MY HOARDmonarch

puter hi, i'm riley (he/they) and this is my hoard of rentry urls. bold letters means uppercase i; i love to hoard variations of urls. i especially get stuff relating to my hyperfixations!

more to be added. wing1


personal future use: ghostriIey ltriley, lt-ghost, altogether, exfil, mactavley, whirring, whirrs, luna2011, aileen, pooraileen, cupidelocke, ghostrileys, simonrileys, housefire, seeking, anymore, fireborne, kimdracuIa, beautyschooI, receiver, radicalface, arsenical.

hyperfixation-related: sgt-gaz, cpt-price, cptsoap, cpt-soap, cpt-mactavish, task-force141, bravo-6, -lieutenant, sgtsoap, sgt-soap, sgtgaz, sarg, sgt-mactavish, + ones in my personal future use. (i formerly owned garrick + sgt-roach)

random: draino, sundays, trolli, lengthy, nationalist, nationalism, monday-best, drunkwalk, came, facedown, plenty, dethrone, kogafan, kogers, slutshame, deficiency, deficient, lioness, degradation, valuable, worthlessness, gluttonous, hammered, autobiography, arrive, coming, picking, borage, chervil, chicory, marjoram, tarragon, savory, staranise, star-anise, lemonbalm, lemon-balm, whimpering, whining, panting, rimming, sperms, drooled, begger, beggar, victorian-era, boyfIux, woIfsbane, foghorns, snicker, strychnine, demonfucker, jesusfucker, satanfucker, momfucker, moms, dadfucker, fatherfucker, warcriminals, dramamine, snufffilms, snuff-films, snuff-film, sapiosexual, rabiosexual.

music-related: post-traumatic-all-night-long, i-was-all-over-her, phoebe-bridgers, i-know-the-end, scott-street, wIfgrl, wlfgrI, machinegirI, lowertown, catsmillionare, rumskib, mtwashington, mt-washington, remodrive, remo-drive, dreampoppers, groupIove, fleetfoxes, mygirlfriend, kagerou-daze, blueridge, viceroy, strawberita, yerkillinme, slutmouth, cherrypicking, girlpool, forestwhitaker, saIaddays, aIexg, aIex-g alex-g.kat

kittycharacters: dilucirl, amagism, rinnieamagi, THRlLLSEEKER, thriIIseeker, thrillseeking, thriIlseeker, thrilIseeker, graywing, gray-wing, clear-sky, jaggedpeak, jagged-peak, flutteringbird, fluttering-bird, wind-runner, windstar, gorsefur, gorse-fur, gorsestar, turtIetail, turtletaiI, turtle-tail, haIfmoon, half-moon, stoneteller, stone-teller, jackdawscry, jackdaws-cry, fallingfeather, falling-feather, pebbleshine, holly-leaf, hoIlyleaf, holIyleaf, hoIIyleaf, Iionblaze, lionbIaze, barley, squirreIflight, leopardfur, Ieopardstar, whiteclaw, honeyfern, oakheart, crookedjaw, bluefur, moonfIower, hailstar, talltail, stormfur, badgerfang, appledusk, antpelt, coriander, bellaleaf, billystorm, hawkwing, barkface, birchfall, brackenfur, brightflower, darkstripe, finleap, twigbranch, featherwhisker, fIametail, foxheart, frostfur, speckletail, mistyfoot, reedwhisker, needIetail, needletaiI, .

ships: chiIucs, rinneniki.


as for problematic stuff: i will never hand off these urls. people who use them unironically are FREAKS! problematic stuff: dreamnaps, dreamnobIade.

Pub: 27 Jun 2022 16:12 UTC
Edit: 16 Jan 2023 04:17 UTC
Views: 783