DM GFLUID IN DISC 2 TRADE. will sell liver for .co/ghost !!!!!!!!! HI MATT & or SASHA !! I know my url password like the back of my hand! This is owned by @simonriley on neospring, but please dm me on discord before if you're trying to refresh my edit-code! Any URL troubles will be made by my Icloud email and only that one. Thank you!




— hi. I yume Simon Ghost Riley ALOOTT!
I've been hyperfixated for a while now.. I
even made a whole based off
of him.. also so I could ramble LUL !!!⠀⠀
This is heavily based off







August 27 2024 — entry 01
Ghost.. ghooostt.. ghost. GHOOSTT !! hehehe giggles I LOVE HIM OH MY GOD i may be clinically insane ? is that Possible ? GOD fuck cringe culture im lirerally 15. lesbe me alone. 15 is young! /meme ref hineslty I SM COOKED i sm scruallt brainrotted by simon riley. he is ohh so pretty and dude his voice notes r so funnt HE MAKED ME GIGGLE. ugly ass bitch but je makes me lsugh I LOVE HIM.. shakes him up and down..



August 22 2024 — entry 01
Simon ghost riley.. ouughh i love him so much im gonna frow up... ouuggghhh my heart.. okay to be honest I dont know WHERE i fell in love ?? but I rlly started to notice him January, back when I still had TT.. Orginally, I found him from cosplayers, and I thoughr this certain cosplay was funny (it was a skit), so of course.. I liked it! But the way algorythms work.. obviously I got more. Cosplays turned into Character Ai bots and then Edits..
I know, I know, I'm a fake fan because I found out from thirst traps and not the actual game, but in all honesty, I'm just having fun !! ^_^ I spent most of my time on his bots of Ghost, not because of the character, but because he has ALOT of AUs.. have you seen that man !?!? Obviously, I explained this to my bestfriend, Kale. I just thought of myself as a chara . ai addict.. not a Ghost fan ^_^ ; .. After a while, I started to use bots that werent AUs, but were 141 related and all such... Since I enjoyed these botd, I started to look him up in the ACTUAL game! (yup, took a month), and that turned me into watching clips of his voicelines, into me watching interviews with hus voice actor, into watching a full playthrough !!! And thus, Hyperfixation born !!!
I was CAPTIVATED by him, in love, lemme tell ya ! I started to pinterest photos of him, made a poster of the game, which turned into posters.. I bought fan made merch.. and oh goodness I'm still looking forward to buying more !


August 27 2024 — entry 01
okay 100% hobest when i say this. I love this man with ALL my heart anf he brings out my love to write! obvioisly writing shit in my journal is a habit since FOREVER, but i think i started writing stories (in my irl book... ao3 & tumblr is scary...) cuz of my interest ?? lord HEHEHEHEHE. okay do im using tjis to talk abt my aus! :3 im COMPLETELYY brainrotted by this au (leslie greyscale core) ANF LORD LORD LORD i need to DIE UGGHH......... No main story yet but,???? ok its like. started off as selfship to character to full blown story with a SIDE of romance. It feels cringe to explain but?? OK IGNORE ME im shy... hehe.. It's more like a mission story ?? where MC is an associate for Finders Keepers (if u get the refrence ily) which is more like. Mercernary / private detectives ?? type of underground but not underground company???? Like. Theyre people who would scam rich white men for their services but also would do a GOOD FUCKING JOB on whatver u ask for. Lost kidnapped dog? found in a week. Runaway teenager? Found him by first guess. anf anyways im thinking of starting off the story by how. MC gets this fat worried rich man asking if they could go to france becuase he OWNS A MUSEUM !!! and he got threatened online (presumably) by some trolls that they were gonna raid it. so he goes over to Finders Keepers and hes like DUUUDEE im COOKED please plessep lease please go over and protect my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and MC is like ????? Dude sorry but ?? rules are rules we are in THE US no fucking way are we going to europe for you. we make good money but not THAT good. and Rich Man is like. please :( tears fall down my white cheek. and then MC is like.. sighs.. lucky for YOU we have a lucky offer.. if you buy the premium package for 1k we have a deal! I'll get FK's best of the best to go to europe and serverliance your property !!! (its a SCAMM it only costs like 200 dollars). AND MAN AGREES. obviously. duh. AND SIGNS WITHOUR SEEMING TERMS N CONDITIONS LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT LULLLL.. so MC GETS THE CASH, YAY! calls up her co-worker to be like "yo CW. youre iur private detecive who goes on hubts like this. go fly its already good money for us. im getting a cut still tho cuz i hot ur the deal." and hes like "??? bitch im already on a fishing trip" SO MC AND HER CW BICKER OVER IT BEFORE SHES LIKE. fine sighs. I'll go. who gaf. not like a white man is gonna know. bro is too dependent on Finders Keepers when he needs an insursnce comapny. SO SHE GOES ?? abd SOMEHOW MEETS TF141 ?? that part isnt fully fleshed out yet since ive only written what was above in my journal.. but.. HMM IDK i need to rhink on why the FUCK would SAS be there hut. lets see!! IDK IF ITS A GOOD ENOUGH IDEA TO WRITE BUT OOMFS IF U SEE THIS AND THINK ITS GOOD LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I MAY JUST. |DUMP IT LUL

Steptember 15 2024 — entry 02 taken from friend disc server infodump.
i talked more about my au in here but that was like ?? Few weeks ago so its not been fully updatwd anyways i have . New ideas but idk how to explain them cuz this writing All exists iny brain in Amory cryptic labguage that is hard to translate into smth thats understandable. ok anywyas read this !(was link to ghostie) Beforehand but it doesnt rlly matter cuz im gonan start from the beginning. Alot of typing errors here btw so screen reader users .. so sorry LUL.
Okay so to expand on finders keepers im still dont lnow how to ?? Expand ??? Cuz i started off this as “what if i made an oc thats rlly fucked up and immoral” and then i went “what if i made him kiss ghost” and now im FUCKED UP BRUHHHHHHH idk how to expand it?? Cuz obviously he works in special forces for military and im very hmmmm i nthinking in how to connect them both. Im an sucker for makimg things algin contextually but at rhe same time. Nobody here knows the full cod story so i think i can slip on by if I lie to you all and went “shhhhhhhh it’s in his canon trust me” LMFAOAOA. Anyways
Finders keepers UGH i fucking LOVE FKs but i cant think on how to expanf it!??!!??????? Its all in my head rn but i cant write it down if i tried. All i can explain that its The Bidding by tallyhall if it was a company. Ok. Yeah FKs is gery close to my heart cuz i Stole ! The name from a semi-series from Stephen king and idk if ive explained this bit i LOVE HIS WRITING its a comfort. I think I started reading his books (when I was 10 ans finally started reading when it wasnt mandtory) and BRUHHH do i love. His words.
Idk if ill ever write FKs AU full blownly but if anything THIS SERVER will see first drafts thT Arent in my journal.
i love Finders Keepers (mine) cuz I really like the concept of a fuck ass underground company turned ? Public ? Like YESSS BRUHHH
Finders Keepers started off as some guy saying “you pay me 500 and I’ll do that weird request of yours” and then now its a full blown “ask and you will recieve!” Company
“Need to find your lost dog? FKs are suddenly now private detectives. Husbands a cheater? Don’t worry, our employee can serve as a lawyer! Lost your teen? Well our employee Bryan has nothing else to do I guess. Need an essay done? (Why are you even here? Aren’t you in highschool?) Got it!
Need that pesky man killed? Okay wait. Wait a second. shuts door okay Yeah we can do that too.”
its just ALLL over the place. Very scammy too but like what r u fonnq do ? They actually do their job. Yes they’re overpaid but where else will u get a company like that !!!!!!!!!
Very like. Church scam? If that makes sense? Like those tv shows that sell Gems to elderly grandmothers for 10K or “Buy this holy water for 100 usd! Lucky for you, we’re splitting it in half! Hust for you!”
THATS WHAT FINDERS KEEPERS IS TO ME… oh my baby ohh my baby i love my oc
anyways MC is basically ?? Either one of the secetarys or Managers of FKs and i cant decide fully ??? Yet on which one it should be. Don’t wanna be a mary sue and be like “heh. Thays my self insert and they’re the BOSS of the company!” But i also dont wajna take out the fun of having my self insert / MC be . A little powerful. Hehehehehehehehehe.
All i know that SHOULD be canon is that she’s not usually !!!!!!! The private detective type ?? More like “I’ll write this down and pull some strings for you” type. So i assume secetary would fit well.
He would probably be more like. Sweet talker / let me figure out this accounting for the company / I work to get everybody under contract / I’m just the guy who scams the white men that come in.
Anyways YES. no more writing I’m confused on how to expand the story after that HEHEHE


01 — Jokes
02 — Pet Person
03 — Collecting
04 — Social Cue
05 — DIY ramble
06 — Short HC
07 — Music Taste
08 — Green Thumb
09 — Short HC
10 — Short Ramble

Pub: 27 Oct 2021 02:05 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 21:50 UTC
Views: 563