Generation Parameters/Settings (Explain Like I'm 5)
This is a legacy guide for JanitorAI users, therefore not regularly maintained. Please see the Cooking In Hell's Kitchen for the latest and most up-to-date information.
Imagine an AI as a friendly robot helper who likes to chat with you. These settings are like different knobs and buttons that help you teach your robot friend how to talk!
Basic Controls: The Main Settings
How Much Can The Robot Say?
- Output/Response Length AKA Max New Tokens: Like telling your robot friend how long their story can be
- Longer stories take more time to tell
- You can either hear the story bit by bit or all at once
- Memory Length/Context Size: How much of your conversation the robot remembers
- Like when you're telling a story and need to remember what happened at the beginning
- The robot looks at your previous chat to know what you're talking about
How Creative Should The Robot Be?
Temperature (Creativity Dial)
- Think of it like a knob that controls how wild the robot's imagination gets
- Turn it down low: Robot tells normal, sensible stories
- Turn it up high: Robot tells wild, creative stories
Repetition Controls (Stop Repeating!)
- Like when a parent says "You already said that!"
- Helps the robot come up with new things to say
- Makes sure it doesn't get stuck saying the same thing over and over
Word Choice Controls
Imagine the robot has a big toy box full of words to play with:
Top K (Favorite Toys Box)
- Like picking only from your favorite toys
- Small number = only your very favorite toys
- Big number = lots of different toys to play with
- Zero = all the toys!
Top P (Making a Favorites Pile)
- Like gathering all the toys you really like
- Small number = only the best toys
- Big number = most toys are okay to use
- One = any toy is fine!
Min P (No Weird Toys Rule)
- Helps avoid picking toys that don't make sense
- Like not playing with a sandwich while having a car race
- Keeps stories making sense
- Zero = anything goes!
DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) - The Smart Helper
Imagine having a friendly teacher who:
- Gently reminds you when you're repeating yourself
- Knows it's okay to say some things again (like "hello" or "the")
- Helps you think of new things to say
- Makes sure your stories don't get stuck in a loop
Temperature Last (Final Seasoning)
- Like adding spices to your food at the very end
- Makes sure everything still tastes good
- Adds just the right amount of creativity
Word Ban (No-No Words)
- Like having a list of words you're not supposed to use (i.e: slop)
- Helps keep conversations nice
- Makes sure stories stay on topic
Helpful Tips
- Start with the normal settings
- Make small changes to see what happens
- Different types of stories might need different settings
- Write down what works best
- Try different things to see what you like!
- These settings work together like ingredients in a recipe
- What works for one robot might not work for another
- It's okay to experiment and have fun!
Examples of How Settings Change Stories
Let's say we ask the robot to finish this sentence: "The cat likes to..."
With different settings, we might get:
- Normal settings: "The cat likes to sleep"
- More creative settings: "The cat likes to play with yarn"
- Super creative settings: "The cat likes to teach quantum physics"
Remember: There's no perfect way to set things up - it's all about what kind of stories you want to hear from your robot friend!
Need Help?
- If something doesn't make sense, try changing one setting at a time
- Keep track of what changes you make
- Remember that your robot friend is learning too!