Generation Parameters/Settings (Explain Like I'm 5)

by SopakcoSauce

This is a legacy guide for JanitorAI users, therefore not regularly maintained. Please see the Cooking In Hell's Kitchen for the latest and most up-to-date information.

Imagine an AI as a friendly robot helper who likes to chat with you. These settings are like different knobs and buttons that help you teach your robot friend how to talk!

Basic Controls: The Main Settings

How Much Can The Robot Say?

  • Output/Response Length AKA Max New Tokens: Like telling your robot friend how long their story can be
    • Longer stories take more time to tell
    • You can either hear the story bit by bit or all at once
  • Memory Length/Context Size: How much of your conversation the robot remembers
    • Like when you're telling a story and need to remember what happened at the beginning
    • The robot looks at your previous chat to know what you're talking about

How Creative Should The Robot Be?

Temperature (Creativity Dial)

  • Think of it like a knob that controls how wild the robot's imagination gets
  • Turn it down low: Robot tells normal, sensible stories
  • Turn it up high: Robot tells wild, creative stories

Repetition Controls (Stop Repeating!)

  • Like when a parent says "You already said that!"
  • Helps the robot come up with new things to say
  • Makes sure it doesn't get stuck saying the same thing over and over

Word Choice Controls

Imagine the robot has a big toy box full of words to play with:

Top K (Favorite Toys Box)

  • Like picking only from your favorite toys
  • Small number = only your very favorite toys
  • Big number = lots of different toys to play with
  • Zero = all the toys!

Top P (Making a Favorites Pile)

  • Like gathering all the toys you really like
  • Small number = only the best toys
  • Big number = most toys are okay to use
  • One = any toy is fine!

Min P (No Weird Toys Rule)

  • Helps avoid picking toys that don't make sense
  • Like not playing with a sandwich while having a car race
  • Keeps stories making sense
  • Zero = anything goes!

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) - The Smart Helper

Imagine having a friendly teacher who:

  • Gently reminds you when you're repeating yourself
  • Knows it's okay to say some things again (like "hello" or "the")
  • Helps you think of new things to say
  • Makes sure your stories don't get stuck in a loop

Temperature Last (Final Seasoning)

  • Like adding spices to your food at the very end
  • Makes sure everything still tastes good
  • Adds just the right amount of creativity

Word Ban (No-No Words)

  • Like having a list of words you're not supposed to use (i.e: slop)
  • Helps keep conversations nice
  • Makes sure stories stay on topic

Helpful Tips

  1. Start with the normal settings
  2. Make small changes to see what happens
  3. Different types of stories might need different settings
  4. Write down what works best
  5. Try different things to see what you like!


  • These settings work together like ingredients in a recipe
  • What works for one robot might not work for another
  • It's okay to experiment and have fun!

Examples of How Settings Change Stories

Let's say we ask the robot to finish this sentence: "The cat likes to..."
With different settings, we might get:

  • Normal settings: "The cat likes to sleep"
  • More creative settings: "The cat likes to play with yarn"
  • Super creative settings: "The cat likes to teach quantum physics"
    Remember: There's no perfect way to set things up - it's all about what kind of stories you want to hear from your robot friend!

Need Help?

  • If something doesn't make sense, try changing one setting at a time
  • Keep track of what changes you make
  • Remember that your robot friend is learning too!

Quick Start Resources

Pub: 24 Nov 2024 03:39 UTC
Edit: 15 Feb 2025 05:43 UTC
Views: 388