For context purposes only. rentry by aethel + anonymous contributors. This Rentry deals with sensitive topics such as SA/Rpe. Please never feel afraid to ask for help or reach out. Do not let anyone silence you. You are seen and heard. The first paragraph will be censored, the others will not. Please read with caution. The image below is merely meant as a divider for anyone to click away in case the topics mentioned are triggering.

IMPORTANT ; This Rentry is focused on calling them out for the two topics mentioned above. Calico has done much more to us, however we want to highlight only that. Thank you*

Calico is our ex-psys whose headmate sexually assaulted us. There was coercion, a power imbalance, questionable age gap (debatable, but we were legally a minor whilst they an adult, 17 - 19) and a fear of a consequence if we did not follow through even when there was clear hesitation involved from us.

We were threatened with a break-up if we should ever mention what happened. This was explained as Nikos (their host) being triggered by SA, and yet because of that we were never taken seriously by the host of the system responsible. Nikos had also laughed on call when we expressed concern over what happened. This was explained again as Nikos being uncomfortable, but we were never taken seriously, once again.

We began dating Calico when we were 17 years old while they were 19. While a two year age gap is not that big of a deal in my eyes, almost everyone I knew would constantly tell me to be wary. Even people I never knew. Calico defended our relationship with the Romeo Juliet laws. This topic is highly debatable, so I'd rather not give my opinion on it. I'm not sure whether I feel comfortable in calling this grooming. I bring this up however because our age became a big debate between our FRIENDS. Calico argued with many people I knew because they, in concern for me, would tell me that I am being groomed - and Calico would react negatively all the time. We would have to comfort them, and it felt odd to comfort them with the words ''don't worry, I do not feel groomed by you.''

In Calico's own definition, waiting for someone to turn 18 years of age in order to delve into NSFW topics is considered grooming. They helped us avoid a grooming situation with another adult. Calico also would tell us that our age gap of 17 + 19 was legal as long as we did not send eachother nudes. However, Calico ended up going against their own words. They promised to send us nudes when we turned 18, and sent us nudes when we were still 17 years old anyway. They defended this by saying ''they weren't fully nudes!'', but the implications of NSFW were clearly there and Calico was completely naked in the photographs sent. After all of this, Calico would wait for us to slip up even slightly so that they could use it against us. They wanted to undermine the sexual assault and instead replace it with whatever issue was bothering THEM, so that it would overshadow us. Nothing we have done, Calico, is comparable to the sexual assault that some even argue was rape. I did not even consider it to be rape until speaking to our guidance counsellor. We wanted you to die over what you did to us. And I will never, ever take that back. I believe in system accountability. And when it comes to a crime, I think you need to toughen up than blame the singular alter who did it.

Other names used by Calico are; Nikos, Star Filled Circus, Valentine, Lux1Trick, Val, Dazaireul, Mikareul, Moon, Six, lovestrucklux, bpdlockhart etc

Out of respect to the victim, I will not post any screenshots about the sexual assault. Close friends may ask.

The issue of Aphelios fronting constantly ended up being the reason Aphelios met his assaulter. He was basically 'punished' for even being around. Systems and sys fronting is not catered towards wanting to see your boyfriend. We have problems to deal with too.

Oh, and respectfully it surprisingly is common for victims to blame themselves for what happened. You wouldn't know of course since you live in your own bubble.

This was their reaction to being broken up with over issues surrounding the sexual assault, which is baffling. The 'body shaming' done by us was Naib mentioning he liked big boobs, -and they became insecure when never had we ever commented negatively on their body. When they posted a video of attractive cosplayers and said they 'wanted to date them' and we got upset over not fitting the beauty standard, they told us that our insecurities are not their problem.

We definitely should have broken up sooner. We should not have stayed, hoping for Calico to somehow heal what they allowed to happen. I take the blame for staying, at 17 years old I feel I could have done better. I was stupid for wishing it to go away because I loved you too much. I loved you and spent so much of my time and energy into our relationship that I did not want it to go. I too, just like you, attempted to undermine the sexual assault just so we could continue to be together. I hope you and your new girlfriend get along fine. Try not to sexually assault other people. You used us as your testing dummy for your toxicity. There is so much more I could add here, but I feel that this was the only one out of all things you have done that is the only thing that needs to matter. I was at fault for many things as well. Things I blamed my disorder on. Yet never did I sexually assault/rape you, laugh when you bring it up and constantly make you believe it was not serious.

I have long since removed every trace of you from my life, closed all our DMs and blocked you on all socials I knew. This is OUR way of letting go of you and what you've done. You cried about how something like this would ''ruin your career'' if it went public, when you have ruined our lives. That is all. Thank you.

the screenshots that were not taken by us were provided by someone who also had a negative experience with calico.
they constantly brought them into drama between calico & i, something that calico threatened to break up with us over because when we involved other people into our things and they called calico a bad person, calico didnt react positively to it. but maybe it was a clear sign when everyone was calling THEM a bad person.
calico also forced them into a relationship in order to 'make us jealous'

edit; was not going to account-drop originally but it seems that calico thrives on wanting to be 'right' in situations. i will not give the usernames of other social medias other than @bpdzaii being their current discord username and the discord id of their main + alt account. keep in mind they have more alt accounts, one of which they admitted to have used to STALK us in a server they were removed from. even more obsessively, they pretended to play stupid when they decided to eventually speak in that server, but we recognised them immediately.

Pub: 20 Jun 2024 03:02 UTC
Views: 362