Hello! Welcome to my titles page! For those unfamiliar, you may be asking... "What are titles? Why do you use them?". To answer your question, titles are a way to replace names and/or pronouns for individuals who speak in third-person, do not use names or pronouns, and/or uncomfortable with strangers referring to them with personal identifiers! It is up to the user. Now, why do I use titles, you ask? I use titles because I often switch between using pronouns and not using any pronouns. When I am not using any pronouns, you may refer to me by name OR use my titles!
You may have noticed that some of these titles use pronouns, but fear not! Any title using a pronoun in the beginning may be replaced with THE or ONE (or a combination of the two!) So something like Shy With a Hollow Gaze can be rewritten as The One With a Hollow Gaze! Alternatively, it may also be replaced with a noun of mine! (It may need to include THE before the noun)

Now you have learned about titles and how to use them! Why don't you take a gander?


The Trickster, The Wild Card, Cem Who Resides / Sleeps In a Coffin, The Feline of the All-Seeing Void, The Coffin's Most Still Resident, Hy of Many Eyes, The Voided One, The Purring Void, Shy With a Hollow Gaze, The Corpse, The Corpse Adorned in Velvet, The Decayed, The Prisoner of Fate, The One That Is Dead and Alive, The One Born From The Void, The Undead Cat, The Phantom Inmate, The Doll of A Voided Face, The (adj/verb) Goth, The (adj/verb) Detective, The All-Seeing Eye, The One From the Grave(yard), The Wrathful Void, The (adj/verb) Doll, The Ball-jointed One, The Phantom Thief, The Gentleman Thief


Entombed Death, The World-Renowned Detective, The One With Ball-Joints and Ripped Clothing, The Doll Who Rests In a Coffin, The Dressed Up Doll, The Ghostly Apparition, Xe With Torn Clothes, The One of Stained Lace, Vi Who Is Fated To Death, Fog Who Is Unfairly Fated, The One Playing An Unjust Game, The Coffin Dweller, Claw Who Is Stained With Blood, Chem Who Unknowingly Rots, The Fluffy Little Horror, The Faceless Being, Heart Who Sits On Display, Fog Whose Body Is Adorned In Blood-Stained Lace, Mrr Who Bites, Bullet Who Unknowingly Rots, The Somber Hero, The Doll With a Parasol


Doll With Weary Glass Eyes, The Forgotten One, The One of Obscurity, The Threatening (noun), Hys Doll-like Beauty, The (noun) of Roses, The One Who Adorns Phantomself In Dark Roses and Black Lace, The Doll of Black Lace, The Cemetery's Local Undead, The Horror, The Walking Corpse, The Eye of Knowledge, The Blood Hungry (noun), It Who Resides In A Cemetery, Coffin Who Feels At Home In The Graveyard, The Omniscient Eye, Spike Who Finds Beauty In The Decay, Bullet Who Sees No Difference Between Life and Death, The Cat of Bloodied Fangs / Claws, The Thieving Detective, Eye Who's Face Is Only Shadow, The Slaughtered

Pub: 06 Nov 2023 07:16 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2024 00:21 UTC
Views: 376