Feel free to whisper if you have any questions
- I am autistic, please be patient if I don't respond right away.
- I am sometimes slow to process what you said and respond accordingly.
- I also infodump sometimes, please just kindly let me know if you'd like me to stop.
- I struggle with reading and moderating my tone, the use of tone tags is appreciated but not mandatory.
- I can only speak English and sometimes don't have access to a translator. (If I'm on mobile.)
- I try to use my status to indicate what's happening. If I'm not responding, please check it.
- Online/Looking for chat : I am open to chatting
- Away : I am gone for a moment, or not interested in chatting
- Offline : I am gone for a while or I'm in menus/off tab
- If someone interacts with me first I may not check their BYI/DNI right away, that does not mean my DNI isn't important to me.
- Please don't cover me unless we are sitting together, and if I move please do not follow me.
- I don't like accepting random friend requests unless we have talked/sat together.
- Please do not copy my characters.
- I sometimes make jokes like "imma kms" or "kys" to people I'm close with. Let me know if you're uncomfortable with that and I'll stop, or you can hide/block.
- Basic DNI
- All of these are important other than the 'toothpaste' flag. It isn't an issue.
- Please read my ships DNI
- Dream fans
- I do not want to be friends with anyone <18
- If you say discriminatory things and call them 'jokes'
- If you say slurs that don't belong to you
- Proshippers/comshipper
- This includes Kaeluc, and ships that include the typical 'looks like a toddler but is 1298390523 years old'