goofy goober urls

  • normal = willing to sell/trade (or even give away)
  • bold = more picky about selling/trading (will trade for wishlist)
  • italics = very picky about selling/trading (will likely trade for wishlist)
  • highlighted = reserved/traded away
  • linked = using (normal, bold and italics rules still apply)

contact me on discord @ mystudentspirit or on instagram to @specialgoober

feel free to contact me even if you dont want to trade and just share similar interests! i love making new friends like a lot!!!!!


A :

adolesenceofutena, alittlesnowfairysugar, angelicserenade, angelrabbie, abandonallhope, aluren, annaismissing, attillio, attilliocaccini, alejandroburromuerto, ale-tyler, aletylers, aledunoah, aletyno, aledunoco, alecourt, aledj, animechucklesandwhich, aumshinrikyo, alex-bale, alexk, antoniogeist, allguilty, arcadegamer, anthonystellar, aftschmidt

B :

boyfriendtodeathII, bk, bridgekids, bobby-basecamp, bobbybudlee, boxbuddies, big-daddy, balan, balan-wonderworld, balanwonderland, brawlholic, bethgadon, bridgettefairlie, bityler, bawn, beardamey, bethzekiel, breth, brawn, brammy, bridgzekiel, breoff, bott, bitt, BLACKBISHOP

C :

casinoduck, cutmyfingersoff, cannibalsweetheart, chatroom203, coloredgaze, crossdays, cabin-spirit, charliethespirit, chosen-hero, creatureclash, chris-damico, chrisgenovese, chris-genovese, camp-counselor, campman, ccdaniel, courtneybarlow, conspiracycarl, camawn, carrij, chamma, codawn, codamey, codeva, codella, codsay, codether, codeth, coditty, codwana, courdy, crimnui, christney (HATE HOLDING), chrindsay (HATE HOLDING), caevinjunior, chucklesand, chucklesandwhichanime, chefhatchetstotaldramayumyumhappygotimecandyfishtails

D :

dave-lizewski, dftm, desertbloom, didistutter, doukangaetemowatashiwawarukunai, dontromanceme, doctorcain, drdanielcain, detectivemurillo, dancecentral, dapperbones, drrobotniksmeanbeanmachine, duncannelson, dakody, damiya, davamy, davella, dawncan, derrie, devison, devitty, didgette, dunzzy, djatie, duncella, dundie, deather, dungitte, dwell, dunoco, dentody, duntrody, dentonoco, djentonoco, dayvid, developerssystem, dmitrybratsky, djbenson, devonjamesbenson, daters

E :

empirestatehuman, ericcartwoman, evenolderscott, ezekieloldring, employeeofthemonth, elijahdouchnov, empathp

F :

foureyed, forgivemysins, futurefriends, flapeebird, facecard, facerig, fkranken, frank-the-skeleton, finalfight, firealpaca64, floppers, fugger

G :

grimacebirthday, goodbooks, grunkledatingsim, gateway31, gregsummers, g3nIoss, gen-2, generation-0, generation-1, generation-2, generation1thesocialexperiments, generationloss1titlecard, generationlosstitlecard, genlossthechoice, glthechoice, geoffpetronijevic, gwenfahlenbock, gmanmedia, gordons, gaytyler, greecespieces, gindsay, gwalejandro, gweoff, gwoah, gwody, geody, gwedgetteney, gwuncoah, gwuncney, gonner, goobr, happysoft, heate71poundsofsand, heate71poundsofsandanddied, hewasforcedtoeatcement

H :

haroldmcgradyv, haroldnorbertcheeverdorismcgradyv hardware-store, heyme, himitsunohako, hell-girl, hatchet-man, hetch, hetchy, hetched, hetchasketch, hetch-, hit-girl, handsomej, heatherwilson, haroId, HISGUILT

I :

ifgoddidntwantustosnortwormshewouldnthavemadethemcylindrical, imyoungarrogantandhateeverythingyoustandfor, intoeachlife, isawherstandingthere, ideationdeluxe, invitemein, irisOS, izzycrown, ilikegirIs, izzeke, isaiah, itsbeen3hours

J :

jon, jamessupercave, jigokushojo, johndoeplus, juniordetective, jackhandsome, justiceforever, julianglasthal, jwalten, justinreid, jimmytwoshoes, jacsee, josheley, justeth, justhether, justinsay, japanschlatt, johncaptain, jschlattjapan, jschlattruinsjapan, jashammy, jashadave

K :

kinect, keepmecoming, kranken90s, kamikuishikivilliage, kinectsports, kenkatayanagi, katayanagi, katieannemills, katiemills

L :

leagueofevilexes, lovegrowswheremyrosemarygoes, loveislinda, lasty, lastyfarson, loneliestboyintheworld, local58news, loss-generation, lukelee, leeping, lynchwebber, leshawnaedwards, lindsayannemills, lindsaymills, leammy, leonugar, leduncan, lesharold, loritty, lightsay, lindsoah, luckies, luckygay, lasagna, loadoff

M :

maddsbuckley, mckennagrace, moregiraffes, magicaltwirler, magicaltwirlerangelrabbie, makotoitou, meandmichaeI, MIKICHAN, modalshanghai, mrmanson, mummydust, musicforsadpeople, museic, markmayhew, mysteryfleshpitpark, mikeness, mikenessa, maskedsatan, mattpatel, mysticon, mysticons, malaney, malawn, malamy, marlett, maloey, maxella, macbrody, mikota, mikellody, memesingeneral, microsd, milehighclub, moemarshall, marc-anthony

N :

nothingisworkingout, newphone, nonspecificcerealbrandos, nasugrave, noahhayden, no-co, nawn, nodgette, nizzy, newground, nicktendo, newsuperheroes, nessmike

O :

outerlimitsrecordings, OTAKUUSA, our-wonderland, osharebones, osharekobe, owenmccord, owinsay, owitty, onigumo, onigumotokitsunenoshishito

P :

phemic, POORSTACY, panyopanyodigicharat, pipe-dreams, puyo-pop, puyonexus, puyopuyo2, puyopuyobox, puyopuyochronicle, puyopuyoda, puyopuyoesports, puyopuyofever2, puyopuyon, puyopuyosun, pizza-time-pizza, patel, puyopuyotv, pianofever, pissings, panharold

Q :


R :

reapple, riotrhythm, ronnieisapsycho, reiwanodigicharat, re-animate, ranboothehero, rexkeegan, rippleman, risukuma, rolypolysnonanakorobiyaoki, r4card, relationshipper, relationshipping, robber, rodella, rockaylor, roelly, ryarrie, ryatephanie, ryoey

S :

saintpepsi, shakka, skyper, STACYOUTRAGEOUS, somerainmustfall, suchislove, seethru, shojokakumeiutena, sonc, skidthekid, smokinbutts, saveanna, simulacra1, simulacra2, simulacras, sobeit, show-fall, showfalI, showfall-medias, showfallmedia-, slimelord, slimelordfeast, sneeg-snags, sneegthetaken, sonohead, squiggley, suketoudara, sukiyapodes, superfoulegg, sixfingered, space-kid, space-kids, scottpilgrimspreciouslittlemusical, sadielipson, sierraobonsawin, samike, sampher, scax, scoerra, spiles, sdcardformatter, shipit, shippingwar, skycorp, skycorphomevideo, suspectedterrorist, schmidtafton

T :

themusearg, thehumanleague, theinkspots, themontreals, thetoxicavenger, tremantis, the-penis, too-shy, tenbatsuangelrabbie, trappedwithjester, theloneliestboyintheworld, thir13enghosts, tabloidjournalist, taylorperrera, teddyjones, therippleman, thesimulacra, thepizzaman, thespongebobguy, timw, theAUDIT, thestoryofkamikuishikivillage, takeyourpills, theywontbreatheanymore, thecarouselofdoom, thechoices, thehero8-bit, theholdingportal, thelaserroom, thenice, theunemployed, the-motherfucker, thecultofcartman, thecultofericcartman, toonmarty, theleagueofevilexes, thegoose, trentmccord, tyleroldring, totaldramarama, total-drama, transcody, transharold, totalrobloxdrama, trustin, t4tnoco, topherra, tophella, tophmine, tranne, trammy, treather, truncan, troey, tylizzy, trunoco, thewendigo**

V :

visualnoveldatabase, VHSLOGOS, viciousfun, vanmike, vicioussnag, virtualguuy, VOCALOIDeditor

W :

watashihafutarinooiwaini, watashiwafutarinooiwaini, whencaniseeyouagain, whenwilliseeyouagain, whoyoumessinwit, whosbehindyou, WITCHSOUP, welcome2thegame, wonder-world, wawanakwahigh

Y :

YOULOVEHERCUZSHESDEAD, youandhim, yuukiashikaga, yashy

Z :

zorlok, zuttokittomotto, zekespad, zekizzy, zoett, zekawn, zekeva


666onthecrucifix, -bythornecounty, -mandelacounty, -sneeg, -thehero-, -kick-ass, -daniel, -lee, -totaldrama, 3developerssystem


darkza, loltime, sadnnt, jokerphobix, xxenses (fuck you you arent getting this back dont even ask), mrmunch + coochmunch, codyenthusiast, darksworddavid, felixXD, stonerballs, archangelprince


if you own any of these lmk!!!
kick-ass, kickass, totaldrama, hardwarestore, skullfuck, thepenis OR thepeniseek, bobbybasecamp, davelizewski, YOULOVEHER, newflesh, alexbale, pizzatimepizza, promos, xbox720, pipedreams

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 23:07 UTC
Edit: 08 Apr 2024 07:36 UTC
Views: 3121