Tell me am i goin crazy???
Tell me have i lost mah mind??? O-o

Title bc i wanted to put a title My drawing app is sony sketch, da one with a rainbow in da icon I'm a finger artist n i usually draw with music exploding in mah headphones Mah roblox drawings took me around 3-5 hours or a bit + cuz detailz XP I'm a bit insecure about mah art, but da people support make me feel better <3

Message here 4 mah luved omfiez:

i just wanted to use a little space to thank u gays 4 everything, i used 2 be a insecure little piece of shit, i never liked anything dat i created and never felt confortable on internet at all, but when i started postin and seein dat theres kewl ppl dat see my stuff n like it and dat interact with me a lot i started feeling more confident and part of something at all, i love u gays sm <3

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Já tá better than before!!!
Não tá perfeito, mas tá close enough X3

Pub: 23 Apr 2023 18:56 UTC
Edit: 30 Jul 2024 20:36 UTC
Views: 268