No longer hoardingggg... Claim whichever URL catches your eye and please ignore this hoard! I'll be editing it alongside the URLs I want to keep soon. I've been busy with work.


Weapons : berettaM9A4 , AO-63 , AO-63assaultrifle
AK--47 , AR-500 , AR-15 , revoIver , 35Mrifle , battlerifle , SV-98 ,
RT-20 , BerettaCx4Storm , Karabiner98k , OrsisT-5000 , Anzio20mmrifle ,
BarrettM95 , EMP44 , M1903Springfield , TokarevTT-33

Slashers : michaeImyers , michael-myers , black-christmas
biIIylenz , chainsaw-massacre , leatherfaces , freddy_krueger
kruegers , jason_voorhees , friday-the-13th , benny-loves-you
gncsusie , deadbydayIight , Iavoie , lesbianjuliekostenko , kostenko

Music : grindcore , girlyscreamo , romanholiday , superbass , romanzolanski
twintailstsundere , twintails-tsundere , firstlove_latespring , brand_new_city
yourbestamericangirI , strawberrybIond , rockefellerstreet , girlanachronism
neiIcicierega , cIarissa

Fashion/Subcultures : kogal_gyaru , girly-kei , kogaIgyaru , girIykei

Yume Nikki + Fangames : yume_nikki , 2kkis , yume_2kki , urotsukis

Nyan Neko Sugar Girls : hitoshisan , konekochan , rakuchan

Okegom : satanikkus , pervymcshades , 0150

Fear & Hunger : transmasccahara , transmascdaan , gaylegarde , transfemenki
lesbiandarce , churchofalllmer , betel , theheartlessone , alll_mer
syIvian , godofthedepths , gro_goroth , samarina , marilevi

Literature : iamnolongerhuman , the_setting_sun

Miscellaneous : sillygoofymood , -rotting , prodikeys , ------
femmefatales , femme_fatale , aphrodites
lovesickcatgender , -riddler , daioh , kanade_yoisaki
sutcliffs , unjammerlammy , wordsworths , perfectionistic
aIcohoIic , viIIainess , cIaymores , verbaI
dancefIoor , seIf , herseIf , bIasian , methhead
tetrarchy , methheadcore , warboy , mascyuri , criminologistic ,
entomologistic , anthropologistic , masctransfem , hypersexualism ,
transfeminism , toxicfemininity , gayfem , tormentation , ancientfujoshi ,
fujofreak , fujobro , medieval , lovelypeaches , edp445 , jewkitten ,
autismspeaks , trannyfem , masturbation , penetration ,

and miawu but thats nft sorry ..........

Pub: 11 Aug 2022 20:45 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2024 17:13 UTC
Views: 1579