How To Use Gradient Maps On Photopea

  1. Acess Photopea > File > Open and select the image you wish to edit. You can recolor JPEGs, PNGs and even GIFs.
  2. Go to Layers and click on .
  3. Scroll down until you find "Gradient Map" and select it to open a new window.
  4. Click on the bar to open another window and add colors.
  5. Clicking on any spot in the bar will allow you to add a new color in the position you selected.
  6. Select the spot you wish to add the new color and click on it (Tip: spots closer to black will recolor darker shades while spots closer to white will recolor lighter shades.)
  7. Another window will show up. Change the hex code to the color you desire to use and repeat the process many times you want.
  8. If the result is not what you wanted, you can use your finger to drag the color box around the bar and adjust it to what you prefer.
  9. Once you're done, the bar should look like this. As for this example, two colors were used — darker tones will be dark red and lighter tones will turn beige — and they were dragged close to each other to have little difference when fading to another.
  10. Your image should be recolored by now once you're finished. To save, go to File > Export as > choose the type you wish.
  11. The final results with one, two and three colors respectively!

Hope this helps!
Thank you for visiting /ulquiorra :)

Pub: 29 Jul 2024 21:04 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2024 22:42 UTC
Views: 5088