Guard 1567.
Profile Shot of 1567 Name: Chris Redfield.
Age: 49.
Occupation: Cell Block R Guard To Be Transferred.

A overqualified police guard who is to be transferred to ████████████ Asylum due to a variety of issues with the prisoners and the guards. Originally a member of the Air Force, his particular unit being where he met fellow Guard 0151 Barry Burton, he was dishonourably discharged due to insubordination. Then while he was off looking for a job, he was recruited by the RCPD to be apart of their special police unit where he, Barry and other friends he met that became Guards of the prison, were in charge of a series of cases. His problems with authority were still an issue by this time but it came as a benefit to him where he was able to earn a reputation as a reliable and effective cop. After a specific incident in 06/23/1998 where the development of a bio weapon being created by Prisoner 0015 was interrupted and destroyed, Chris dedicated the rest of his life to the complete destruction of Umbrella Corp and bio terrorism as a whole. A solid decade of fighting eventually lead to 0015 being arrested and charged with his crimes against humankind being considered strong enough to be sent permanently to our facility. After another decade that lead into more arrests and other viruses being destroyed, Chris and his other compatriots signed up to be the Guards of the prison, to ensure that the outside world is protected from harm.

The early days of Chris's tenure here were mostly positive as he relished in having a relatively easier job to do while the second generation of Anti B.O.W soldiers took the reins. Yet as the days came by, Chris became more paranoid. Paranoid and concerned for his legacy. Or to be more precise, concerned for his lineage. As he was an infertile man, the only one who would be able to continue the family name of Redfield would be his sister Claire, otherwise known as Guard 2356. While at first he was mostly content with having her go at her own pace in terms of finding a new man, eventually Chris decided to take matters into his own hands. It started with playing Matchmaker with the other guards, specifically the ones within his friend group. Particular attention was given to Guard 2460, Leon S Kennedy, where he would try and persuade him to give up searching for his love interest and to pay attention to Claire. When that didn't pan out to due to Leon getting in touch with another girl, Chris decided to change tactics. To the Prisoners themselves. Consistently asking them if they had an interest in his sister and if they would like to go out with her, those that were asked were caught in a Catch-22 situation: Say no and they would be beaten to a pulp. If they said yes, Chris would ask them to meet her at a specific time and place. As Prisoners are not allowed to leave their cell unless following they are following the schedule, they couldn't meet Claire. Which resulted in being beaten to mulch. Consistent complaints from the Prisoners who were being brutalised and complaints from the Guards from the obstruction of duty has resulted in the current termination of Chris's guard from this facility. He is to be transferred to the Asylum where for at least 2 months he is expected to be on cleaning duty. After 2 months have past, he is allowed to reapply for the job under new guidelines that he is to badger or beat anyone about having children with Claire.

Pub: 11 Dec 2022 23:42 UTC
Edit: 12 Dec 2022 02:49 UTC
Views: 133