Request Info | /ghostlierreq

✦ Ghostlier Request Info — ⟢

please read through Ghostlier Boundaries as well!


Standard Temp Info

System Alter
1 sys name 2-3 names
2-3 coll names age
age 2-4 pronouns
2-4 pronouns 2-4 flags
terms (m/n/f) terms (m/n/f)
2-4 flags relationship statys
relationship status brainmade/introject
type source link
headcount 2-3 roles
2-4 disorder 3 links
freq fronters boundaries (only on pk+sp)
3 links

If you want other info , want less/more slots for listed info, not want info listed; please say when requested. If you do not specifically say what you do and don't want then this is what we will automatically add on your temp.


What I will and will not do

what i WILL do

✦ — introduction rentry for singlets, headmates, systems, etc.
✦ — templates for other reasons (just be clear about what your asking for)
✦ — make between 2-3 matching rentry templates
✦ — make edits / changes to the template afterwards if you want me to (just let me know what you want changed / edited)
✦ — finding symbols and images for you to use (be clear on what you want)
✦ — create discord templates for servers (not through discord but we can make/find channel layouts. role layouts, server names, pfp, banner etc.)
✦ — other layouts (prns, sys tags, bios, dn names, status, dividers, hex codes, sys and sub sys names, names etc. just be clear)
✦ — graphic request

what i WON'T do

✦ — use any fonts other than the default ones
✦ — use closed symbols, UNLESS i am being comissioned by someone who is able to use them, and the template is ONLY for their personal use
✦ — make anything for anyone on our DNI
✦ — make any sort of harmful themed temps/graphics


✦ request a template — ⟢

type (rentry, pk, sp): txt
it’s for (alter, system, etc.): txt
theme/fandom/character: txt
any specific symbols (will not used closed): txt
any specific emojis (if you don’t want any say it here if nothing is said we will pick what we see fits): txt
leave space for your own pixels/emojis / theme for pixels or emojis: txt
information you would like included: txt
simple complex or somewhere in between: txt
any specific colors (preferably color codes): txt
anything else you’d like me to know: txt

✦ request a graphic — ⟢

theme / fandom/ aesthetic/character: txt
colors ( preferably color codes): txt
text: txt
specific font: txt
simple complex or somewhere in between: txt
any specific images? if we don’t get any we will pick what we see fits: txt
gif or still image?: txt
how many images would you like us to use?:txt
anything else we should know?: txt

please keep in mind that it may take me up to a few days to make your rentry. i will keep you updated if that does happen <3 if you answer "yes" to making this a public template, it will be available for anyone to use, and will be linked on our template rentry. i do all of these for free! DM me this form all filled out, and i'll get to it whenever i can. you can put N/A for any questions that don't apply

my requests are currently: OPEN !


carrdgraphics rentrytemp rentryresources

Pub: 27 Dec 2023 02:38 UTC
Edit: 31 Mar 2024 16:57 UTC
Views: 1359