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term created by @sporechoice0fwords on tumblr
a political ideology similar in nature to Radqueer ideology with an explicit focus on harm reduction and the acceptance and de-stigmatization of deviant identities and orientations
It is a proposed alternative/parallel belief to Radqueer ideology given the current state of the community and the rising concern with pro-abuse stances like xenosatanism being allowed under the umbrella
- Pro LGBTQ+.
- Yes, all of them. Even the nichest of xenogenders.
- Pro religious freedom.
- The exception, of course, are religious cults and extremist organizations that seek to harm and manipulate others.
- Pro racial equality.
- TRUE racial equality, in which race effectively does not exist as it is a made-up concept used almost purely to harm others. No race is inherently good or bad.
- Pro-choice; pro abortion.
- Pro alterhuman. This includes otherkin, furries, clinical lycanthropes, and other non-humans who do not fit under these umbrella terms.
- Note: not all nonhumans use the term "alterhuman." I use it because it is the commonly-accepted umbrella term and nobody has proposed an alternative.
- Pro endogenic systems and tulpamancy.
- Profiction/proship.
- Pro TransID (including transharm[ed/ful].)
- specific stance would be "critharm[ed/ful." Do not openly encourage self-mutilation and injury for transition purpose, nor harm of others. In the end, you do what is right for your body and mind, but milder forms of dysphoria relief should be tried first along with seeking professional help if needed.
- Pro paraphilia.
- The general contact stance of aeternists would be, according to the (flawed) current list of contact stances, would be "contact-complex."
- Pro-kink
- Pro-contact for general paraphilias.
- Contact-selective for paras that can harm others or oneself. (as in, some forms of "contact" ie. dating therians, transage folkel, or plural folkel are acceptable and encouraged.)
- Biological animals cannot consent due to language barriers, differing emotional associations with intercourse (often painful and/or for dominance), and evidence showing that it is traumatic.
- Chronological children cannot consent due to the lack of sex education, emotional and psychological maturity, the additional responsibilities placed on minors, and evidence showing that it is traumatic.
- No paraphilia is inherently harmful.
- Healthy coping mechanisms such as art, writing, psychological help, and RP are encouraged.
- Anti Xenosatanism, hypoharmful, and other ideologies that encourage abuse.
- Aeternists may or may not also be Radqueer and/or Rad-deviant.
- Aeternists may or may not be misanthropists and/or antinatalists. These stances are not inherently harmful.
- Aeternists are anti-abuse and anti-harassment. "You break your DNI, I break yours." That sort of thing. They stand for science, psychology, and education.
again, let us know if you want this deleted...