DNI IF YOU... (sorry this is really long)

・ believe you can't enjoy a problematic interest critically, or believe that people enjoying problematic things are automatically associated with the creator's poor behavior
・ are radinclus / exclus
・ follow 'gender critical' or TERF ideas that exclude trans people from safe spaces
・ believe neopronouns or xenogenders are harmful to trans people in any form
・ participate in virtually useless lgbtq+ discourse (ex. toothpaste flag discourse, multigender lesbian discourse, etc)
・ pick apart every media as problematic and refuse to acknowledge that most media has flaws
・ use names from cultures you are not from bodily (ex. white people/systems using japanese names)
・ refuse to separate introjects from their sources
・ are rude about IRL/DA discourse and refuse to acknowledge that delusions shouldn't be encouraged and should be treated carefully
・ are tme (transmisogyny excluded) and use the t slur
・ believe alters (in systems) can be a different race than the body they occupy, or believe that transfem alters can exist in bodies that are not transfem, etc. basically, believing that you can have an experience of oppression that you have not faced bodily will get you blocked
uncritical dream smp, danganronpa, south park, kpop, or madoka magica fans, know where your media comes from please
・ believe that satire is an excuse to punch down on people who are not in a place to be punched down on

Pub: 28 Mar 2023 17:15 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2023 17:28 UTC
Views: 1366