- cyril/cory/owen/francis/rosie⠀ ͠⑅ ̣̣̣
- feel free 2 call me anything ♡
- ୨ི୧ she/him
- im partially genderless + not a girl
- i prefer 2 be seen as androgynous
- my interests: ⠀ྀ』
- psychology, ii, osc, my bf ♡, sweet trip, the real tuesday weld, roblox 3008, until dawn, terminator, music
- you can discuss any of this with me; i depend on my interests ⠀ ۪ ۪‿ ི ִ ۫⳯
- im hungarian ukrainian˘͜ ̩͙⠀
- im not fully fluent in english. excuse mistakes in grammar && such + this also means i dont always understand slang or abbreviations DO NOT BULLY ME ꒱꒱
- ♪𓏸 ༢ུ⠀𓈒 im autistic && socially inept
- remind me of right and wrong && tonetags are appreciated (not necessary) when youre sarcastic or joking ۶ེ༹༷⠀
- i dont use ttgs, remind me when to