Me when my silly friends ^

Del UGH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! YOU'RE MY FAVORITE PERSON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD SO SRS !! you're the funniest person ive ever met, and you give the best adivce tysm for being my friend Ily ^_^


Kieth ahh we havnt know eachother for a long time yet but still ILY!!/p I love how we joke around and its super cool that we basically have the same wavelength, you're my fav e kitten dw


Jermey AH YOU'RE SM FUN ! you're also a really good friend no matter what complications we go through, i swear everytime we talk i learn about 10 new things about my chemical romance BUT ITS OKAY !! ILYSM!


MIKE!! YOU ARE SO SILLY /SRS cant talk to u and not end up wheezing, you also are a great listener and make me feel better when im sad I LOVE YOUUU!! also hope u have a great bday and hope we can Call/play drawing games again soon!! JqjSXPR.png

Em Ugh i love youuuu!! you're so SUPER FUNNY and you say alot of out of pocket things so im always giggling, you're a really great friend :3


Henry AHH UR SO NICE AND SO SILLY !! i love talking to you sm !!


Sam I love you so much<3 Im so glad we met/gen you're so fun to talk to/call and ur always here for me which i appreciate alot


Thatonenerd You are one of the most important people in my life, you and stella I love you both SO MUCH you have no idea, you're both like siblings to me would throw myself infront of train for u guys smh i appreciate you 2 sm, You make life sm easier to get through again i love you ^_^


Astro/Noah SERIOUSLY THE SILLIEST PERSON IVE EVER MET- hanging out w u is sm fun ^_^ and that one time we played fortnite BIG W!! que the glitter bomb


Robin You always make me feel better ^^ and ive known u almost as long as ive known mac, you are a rly good friend!! ILYSM!! and ty for the playlist i LOVE it ><


<3 <3


Pub: 07 Jan 2024 23:11 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2024 00:43 UTC
Views: 291