system update log but its hurrendous (not in any order)
will occasionally be updated (maybe)

8/9/23: log is back up! episode subsided thankfully &
ended up going to bed early last night

11/12/23 gave up on updating this bc life has been not great lol

coping log

  • started distancing ourselves from social media like twt for our sanity
  • started frequently blocking people that didnt make us feel safe
  • bsd makes me feel happy :)
  • got on new antipsychotics finally (old ones were so ass)
  • began managing our bpd more :)
  • i feel happier about life
  • i feel happier about myself :)
  • began cutting bad ppl out of my life
  • began getting rid of old possessions associated with bad memories / events without feeling guilty
  • some of the headmates began taking coloring as a hobby (rest in peace to my money T_T )
  • began managing our paranoia more
  • downside: amnesia has worsened :(
  • dropped out of school for our sanity & will be
    looking into community colleges in the next while
  • ciel is healing slowly
  • taking a small break online bc of mental health going downhill
    & the internet isnt healthy for us
  • started using collective to refer to ourselves
  • not doing so good the last few days, taking some
    more time off of our devices for our sanity
  • disattachment, that is all


  • ciel got into typology
  • ciel started feeling human again
  • philip started fronting again more
  • lyrine alongside ben has been helping
    with organization / 'filing' (including logging)
  • redid the rentry formatting rq
  • recently bought a halloween themed throw
    & its the comfiest thing ever
  • also got back into writing


Pub: 18 Mar 2023 23:29 UTC
Edit: 21 May 2024 21:37 UTC
Views: 587