DID / OSDD - terms to avoid.

rewrote this because it felt too cluttered. Also I do NOT recommend using "pluralpedia" or "plural wiki" as a "resource" for DID.
I'm only linking it here for defintions.

What is DID/OSDD ;
DID / OSDD, short for Dissociative Identity Disorder and Other Specified Dissociate Disorder, is a disorder caused by repeated childhood trauma (though, this is not the only cause). People who have DID are often referred to as systems or collectives. These alters are real people, and should be treated as such, whether or not they are an alter of a fictional character or real person.

MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) is an outdated term for DID. Please do not use said term and stick with DID.

What to avoid when it comes to DID ;
Systems will often refer to themselves as traumagenic. Traumagenic meaning that the system formed due to trauma. This is the only type of system that can exist, as DID is a disorder caused by prolonged trauma. Anyone who claims to be a system "without trauma" are more than likely faking DID. However some may be genuinely uneducated.

Common terms you should avoid ;

Definitions are linked. I do not recommend using the website as an actual source / research for DID.

Overall, they are complete and total mockery of those who suffer from DID/OSDD. Faking a disorder in general is not okay and should not be normalized in any way. Systems who do not remember their trauma does not mean they are any of these.

lazy closing note ;
DO NOT USE PLURALPEDIA OR PLURAL WIKI AS A SOURCE FOR RESEARCH ON DID. These websites support those who fake or pretend to have mental disorders, centered around DID. Please look at sites that are run by professionals or doctors or websites such as .edu, .org, or .gov.
With this saying I also don't recommend using carrds or rentries (ironic ik). Some information may be outdated or just straight up incorrect. If you do, however, make sure that they have informational sources linked.

And I didn't add every single term because the only type of "-genic" term that's valid is traumagenic.

*updated apr. 18th 2024.

Pub: 08 Apr 2023 05:40 UTC
Edit: 18 Apr 2024 17:36 UTC
Views: 886