, trying to comfort him. That look sent his heart aflutter and gave some hope from it. At least in this house, he had someone to talk to.
Dinner was short and quick, as is the way Mrs. Hart and Amelia chowed down. Anon, Riley, and Mr. Hart all ate their food in a quiet manner. As soon it was over, Riley pulled Anon away from her bigger sister.
Amelia was quick to try and catch up to them, but a stern glare from Mrs. Hart put her in place. She gave Anon one last look, telling him that it won't matter if he runs.
Both of them entered Riley's room. It was still the same cozy blue atmosphere, but there were several boxes on to the side haphazardly put away. Anon grew curious of that
Riley invited Anon to sit next to her. Anon did so, as they let some minutes pass before the teen hyena broke the silence.
"So, how was your day?"
Anon broke out into a chuckle at that opening sentence. Today was a nightmare to say the least. Riley tried to put her hand on his but hesitated. She let Anon muster up some strength before answered back.
"It was fine to say the least. At least I didn't get sold off by a bunch of rapists."
The teen next to him gasped, before getting a determined look. "Did she really?!"
The human just chuckled. Humor really helped get his sanity intact. Seeing her like this was honestly cute.
"No, no. Just wanted to show me off in front of her friends."
Riley was speechless of what he said. He didn't think the girl he met for only one night was this concerned for him. She tried to say a few words but stopped herself. The teen sighed and just sat in silence.
Anon's eyes wandered towards the boxes again. "What are those boxes for anyway?"
The hyena perked up before crossing her arms.
"J-Just some equipment! It's not mine though."
Not hers? That's weird. Anon trusts her enough, so he decided to drop the subject. He lied down her soft bed. The atmosphere really help calm him down. Riley lied down next to him and sighed.
"Hey Anon?"
"Do you wanna take it back?
He turned his head towards her, confused.
"Take what back?"
"Your freedom. Don't you wanna take it back from her?"
He was surprised at that notion. How was he able to take it back from her? She's literally larger than him in every single way, literally.
"How am I supposed to do that."
Riley looked up to the ceiling. She closed her eyes and muttering something. Her head turned towards him again an continued.
"I can find a way to make her claim to you all go away. But you promise you're gonna have to trust me on this one."
He thought hard on that offer. What else does he have to lose?
"Okay. I trust you."
She turned away from him, though he could hear a faint 'yes' from that. Did he make the right choice.
Riley sat up, facing towards him with a smile. "Alright Anon, be ready for tomorrow. Cause what's happening next will probably be dangerous."
Now Anon's concerned. He sat up as well.
"What do you mean dangerous? Is someone going to get hurt?"
Riley sucked in her teeth, "Amelia will probably get hurt. You will probably be too depending on if it works. Me on the other hand will probably be cast out and be disowned by the family, maybe.
Anon reached out his hand on her shoulder. Just how dangerous was this?
"Woah woah woah, disowned? What the hell are you gonna do? Maybe we should back off on this."
The hyena blushed at the physical contact and grabbed his hand, before giving him a confident smile.
"Well, let's just say what I'm going to do is the first of hyena kind."
What? "What was that supposed to mean. And why do this for me? We only just met."
Riley's face turned serious.
"It means what it means Anon. And personally, you don't deserve what's happening to you. I like you too much for that."
As soon as those last few words reach her mouth, both were surprised at what the hyena just said.
"I- I- uh- Good night Anon get plenty of rest!"
She rolled on to the bed, dragging the bed sheets with her as she lied on the far corner like a caterpillar, letting out obvious fake snores. Anon on the other hand was left speechless.
Holy shit did this small yeen girl just confessed to him? That's rad. Also fucked since Amelia wouldn't be welcoming of sharing him to someone else.
But she did say she was going to bail him out. So what is she going to do?
Anon let out a yawn and stretched his back. He might as well sleep on the question. Tomorrow is the final day of the weekend, and after that, it is the exam.

The human woke up early to find it was still dark. Around 4:32 am. He could still wash up and prevent another shower scene from happening again. Grabbing his towel and spare clothes from his over night bag and headed towards the bathroom.
He did a quick wash from himself, making sure to towel himself dry and get changed for school today. Anon thought he needed to be quick, immediately going down stairs to wait on the sofa where he was surprised to see Troy watching the early news.
"Mr Hart?"
"Oh Anon? I didn't think you're an early worm. Come sit."
The teen took a seat right next to the sole occupant. It was still hard to imagine this friendly guy being the father of a bitch like Amelia.
"What do you think of Amy?"
"Excuse me?"
"My daughter, what do you think of her?"
Jeez, way to lay out a loaded question first thing in the morning. What does he say? Say that your daughter is a giant bitch and humiliated you in front of adults?"
"It's alright, you don't have to answer. I just hope you understand that this is her way of saying she loves you and you alone."
What is this guy saying? That he wants to become just like him? How does Amelia's 'love' justify all the things she has done to him?
Troy stood up and said to Anon a few final words.
"I just hope you do what's best for yourself though."
Anon's brow raised at that sentence. Mr. Hart nonetheless walked towards the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. The human teen decided to sit on the couch in silence, contemplating on what those words mean.
"Hey humie!"
A pair of hands landed on his shoulders making him jump in his seat. Amelia just laughed at that and joined him on the sofa.
"So, here's the agenda today skinnie. We're gonna actually study today and while I'm at it. I'm going to give you a reward for all your 'hard work'."
Anon shivered on those last two words. Whatever that meant means just more suffering to him. She wrapped around her arms around his neck and sniffed on his hair.
"And this time, you'll be sleeping with me tonight~"
He just sit still as she let the hyena take in his scent. Whatever's happening at the end of the day, it'll be on his terms.
"Alright Amy breakfast is ready!"
"Comin' dad!"
Amelia dragged him to the kitchen to the sight of bacon and eggs. The hyena licked her chops and immediately dug in. Anon thanked Mr. Hart for the meal and ate as well, though slowly.
The trip to school was fast, and the day went faster. Anon's mind was all but occupied on Riley's plan to work. He just didn't know it was going to work. He exited the school and again, Amelia was waiting on him.
He silently went along and rode with her. Though the look on her face was more smug than usual.
She's gonna rape him tonight isn't she?
Anon's stomach dropped more and more as they moved closer to her house. God he could've just ran away and told everyone what was happening.
Will he look like an idiot? Yes. Will she beat him up again? Also yes. But at least he had the balls to admit it out loud and get away with pieces of his dignity and pride intact.
The bike stopped just in front of the house, Amelia motioned Anon to go inside. He did so, preparing for their study session.
Anon should've known that the study session was just a ploy to molest him again. While he tried to teach her some lessons to distract her, all she did was play dumb while exploring his body again.
Her arm reached down to the hem of his pants, making him uneasy. Kneading his cock in between her fingers while sucking on his neck.
"Aw c'mon it's not as if it's your first time."
"Y-yeah but you aren't taking this seriously! Everything we've done up to this point is useless since you refuse to make it work!"
Now the playful emotion on the hyena disappeared. She stood up from the piles of books while she grabbed Anon by the collar.
"You're right, I should've been taking it seriously. We're gonna do this so that the weekend wasn't wasted."
Amelia licked her chops as she dragged Anon toward the room. He tried to pull away but she readjusted her grip to his neck and pushed him forward. She stopped just outside of her door.
"So where were we? Hope you've been waiting for this moment slut~"
Her face got closer to Anon, while he tried to pull away. She grabbed him by the crotch and was about to kiss him. Until they heard something crash in the garage.
"What the!?" Amelia lets go of Anon and stomps downstairs to the garage. There she saw her bike tipped over on to one of the cars. The sound of footsteps signaled her the culprit was getting away!
"Hey fuckhead! Get back here!"
Amelia sprinted away from the house, leaving Anon on the ground still shocked on what just happened. Was this Riley's plan?
"Psst over here Anon!"
He looked over to see the Riley up stairs beckoning him to follow her. Anon approached the hyena and she guided him to her pitch black room. She closed the door leaving both of them in the dark.
"Uhh Riley?"
"I don't I could do this Anon."
"It's just I'm afraid of showing you this part of me. I don't think this is going to work."
Anon was silent but steeled on. This was part of her plan.
"It's okay, I trust you."
The backlight on the walls lit up, revealing Riley gazing you in a pose wearing lace lingerie. Compared to her sister, she was skinny as hell. Her A cup breasts and small figure really showed her as the opposite of Amelia. Her pseudo penis also making a bulge on her panties as well.
Didn't help the view turned you on.
"So uh, care to explain what's happening here?"
Riley stops her staring before coughing.
"I uh- what's happening here is um."
The hyena drops her pose, stuttering all the while.
"W-What I'm trying to say is- Anon. You need to cum on me."
"Come on to you? Like flirt?"
Riley sat up in frustration. It was adorable to see her pouting.
"I mean cumming on me. On my fur! When other anthros smell you on me, they'll know you who were with!"
Oh... Oh. Makes sense but Anon feels something's missing here.
"Well, wouldn't it make sense that Amelia would just I don't know, forcibly make me do the same thing to her?"
The hyena snorted at that. "Believe me, I know her. She'd probably have her fragile ego broken by the idea you're well, fooling with someone else."
Her voice was getting smaller with each word. Her snout was red in embarrassment, and as is Anon's face as well.
While he wasn't familiar with dynamics of anthros. It could make a blow on Amelia's psyche as well. But it could also bite them both in the ass.
But seeing Riley there in those clothes really does things to him.
Fuck it might as well.
"Alright, so do I just jack off in front of you?"
That caught her attention. She nodded.
Pulling down his pants, he approached the hyena on the bed only in his underwear. He was already at half-mast because of the view but he still needed to stimulate himself.
Grabbing a hold of his shaft, he slowly started to pump it up and down. Getting the blood flowing through his dick was easy enough. But still he probably needed more if he was going to cum.
"Y-You need some help? I thought that the sight wouldn't be enough."
Riley crawled towards the human on the bed. Anon nodded and allowed the yeen to grasp his penis. Fuck her hands were really soft.
Unlike Amelia, Riley was obviously more gentle. Letting him experience the pleasure first rather than the end. Her fingers danced on his shaft while the other rubbed on his tip. Anon gasped at the sensations this girl was giving him.
Her hands moved faster, letting the sensation build up on him. Her eyes never left his own as she continued her ministrations. He was close, he could feel it.
Within a few seconds, his penis started to quiver. "R-Riley I'm about to!"
The hyena looked up and nodded. Quickly lying down on the bed, Anon moved forward and pumped his dick towards her body. The first load shot up, reaching her face, with the rest spreading out towards her chest, legs, everything. He coaxed out a few more, wanting to cover this beautiful girl in his seed.
Riley was getting excited, her body shaking at the sensation of being covered in Anon's cum.
"F-Fuck Riley, I didn't think that your hands would feel so good."
"R-Really? Thank you."
So this is it then. Should they wait for Amelia to come back and witness what happened here? Anon wasn't really sure what's going to happen next.
He turned towards Riley, her hands moving towards the areas covered in cum and spreading all over herself. She's really getting into it.
His cock twitched at the sight. He wanted more of this. Riley was really working him up. He slowly approached the hyena and grabbed her hips. She looked to Anon who was giving her a hungry look.
"Sorry Riley. But I really need this."
His cock started to grind on her panty covered crotch. The feeling was really different when there's a bulge, but he really doesn't care at this point.
"W-Wait. That's enough. That's my-"
Anon shut her up with a kiss. Her moans were delicious to his ears as he started grind harder against her. Riley didn't pull away. In fact, he felt her hand on his head as she pulled him closer.
His cock was rock hard again, and now he wants a bigger target this time. His fingers reached to the side of his panties, feeling it up until he pushed it aside for her entrance.
Riley opened her eyes and pulled back. "A-Anon! You need to know-"
But her words caught up were caught in her throat as she felt Anon's head peaking in her. She stifled a moan and her hands wrapped around the human. This invited him to push further into the tight hole.
Anon prepared to line himself for one final push inside her. Giving Riley a look, before plunging inside her depths, making the hyena howl.
It was tight. To think she was a virgin was a miracle in Anon's eyes. Another thrust and the yeen produced a high-pitched squeal. It was music in his ears. Riley wrapped herself tighter on Anon as he continued to hammer into her like a possessed beast.
Her legs went over his own and wrapped around his waist as she pulled him into another kiss, which he eagerly reciprocated. The sounds of wet slapping and lovers moaning was all they could hear.
Anon's hand explored the lithe figure of Riley, tracing her spine and pinching her nipples. The latter producing an adorable squeak from the yeen. The two pulled back from the kiss as the human continued to fuck the anthro silly.
"A-Anon~ I'm so close."
"M-Me too."
Anon's hips moved faster. The workout was starting to wear him down. But the thought of making this girl cum was his priority now. But he really wanted this to last longer. He just wanted to make Riley his for the whole night.
Oh that did it. With one final thrust up to the hilt, he poured down the largest load he had left into the anthro. Both were shaking as Anon's fluids down inside Riley. The yeen's legs wrapped tight to make sure there all of it was not wasted.
The two stayed together in their position. Riley didn't notice she was in a wheelbarrow position just from the aggressive fucking. Anon's legs supporting her lower body as she looked up to Anon.
"Anon. You need to know-"
The door suddenly burst open, revealing Amelia face of annoyance to turn to shock. The two were surprised to see her, until the situation they're in started to catch up.
"Oh fuck." Riley whispered.
"A-Anon. I'd. You're...", Amelia was face morphed into many things. Horror, betrayal, shock, anger, denial. The bigger yeen was starting to hyperventilate. Tears were building up in her eyes as she grit her teeth in anger.
Not even giving him a chance to run, she grabbed Anon by the throat and carried him away from the bedroom, her claws nearly digging into his skin. The yeen kicked open the front door and threw him on to the front lawn.
Her hands were shaking as she was nearly sobbing. She angrily shut the front door leaving Anon alone in the dark of the night, naked.
Anon was processing what just happened. Obviously Amelia was hurt, but he was honestly expecting worse setback. He took a look at himself, his lower body covered in cum with his dick now flaccid in the cold air. Damn he really did a number on Riley.
The front door opened again, expecting the big yeen for revenge only to reveal Riley covering herself in her bed sheet with his overnight bag.
"H-Here you might need this."
Thanking the kind hyena, he pulled out some spare clothes to wear. While he was dressing himself up, Riley spoke.
"Listen, about earlier."
"Earlier? I- Oh fuck I'm so sorry for uh- have sex with you and-"
Riley just chuckled and waved it off.
"It's okay really. I'm perfectly safe just so you know."
Anon let out a sigh of relief. Pulling down his shirt he grabbed his bag.
"Thank god. I thought that me being- you know. Fucking you outside of your safe day or something."
Now Riley was confused on what he said
"Safe d- Oh. Well how about I just tell you tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Why not just tell me now?"
The hyena looked around, now seeing some of the neighbor's lights are turning on.
"We don't have time. I promise to answer all your questions tomorrow okay?"
With that, Riley returned to the house, leaving Anon alone. No other choice left but to walk home, hoping nobody robs him on the way.

This morning felt like a breath of fresh air. After leaving for school, he entered the hallways with caution.
It's not unlikely that Amelia will probably pay him back ten times over. But honestly, seeing her last night was fucking worth it in his opinion. Though the looks he was getting from the other students were different.
Instead of awe or jealousy, it was either disgust, impressed, or something in-between. He actually didn't mind it all. I mean if he was to be remembered shagging the biggest bully's sister, then he'd probably- CLONK
Ow what the fuck!
He looked towards the tumbler that hit him and looked where it came from. Rosey and Lilac giving him the most scathing stare.
"That's what you deserve you faggot!"
Huh that's a new one. With that, the two quickly moved away from the scene. Anon rubbed his forehead while realizing that Amelia wasn't with them. Guess they aren't as brave when she's not around.
"Anon are you okay!?"
He turned around and saw Riley coming towards him with concern. Now sporting a hoodie and long-sleeved shirt accompanied with shorts and fishnet leggings.
"Hey Riley. Guess you saw that huh?"
She produced an iced compress and held towards the impact zone. Deja vu huh? Still to think she even has one prepared is weird.
"Yea, sorry if they give you any trouble. They really just follow my sister like a pack of drones.", Riley glares at where the two was before.
"It's alright I've been hurt worse. Still I'm surprised Amelia isn't here right now."
There was a twitch on Riley's mouth as she heard what he said.
"Well... Considering what happened. Let's just say she's not taking it well, and so is mom."
"Mom? Why would she care?"
The hyena huffed
"Guess losing something is really important to the matrons of my family. Last I saw her, she was being grilled by Mom about she even lost. And now she couldn't even attend the exams today because of how rattled she was."
Damn did that really have an effect on her?
"Was I really that important to her?"
"Considering that the boxes she promptly dropped on to my room without my permission was filled with your memorabilia, yes."
Anon was surprised at that. Was that why she didn't want him to go inside her room? To think she that focused on her image.
"So uh, what now?"
Anon was stooped to know what's next. Now that he broke a bully's heart, where's the deal supposed to go now?
"I guess, you get a new fresh start?"
Riley reached out her hand. Anon gladly took it and wrapped his fingers around hers. The hyena blushed at the gesture.
"I guess so. Still I'm still wondering how me cheating on her is enough to warrant a mental shutdown on her."
The two slowly walked to their classes. Riley chuckled at the question.
"I mean, when your cross dressing brother manage to fuck your boyfriend and steal his virginity, who wouldn't go crazy?"
Yeah who wouldn't go crazy-
"Wait you're a dude?!"

Happy (Late) April Fools Everyone!

Pub: 03 Apr 2023 13:40 UTC
Edit: 08 Apr 2023 01:57 UTC
Views: 4610