Dollars Underground Information

Current agendas are listed here
Next agenda is currently undecided

Degritone's IRC x DRRR Chatroom Mod (Early-Access)

  • More often than not, members that went off to Discord, GroupMe, Telegram, LINE, or any other mega sub-communities listed within the [Chatroom page] are very unlikely to ever visit the site again. The only communication platform that guaranteed the majority of its members to frequently lurk the site would be IRC, and we've recently created a "mod" (script) that would alter the looks of the Qchat IRC client to resemble DRRR's Chatroom more.
    • For you scrubs, you can use Kiwi from your browser to connect to the IRC. It has a clean visual and somewhat resembling Discord, definitely a recommend if you didn't want anything to be needlessly complicated.
    • For you nerds who liked to somewhat tinker around, Qchat is more bare bones & looked more like something you would see in a console command. It is also easier to modify with a script, which is why the DRRR Chatroom Mod/Script is designed around it.

Completed Projects

"Dollars Local Community Radio" Los Rald FM (currently down)

  • A platform that plays original compositions made by Dollars member, and showcased some artwork made by the members as well. From members to members, we begin our broadcast.
  • Submission of artwork & songs from members are always open, so please do submit them [here]

Degritone's BBS Scripts (preceded by To Make a New Site agenda)

  • Fucking finally, an update that adds some more functionality to the site.

Alleged Backlog

Schedule An Online Gathering (on-hold)

  • We just wanna play Secret Hitler lmao, but we couldn't to gather enough people to start a game session.
    • Feel free to leave a reply on said thread if you're interested though.

Renewing Propagation Program
Massive Site Reorganizing (on-hold)

To preface this, we'd first need to acknowledge just how DEAD we really are. Then we could actually figure out the source of this problem and then consecutively come up with possible solutions.

  • Why are we dead? If you look at it from a different point of view, we're not actually dead yet. We're just more dormant & all activities had gone much slower in-comparison to the times of our early days, but that's not why we're all here right?
  • So we're not dead? That's not exactly right either, our community population had a steep decline in 2017-2019 due to the worsening condition of our Circlejerking. So in the rawest sense, yes we did lose much of our highly respected members and their valuable input of mind. After all, who in their right mind would want to be associated with such a toxic community. Following the events of those members leaving the community, the site loses its charm of having new and fresh content. The notable members mentioned above are essentially the main attraction of the site, and their absence made the site boring. No one would wanna bother with a boring site, right?
  • So, how can we bring those members back into our site? The right question would be, "How do we get members that are similar to those brilliant minds that once made the site fun?" But truth be told, why don't we become the one to start it off? Bear with me.

    • How to use BBS sites? BBS stands for "Bulletin-Board System" and the site's format is primarily used to house discussions. But as our site currently stands, almost no discussion is ongoing when you look through all the corners of the site. The convo within this thread is particularly interesting as it describes what the problem our site currently faced. Actually, for all this time we've been waging war against it and they're winning against us for the past 3 years. It's up to us the current members to turn the tide of this war, metaphorically speaking.
    • What then? If we managed to rediscover our steps and get back on our feet, to properly use the site as intended, then we could actually start progressing forward with the Propagation. Because by the time that happens, we would've made it blatantly clear for anyone who stumbles upon our site as to how everything works, even if they only lurked and never read the guide threads. The most important thing is for us to have a proper community, an undisputed evidence to show to the world that we're alive and are welcoming newcomers.
  • How do we get members that are similar to those brilliant minds that once made the site fun? This is more of a hit-or-miss, we couldn't actually be selective towards recruiting members that would actually contribute greatly on our site. The only possible way is to let everyone we recruited get into the site, then watch how they react and behave. Besides, there are no regulations as to who should or shouldn't join Dollars and its been that way ever since the site was up.
    Possible revision, subject to change

Chatroom platform for site-exclusive members to talk (on-hold)

  • Mushoku?
    • Their server couldn't handle more than 12 people
  • a permanent room on
  • a room in with kaomoji lingo?
  • Host a drrr-like-chat site using the updated code line that's closed source.

Terminated Projects

To make a new site? (succeeded by Degritone's BBS Scripts agenda)

  • Adding new features to the original site would produce a steady amount of traffic & enable members to incite discussion/activity. That however wasn't possible, as stated by the admin earlier in March 2020. So instead, why not wipe the slate clean & start over? Below are the participant of this discussion & their stance on the new idea.
    • Hy (objected)
    • Do (agreed)
    • Ra (objected)
    • Da (agreed)
    • Za (indifferent)
    • Ze (objected)

Alternative solution: Add-On / Proxy / User Script

  • "An add-on/proxy maintained by the community for the site, offering the possibility of a new feature & addition to be added without the need of admin's cooperation, albeit in a fairly limited scale." -Ze
    • Current objective: Find a code-literate member to help develop said add-on.
      • Result is implied below
  • "If you want to add any kinds of new feature to something as old as the IRC, you need to drop a new code right on the server. Best I could do is ask for permission to see the source code." -Gr (in another word, developing an add-on for something THAT old was just impossible)
    • Current objective: Approach the admin to ask if he'd be willing to let outsiders see the code.


Online gathering is conducted regularly on Dollars IRC channel
There's also a private Minecraft server we sometimes play on, linked [here] (password is the same as what you entered when you log into the site)
Pub: 15 Jul 2021 02:56 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2021 04:11 UTC
Views: 420