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Cherry Bear Plush Rain's current & completed comic reading list Pink Tamogatchi

My comic/book/novel log! Not as accurate because I'd like to keep some of my info private Diary Movies List Urls Stamp1 Stamp2 Stamp3 divider by 98-0 on tumblr

Pink Heart Bandage Currently Reading Pink Paw

Monochrome Rumor - Chapter 87

this has such an interesting plot but has the LONGEST updates ever, i might be 50 before this manhwa ends

Goodnight Punpun - Volume 1

honestly i don't really have anything to say, vol 1 has been pretty okay(?) as far as i've been reading so :p

My Guildmate Next Door - Chapter 48

i really like the mention of gaming in here (even though i'm not a big gamer) but there's no official english translation so i have to suffer

Debut or Die - Chapter 65

this one is SUPER cute, the mc's dynamic with everyone in the show is awesome and i really love it because i'm also a kpop stan T_T

ENNEAD - Season 2 Chapter 90

i've never really dipped my tippy toes into egyptian mythology but i ended up really enjoying this one because it's not just romance and there's a lot of drama

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Pink Cat Teapots Completed Pink Bow

Murderous Lewellyn's Candlelit Dinner - 90 Chapters

this is probably the best written manhwa i've ever laid my eyes on, will not disappoint you.

Netkama Punch - 81 Chapters

fuck i was bawling when this was finished the mc and ml had the most beautiful relationship dynamic and i loved this so effing much

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Gloomy Bear Plush Plan to read Pink Swirl

None! Feel free to recommend me some on my discord!

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Pub: 08 Jun 2023 16:32 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2024 01:25 UTC
Views: 111