rules of my account

i am not a low support needs/lvl 1 autistic. i have large trouble socializing even after told because of this [ie "go read the room" i cannot.] i come off as rude. im horribly stubborn. etc. i am hashtag insane. keep this in mind when interacting with me i am NOT normal!!

i have this tendency to say/do shit people might be made uncomfortable by. i do not understand i make people upset by these things. please fucking tell me. i get uber paranoid over all of this shit, and its better for me to understand when directly told.

i am critical of every media i consume and do not defend the actions of any of the people i like.

i forget im on twitter fucking alot actually.

i have a paracosm and
i do not give 2 shits if you think one of my paras is different than who they are. you arent the one who
listens to their bs all day. (this doesnt include fictives, you're awsome.)
i have paras of like 15 fictional characters, you can find most of them in the cc list. if i tell you not to lovemail or etc because theyre a para of mine i expect that.

i use she/they for arashi and mizuki. i mainly use she/her and alternative names for sal fisher.

if i do something stupid or follow someone who has done something, please dm me. i dont like random @'s, i dont like callout threads.
plz tag staring images, dereality/paranoia, and irl death!!!

i am extremely autistic about sal fisher & lawlight/the wammy family. i have blocked people over dumbass things. please keep this in mind i love them sm.

dni tbh i dont block as much as i should but im gonna block u if u follow lmfao. regular dni crit. bigotry, radclus (both inclus and exclus), radfems, proshitters, and anything else like that will result in a hb if u follow. mspec lesbians, terfs, tirfs, gendercrits, and anyone with shitty "opinions" of the sort get hb'd near immediately. if u belive transandrophobia or reverse racism exists bcz apparently i wasnt clear enough lol. dsmp fans. no shits given. sp fans. yfm fans. ranboo fans who dont watch dsmp. ship salvis, think nagibara is proship/theyre related (they arent hb me), like/lovemail travis phelps, or any of my paras as paras sal fisher fictkins / irls [nonsys] you support autism speaks, you are an allocishet allistic.

a2f if u are any: an allistic death note fan, like sally face, weird about/ attached to any of my ccs (nonsystems)

subject to change. i sb if you dont read my dni. i hb if you make me uncomfortable. if u fit the dni and i follow u i make exceptions.
if ur blocked u probably fit dni or i fit ur dni and i dont wanna make u uncomfy.

Pub: 30 May 2022 22:50 UTC
Edit: 12 Sep 2023 06:06 UTC
Views: 1174