revamped rentry hoard ── 🩸 !!

love me forever - pinkshift
i. imnotcryingyourecrying
ii. nothinginmyhead
iii. cherrywereallgonnadie
iv. thekidsarentalright
v. trustfall
vi. inabreath
vii. burnthewitch
viii. lovemeforever
ix. letmedrown

act i: the lake south, the river north - the dear hunter
i. battesimodelfuoco
ii. thelakesouth
iii. theinquiryofmsterri
iv. 1878
v. pimpandthepriest
vi. hishandsmatchedhistongue
vii. therivernorth

act ii: the meaning of, and all things regarding ms leading - the dear hunter
i. thedeathandtheberth
ii. theprocession
iii. thelakeandtheriver
iv. oraclesonthedelphiexpress
v. thechurchandthedime
vi. evicted
vii. wheretheroadparts
viii. dearmsleading
ix. blacksandybeaches
x. vitalvessalsvindicate

act iii: life and death - the dear hunter
i. writingonawall
ii. whatitmeanstobealone
iii. thetank
iv. poisonwoman
v. hesaidhehadastory
vi. thisbeautifullife
vii. gogetyourgun
viii. lifeanddeath

Pub: 20 May 2022 19:13 UTC
Edit: 08 Sep 2022 05:26 UTC
Views: 161