The Titan's Wrath

23:40] The Moore rose a brow hearing the man's words only to peer up to the palm that was going to envelop her form and inevitably squish her like a bug.

Monica closes her single eye allowing this action to happen as smoke and debris is flung into the surrounding area. However, before that a flash of green and red was apparent just before the impact.

Briefly, the sound of coughing was audible. "Perhaps a warning would've been nice. Had to use all my Aether just.." Another cough and clear of the throat. "..For that!"

The ex-Commander would climb out of the broken steps which will soon have to get fixed up at a later day. But that was less of her problem at the moment. "I already explained to Kasraz who said the same thing.

As per request, I got rid of it. I don't even have it on me anymore because frankly I am no longer in the generation where I can abuse such a power. Nor would I repeat that in another life. You can even check my person if you don't believe that but I doubt such would be needed considering the sword was barely my full size."

Monica went on to dust debris off of her person, even pulling splinters out of her clothes and such. "You may ask Sabriel or even Azaela here for proof."
(Monica Moore)

[23:40] Azalea Aubreen says, "It's true! The weapon itself was surrendered for cleansing."
[23:43] It's head drops as its form is half way folded in on itself, before it seems to stir to animation. For once, it speaks. The voice is backed by a sound of grainy static that seems to drill itself into ears and brains. It's grating.

"As far as this one is knowledgeable of, was not requested to surrender blade." It rasps out. Nothing upon its face moves despite the words it speaks. "This one asked for the blade, in order to cleanse it. Necromancy goes against the fundamental aspects of Athelios himself."

And that is when it quietens and seems to still.

[23:54] The hand of the giant remains lifted as the vision of duality sits upon Monica Moore. There were many responses that could be given from the True Giant in a time like this. Acceptance. Understanding. Forgiveness.

Instead the hand just comes down again and again, battering away at the old ex-Commander; setting her deeper into ground and under the apparent never-ending might of Jokul. Seeking to put her under submission, and leaving her as naught but a defeated speck upon the steps of Aphros: a reminder, or perhaps a warning.

And so, does the Emperor wait to see if he's met with the tremendous reflection of an aether-strike, or some other sort of response from the Moore of old.

[00:47] A small glance is made to Angelo in the midst of that slamming. The apartments of Aphros suffering some blowback from the titan of yore repeatedly sending his might against its structure. Bullying was an apt description.

"I know not what fate has befallen her but collars of people is only done on those worthy of being prisoners," the giant is brief.

And then does the True Giant reach down, those large digits begin to push away whatever destruction had laid there. The defeated, surrendered form of Monica Moore beneath, ex-Commander. A constant pinnacle of strength for the once Aphros of old. In another life, perhaps Jokul could respect her, do battle with her, though, the times had molded this Emperor into a man that was not exactly a man at all.

When those eyes of aether lay upon her, there's a peering deep within the soul of the Moore. Into her very being and what lay beyond simple mortal comprehension.

"To provoke is not what I seek. Beyond that, I am. Only a single man on a mission," the air around the giant begins to whip up, and the giant blue tome at Jokul's waist begins to flutter, humming with distinct aether.

As defensive as Monica's magics and perhaps personality was, eventually she had yielded, much like she had yielded her position. The lips of Jokul flatten, the tongue of fire within left eye flares wildly, and the shard of ice in the right begins to grow bright white.

"The aether of the Pantheon is sacred. For many years has it gone misused in those souls of Meranthe. Kingmakers naming themselves Kings, failing to find worthy Champions," there's a distinct pause then, Jokul's grasp weakens and the hold upon Monica becomes loose. "While I remain, no longer."

Then does the Champion's body flash with the colors of her aether, an illumination. And it matters not which descendant had blessed her with the giftof the Pantheon, for now it was taken away. The aether sapped from her in a twirl of flourishing ribbons, ribbons of essence and aether that spiral within the air and then find themselves sinking into the eyes of the True Giant. It would be painless but as was with how a Nephilim could bestow their might, naturally it came at a price. Monica would find her life flash before her eyes, the good, and the bad, though, the most important moments, moments of love are the ones that linger for an extra second longer. Life is sapped from her, forcibly taken lest one was to intervene.

The Emperor of Meranthe was no normal man and that becomes put on display here. There was a reason the lands had been conquered so fast. His power so great. The effects of this 'ritual' if you would dub it that become near immediate. Bright lights quieten and the hair of Jokul becomes this colored silver-no, gray.

"Bury her somewhere nice," the giant imparts, moving to set the Moore down upon the ground with gentle touch.

The book at his side sits shut closed without even being touched. Moving all upon its own, it seemed.

[00:56] It watches, a haze of static surrounding it as it floated there slouched over fully. Gravity pulled its upper body down as if it was simply too lazy to keep itself held up for the moment. Yet there's a distinct awareness that the figure that floats there is watching the going ons.

And yet it says nothing.
It does nothing.

It allows the Emperor of Meranthe to act as he wishes. There is nary a flinch as the aether is stripped from Monica's body and no outcry or grief as it had been when Azalea had been captured.

There's a buzzing sound within Azalea's head and nothing more.

[00:57] Watched in silence, the giant's form thrashing the body of the long time bastion commander. The life energy of her body drained from them as the priestess would sit by unable to even do anything. Though what could she really do, her position in the church as well as her ties to the mountain all would come at risk if she were to do the wrong thing here.

Not knowing the woman personally she still respected her for her year's of service to the city she called her birth place. Small digit's came to rest in one another in front of her form as she would begin to silently pray for the soul of the woman. Wishing for them to find their place next to Athelios in his hallowed halls. A heavy heart in her chest as it is all seen. The loss of life as well as the powerlessness of them all now.

The woman felt like breaking, was this their life now. What was going to come of her city and loved ones. Only time would tell.
(Phoenix Altan)

[00:58] Hearing the response of Jokul, Sasha couldn't help but stare at him with a look of surprise.

"Worthy of being a prisoner? That's a bit of a stretch for me.."

The slamming of the buildings was getting worse however, as she kept her eyes on Monica, hoping she'd at least pull through. Unfortunately for her, those dreams were promptly dashed, as dragoness watched Jokul do something to her, having never seen such a thing before, let alone even heard of.

Alas, fear kept her pinned in place, despite her want to go and step between the two of them, to at least save her life, so she can at least spend her final days relaxing. She cursed herself for being so weak.
(Säsha C. Montelione)

[00:59] Jokul says, "I did not say you were worthy of being one, only that we do not collar people for fun."
[00:59] Jokul says, "A reason must be there and if not, you will be freed."
[01:04] An injustice...
No matter what...
Is still unjust.

Never forgive them.


Emperor or no; future mentor or no, the acts of Jokul seem to catch both the attention and Ire of the 'King' of Life itself. A veritable spring from her seat as cosmic sparks and radiant light send her barrelling off through the courtyard of the market; an airborne swing aimed to catch the Emperor's attention, more than it was to actually harm him.

Perhaps he would listen to reason, or perhaps she would have to fight the Titan.

What was another fight against an indominable force of nature for her anyway?

"What is the meaning of this? Is this how you want your reign to be remembered? Bullying the old and frail?!"

The acts of a tyrant, not a true leader of man.

"She is old, and weak. Her time will come to pass. If you want to take a life today, let it be those we've sworn to hunt, to destroy. No, leave her weak, but do not let her pass. She still has time to reflect, time to right whatever perceived wrong you've mustered up in those eyes of yours."

A flicker of incandescence catches behind the eye of the Knight; the gentle thrum of life resonating from her core as she grits her teeth and steels herself for the inevitable backlash of what's to come.

Perhaps her actions were just, in her own eyes.
Perhaps trying to preserve a life was all she cared about.

"This is the wrong choice, Titan. You know it, I know it, and I am willing to bet my health on it."

A foolish choice, from a foolish girl.
One who always ran into her problems head on without a second thought.
To defend those who hadn't even asked her to.

It's no wonder He chose her.

[01:08] "Sasha and Bell were collared because of Orphee trying to find Ksceniya. They are not worthy of being prisoners, nor bait, when it will remain unlikely for her to return, nor do they know of her location. Not to mention that a house had attempted to be set on fire because of him."

Azalea explains the situation succintly and quickly as the fight between the ex-commander and Jokul reached a consensus -- ah... She... did not make it...

Whereas the buzzing within the Aubreen's head proclaimed otherwise, there were tears to be shed for the woman that Azalea had come to respect and love over the years.

A strong, reliable figure.
Hands raise to clasp one another, resting in front of her chest as tears fell silently.

A quiet prayer. Vines rumble up and through the concrete, carefully wrapping around Monica herself; waves of holy mana seemingly trying to keep her lifeforce where it was.

Whereas the 'King' of Life seemed to physically act, it was the woman who had been chosen as the Voice of Life two years prior decided to act spiritually, befitting her station as it was.

"Lady Alacritas of the gleaming silver,
from which all life sprung and blossomed from, heed my call...

Life is precious, life is sweet. I beseech you and call upon you now, do not let this soul enter your lifestream in such a harsh manner. Allow her to pass peacefully when it is her time.

There has been enough bloodshed, so please... Allow her soul to remain..."

There is another quiet whisper towards HIM after this prayer is uttered, but most of her energy seems to be spent on stabilizing her life force.
(Azalea Aubreen)

[01:13] "We haven't been told any reasoning for Sasha's collaring, I would like to know the reasoning from whoever collared her, that or the collar gets removed. I don't like seeing my woman collared like a dog."

Watching Monica get slammed around would clearly hurt Angelo... She was just his Commander... one of his people. He knew Jokul was going to hurt her but, he didn't expect the giant to try and kill her.

"Don't you think you're going too far? She's already surrendered, stating her will NOT to fight. She does not deserve to die.."

A slight twitch would appear within Angelo's eye. This isn't a unification.. Vdalion is just stepping on us, for what? There's more important things..

"For a man so keen on fighting against the forces of Darkness and the Deep, you seem to be focusing onto those who shouldn't even warrant your attention."

Shaking his head and releasing a breath, he doesn't act.. for now.

(Angelo Sun-Broxley)

[01:17] The barreling of holy knight Irina meets the claymore of Jokul. Her first strike met with the giant needing not even turn his head. Then his response comes, as the flaming blade is next to meet Irina's being. Despite whatever rulers in the past may have laid claim to the Mountains in the North. Despite what rulers laid claim to Delphina's forests in the west, or Aphros' city to the south, Jokul was verily much not them. Determined he was, his aims remain exactly the same. None could deter him nor drive him from his missions.

"You mistake me, as I have mistaken you. Like Kazras you are. Soft, misguided, peaceful.

The life of a warrior not for you. Consider this your first lesson," Jokul says as the two exchange blows and their sword clashes send echoing ripples of mana across the stone streets.

"I concur. The wrong choice. For you."

The True Giant's grasp tightens around blade, the handles ofEldr and Thegnblao begin to creak under unreasonable pressure. Aether surges through muscles, running all the way from where it lay in circuits into his flesh and bone. It empowers him and grants the necessary might for a swing, one that has flames wash over the area like a tsunami.

[01:19] Phoenix Altan says, "-R-Rina..."
[01:20] A darkened clawed hand rises to pat and stroke upon Azalea's small head. It's gentle, which is unliked the unhealthy sounding laugh that emerges from It even in this time, as Irina leaps in the way of Jokul taking Monica's life.

It is all the movement and action that It performs. Eventually its hand drops back to its side.

[01:22] "Not for me? You mistake me, Emperor. Peace? I want nothing of the sort. Peace is boring. Peace leaves men weak, stagnant. What I will not tolerate however, is the assault of those far past their own time. She's had her moment, let her die in her bed."

A few steps back; breaking ground, giving the Titan a moment to bring about his own weapons. She'd fight honourably, even if it was to be her last. She always did, always fought with respect for her opponent, even if she saw that opponent as a maddened tyrant in the moment.

Doubt her resolve, and she will only show its hand in full.

A flourish of her blade begins to build mana; incandescence beginning to slowly take hold.

Silence, not a bird, nor a murmur.
She begins to chant.

"I am the King of Life.
One whom embodies all it has to offer.
Empowered by those before me,
And those who shall come."

Power flairs; each word seeming to only bolster her as she builds to crescendo. A deafening march, a domineering presence. That of royalty, of the divine.

"Hear me, O' Weaver of threads.
Heed my call.
I compel you..."


A flash of iridescence boils from her form; sending hair and clothing alike flourishing in a maelstrom of power. Teeth grit, eyes flickering a brilliant golden hue in that instant.

The sensation of nothing more than life itself filling the air; overbearing and compelling. That of one who'd walked the branches of Yggdrasil, had come to be one with it, to command its very nature, a very aspect of life.

"Doubt me as you will. Mock me as you shall. But at least have the courtesy to respect me for the warrior I am!"

[01:26] There is no attempt to move away or reject the headpat that had been given, only a gentle smile despite the tears that stain her cheek. Although there were more fights to be had, it seemed, as Irina took arms up against Jokul.

...No more grievious injuries, Azalea quietly begged within her head.

May the King of Life herself come out of this as unscathed as possible.
(Azalea Aubreen)

[01:37] HIM says, "Sometimes ashe will drool in his sleep but its ok because i do too"
[01:37] HIM says, "Fuck omit"
[01:37] HIM says, "Im drunk"
[01:39] "A warrior you are to fight battles not your own. She is old, as am I. Many things I know of her that you do not," the two battle as Irina's chanting results in her being bathed in a flourish of light. A maelstrom of power and life. It is a stark contrast to the giant who held no powers related to such. Jokul fought with merely his blades and flames, but with them, he had conquered the world, and so why would he ever change?

"The King of Life that lets one that wields a blade of death with no qualm. You will be respected as a warrior when you hold values like a warrior. Do not speak in twisted rhymes," blasts of holy magic scorch toughened skin. The infusion of magma grants Jokul a defense few seldom held.

The Emperor twirls, swings those blades into a cross-block at his chest to tank the overpowering might of Irina's focused stab. One that holds with it the force of life manifest, a shockingly powerful bomb of holy light that drags Jokul all the way back and has his boots dig deep within the earth. Clothes are discarded, swallowed whole and left in tatters.

Though to fell a Titan was no easy task and Irina would see that now. Jokul swings Eldr down and the divine greatsword made of fire swallows her whole. The explosion lingers like smoke from wildfire and embers smolder on ground.

With ash and charcoal left in his wake, the giant moves over to resume what was once done. Monica is plucked free from those vines that Azalea wishes to conjure so desperately. So very desperately.



Blow for blow; she rushed. Indominable resolve against the unstoppable mountain. Even as her body was scorched, wounds faded; each blow met with one that cleansed itself with the very fabric of life itself. So long as her mana relented, so long as she could continue to command the lifestream, she'd keep going.

"You know NOTHING of me!"

A call to arms; bobs and weaves of blows where she can. Her own unrelenting rush clashing in utter futility against the Giant's form. She wasn't about to give out on a hurry, until she was cast aside. Divine blades sending her skyward, and crashing on down to the ground.

She lays there, stagnant for a moment. The lesser of her injuries stitching and welding shut with the incandescent threads of her heart, enough to leave her weakened fora while.

From the ground, to a knee. The sneer that drags out of her one of pure vitriol.

"A King inspires his people, to rise no matter the cost. You may not respect me yet, but you will.. For who I become, and what it is I shall build."

A spit of blood; mana flickers, the powers of life itself slipping from her grasp.

A stagger, as she drags herself back to her feet. A shudder, dusting herself off of soot and blood alike. She couldn't fell him even if she wanted to, yet.

But she'd shown her hand, just what it is she was about. Not just to the Emperor, one she was clearly striving to make understand, but to Aphros, and it's people. Some who'd fallen so far from hope, and so deep into the pits of despair.

From the smallest of sparks, came the largest of fires. Perhaps, her wish was not to be the flame of her own tale, but the sparks of others.

Was that where she found her resolve?

"There are other ways, Jokul. Public torture is not it. I saw you as someone to unify, someone who wanted no more than to see the world as one, much like I. Where is that blade now? Does she truly deserve to suffer, or does she deserve absolution for her sins?!"

A question; for the Titan to ponder.
Were his ways just, or were they simply a necessity?

Perhaps the King didn't quite understand her own role, but she understood one thing; one thing that had driven her now for years, the one thing that kept her striving for the top, reaching for the stars no matter the cost to her body and mind.

Justice MUST be meted.

[01:50] Fiadh says, "......"
[01:51] Fiadh shrugs, she has no clue whats going on and really does not care

[01:52] It moves off the bench, floating amongst shadows and particles of light as It stares towards Irina. Static buzzes from Its form.

[01:53] Fiadh says, ".....wagh....."
[01:55] With the on goings coming to the climax of the battle between the holy swordsman and the giant. A small sigh of relief was given from the priestess as a sign that the woman was still in good health more or less. Wishing to float over by her side she knew deep down she could not.

The fragments of crystal in her heart causing it to ache now, the utter helplessness she now felt. Wishing to stand up for what she thought was right but knowing in her condition she would prove to be little more then small voice to Jokul. A saddened gaze cast off in the direction of Irina before a whisper was said to the woman sitting next to her.

Soon after the priestess was seen floating off.
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 04:22 UTC
Views: 137