Glitxh's Templates

-> This rentry contains all the templates I've made as well as their theme. If you see something here that you want to use feel free to. I would however appreciate if you messaged me on Discord or Tumblr [check my Home page for social links] and showed me what you did with it!

Template One ‡ Webcore themed ıllı System temp
Template Two ‡ Pastel Pink ıllı Pronouns
Template Three ‡ Pastel Blue ıllı Pronouns
Template Four ‡ Clowcore themed ıllı System + Boundries temp
Template Five ‡ Electric Green themed ıllı Emoji Guide
Template Six ‡ Life series themed ıllı DNI/BYI & Boundaries

˗ˏˋ HomeBoundriesPronounsIdentityRentry Horde ˎˊ˗

Pub: 05 Apr 2023 21:05 UTC
Edit: 13 Apr 2023 22:43 UTC
Views: 206