Welcome to Cat Space

5 Cats. 6, if Sunny counted the lightbulb which now had cat ears.
One Blobmori,
One Catmori,
One Mirromori,
One Har-Nekomuri,
And One Mewo.
Sunny just wished the Big Yellow Cat was also here, to join in. He looked up at the lightbulb, swirling with blackness that was pooling into it's new ears. Sunny wondered if it would also start to meow at him.
Sunny turned, seeing Mirromori pawing at his leg. He was hesitant to pet the little guy. His body looked to be made of cracked glass, he was afraid to pet him and end up slicing his hand. He's pawing at his leg without causing any damage, but Sunny doesn't want to risk petting what looks like broken glass. It only made him start meowing even louder.
He wonders how Mirromori ended up so different from him and Omori, personality-wise.
rub rub
Nekomuri continued rubbing the side of Blobmori, who had an apathetic look on it's face, one that seemed even more empty then even Catmori's did. Sunny wondered how Blobmori must feel. He would pet it, if he wasn't holding Catmori right now. Must feel nice, since Nekomuri seems absorbed by petting it's...fur? Skin? Blobbiness? One of those.
Mewo pounced at the fish toy and it squeaked. She seemed to be immersed in hunting fish, despite all the new faces around her. Sunny was surprised at how well Mewo adapted to having more then just him around. Mewo might just be happy to play around with more then just him and her fishy toy.
Sunny had an idea.
He gently moved Catmori off his lap, and while Catmori meowed a little in protest, he didn't resist. Catmori soon moved to the other side of Nekomuri and started petting Blobmori's other side. Glasscat was a bit more upset at not getting pets, but decided to lie down and pout until Sunny came back.
Sunny went over to the picnic basket, and reached inside.
He wondered if he'd find it...
...hm, no, not that...
...oh, thought he lost that...
...ah, Sunny found it.
A bag of catnip.
A faint smile crossed Sunny's face. They'd have fun with this.

There was a lot inside, so Sunny raised it up in the air, and started bouncing the bag up and down, and all around, scattering the catnip to the non-existent wind.
Then, he took out a small bit of it, and went over to Mewo's fishy toy. There was a small bit he could slip catnip into. Mewo was already having fun with it, this would make it better.

The first noticeable sight was Mewo going wild on her fishy toy. Nothing else happened, however. Sunny realized the rest of them were only part cat, and he had no idea what Blobmori was. Maybe the catnip wouldn't work at all?
But then things started spiraling. Blobmori hopped away, and before he could see where, Catmori let out the loudest meow he's heard from him, and sat down before rubbing catnip on his face.
Then, Mirromori suddenly tackled Nekomuri to the ground! Sunny genuinely recoiled back from the suddenness of it.
Nekomuri was on her back, face flushed and breathing heavy, maybe she ingested some catnip? Well, they all probably did. Mirromori was on top of her, a manic look in his eyes.
Sunny's eyes widened. Wait, they weren't going to-shouldn't he break this up?
But before Sunny could do anything, Catmori walked over, and started giving more catnip to her. Nekomuri started huffing the catnip, before letting out a desperate Meeeoooowwwww.
Finally, Mirromori plunged into her. Nekomuri let out the loudest meow! he's heard from any of them yet, as Catmori held her steady.
Then, Mirromori started thrusting into Nekomuri. It started out slow, but soon it started getting faster. Nekomuri was letting out quiet yet audible mew's with every thrust, occasionally looking up at Catmori with an odd look in her eyes. Whenever she did, Catmori would pet her head or stroke her face. Whenever he did the latter, Nekomuri would lick his hand. The air was filled with purrs, meows, and odd sounds.

Sunny felt like it was a bit too late to stop this, and doing so now would probably be a bad idea. So he watched...an odd feeling in his stomach. He wondered how Mirromori felt. Did he feel like glass, was he cold like glass? Actually, since Mirromori wasn't see-through, maybe he just looked like glass and wasn't actually made of it? His body had spots that looked like shattered glass, and since Nekomuri wasn't in incredible pain, maybe he only looked like broken glass? How did catnip do all this? Was there was a label he didn't read?

Mirromori kept pounding at her, a manic look on his face, all while letting out all sorts of meow's, the air filled with purrs. Nekomuri's tail was poking out from under her and flicking wildly, and Catmori soon grabbed her tail and held it, causing Nekomuri to flinch even harder. She looked up at Mirromori who was wildly, almost desperately thrusting into her. Finally, Mirromori plunged all the way into her, and wrapped his arms around her, Nekomuri letting out a sudden meow, before tightening her eyes shut, her hair standing on end, as Catmori held her still.

Mirromori sat on the ground, a content look on his face. Nekomuri was still on her back, breathing heavily and letting out quiet mew's as Catmori kept petting her head. After a few moments, Catmori walked around to Nekomuri's other side, looking under her skirt. Catmori tilted his head, seemingly trying to figure something out. Nekomuri looked up at Catmori with wide eyes, breathing heavily, mew's turning desperate again. Then, Catmori flipped Nekomuri onto her stomach, causing her to let out a sudden Meow! as Catmori began thrusting into her.

Sunny observed this, already having given up any hope of even trying to stop this. He only wondered when the effects of the catnip would abate. Catmori's face betrayed no emotion, let alone feeling, as he rhythmically thrusted into Nekomuri. Nekomuri looked overwhelmed, seemingly not having recovered from the previous session. Nekomuri's hands were on the ground, trying to hold herself steady as Catmori continued going on, his usual empty look on his face.
Suddenly Mirromori stood up, and walked over to Nekomuri's front, his shorts still down. Nekomuri's eyes already seemed empty, but now they expressed a very poignant you're kidding, right? And then, Nekomuri made a fatal error. She opened her mouth to let out a Meow! of protest, allowing Mirromori to jam his erection into her mouth. Mirromori held onto her head, and continued thrusting in wildly, as Nekomuri let out muffled and panicked mew's, all while letting out incredibly loud purring noises, which only spurred the two of them on.

Nekomuri's eyes were wide, yet also partially squinted. He could see movement in her mouth, guessing it was her tongue trying to lick all over Mirromori's penis. Mirromori kept hugging her head while desperately thrusting in, his mouth wide, eyes brimming with ecstasy. Catmori was holding her sides while thrusting in steadily, while not really emoting much, yet he could see his eyes squinting a little. And all three of them were letting out loud meows and mew's. Nekomuri kept occasionally letting out violent shivers as her hair and ears would stick out. Her tail kept flicking back and forth, and so were Mirromori's and Catmori's tails. Finally, Mirromori let out a final thrust deep into Nekomuri's mouth, her eyes went wide, and he saw movement in her throat. Finally, Catmori seemingly did the same, causing a loud cascade of purrs into the air.

"Was it over?" Was all Sunny could think. The three of them collapsed in a pile of heavy breathing, purring and mewing, cuddled up with each other.
At least, until Nekomuri climbed on top of Catmori, whose eyes widened a little. Nekomuri, despite being exhausted, seemingly wanted more.
Nekomuri started licking all over Catmori's face, as Catmori started licking back. It was honestly adorable, seeing them lick the others face, their tongues sometimes meeting for a fleeting moment.
Then Mirromori, not one to be left out, got back up and moved behind Nekomuri's back, positioning himself. She jerked back, her tail flicking around in surprise, before Mirromori nibbled at her tail. She shivered at that, before both of them suddenly thrust into her.

Nekomuri then let out an even louder MEOW! then the first time, and began meowing even louder as the two pumped into her. Mirromori's quick thrusts, Catmori's rhythmic thrusts, Nekomuri's face was light up with ecstasy, purring and meowing loudly.
Nekomuri angled her head back to look at Mirromori, who then started licking her face. Nekomuri tried licking back, but seemed too overwhelmed to accomplish much. The two kept going at her, Nekomuri and Mirromori's faces getting more overwhelmed as Mirromori clung to her body, desperately thrusting in. Even Catmori seemed to be affected, his face finally showing something more then his usual hollow eyes, and his movements stopped being so controlled, starting to thrust a bit more irregularly. All the while, Nekomuri kept shivering and occasionally spasming, her eyes closed tightly as the noises she made stopped sounding like proper meowing anymore.
Finally, it reached an end. With one last round of spasming from all three, Sunny saw a liquid leaking out from Nekomuri's skirt, and with one last loud meow from all three, they collapsed.
Nekomuri lay in the center of the two, all three trying to catch their breaths, their lungs struggling for air. They soon fell asleep, the two boys hugging onto Nekomuri, a delirious look on all three.


Sunny couldn't believe he just watched that. All of that, from some catnip? What was even in this stuff? He looked around at what was left of the stuff scattered around White Space, only briefly glimpsing Blobmori and Mewo sleeping with the fishy toy between them, and saw that catnip was all over the place.

How was he even going to begin to clean all this up...?
Thankfully, he got a quick answer. He noticed some of the red hands started to clean up the catnip, it disappearing when they closed their hands around it. Seems like this mess would be resolved quicker then he thought.
Sunny decided to lie down and fall asleep. That was too much excitement for one day.
He couldn't help but look back up at the lightbulb, with it's odd cat ears. It was adorable...

Pub: 13 Mar 2022 15:41 UTC
Views: 612