art by to_0fu on x ✩°。 ⋆⸜ kiss, boop, whisper or interacting is welcome, im chill about it just dont make it too weird or awkward, most of the time im off tab or not paying attention so just whisper me and maybe i will notice. i can be dry and robotic or seems to be rude due to my scpd but i promise im not annoyed or anything thats just me. im just really bad at conversations and expressing whatever on my mind.

i cant start a convo, i still do if close just not much tho (most of the time theres nothing in my mind to start a convo). i dont talk much unless close (i can be very loud if i feel comfortable around you), i only talk if you do and i will try to get the convo going on but if i suddenly go quiet i didnt know what to say & not because i want to drop the convo so please be patient with me

i cant spell and i often say out of pocket stuff due to lack of communication so lemme know if i make you uncomfortable, its totally fine

btw i take things very one way, so be frankly with me dont play around with words or use slangs when youre talking with me. i am dumb and i tend not to take the hint of sarcasm or hiding meaning or whatever youre tryna hint about, try using tone tag if you want me to take something srs. reminder that i cant read mind and i have autism.

you should be aware that i can be pretty much of an asshole because of my behaviours sometimes but im nice & easygoing overall and i dont bite. i dont hide ppl but if you have a problem with me just hide me ^_^.

✩°。 ⋆⸜ if you fit in the basic dni crit esp if you like proship/incest ect.. dont be near me, you dont like my friends. idk theres not really a dni but respect my friend's dni/boundaries whenever you see me with them, i priority them over anything in the world . . and ill be nice to you

Pub: 08 Feb 2024 04:11 UTC
Edit: 19 Feb 2024 15:28 UTC
Views: 195