

First off im not good at ALL at replying. Im extremley socially awkward and talking stress me tf out. Most of the time im distracted, so if you need me pleasee dm or ping me, else i will most likley not see your message (or if i do itll be super late). If you do dm me but i dont respond its not because im ignoring you, i probably just forgot (or i dont know how to respond) Feel free to send another message, you arent bothering me.

I type in caps and swear alot and might come off as energetic, but if you start sending me dry replies then i will do the same. I am not going to put effort into a conversation if the other half wont either.

DNI : the basic dni criteria shit. if you are a proshipper stay the fuck away from me. if you harass people with irls, it really isn't that hard to mind your own business. if you're younger than 16 (unless i know you). if you're just genuinely an asshole I'm not gonna tolerate it. If you dont support/if you harrass people that use neopronouns/xenogenders.

โ˜† I love talking about interests!! talk to me about yours if youd like :) im much better of a listener than a talker lol i block whoever i want, especially if you make me uncomfortable. ) i like to make jokes about cannibalism alot, also i like morbid/gore jokes. I dont use tone tags that much, unless i believe they are seriously needed You dont have to use tone tags on me. Sometimes i infodump about my interests. If you want me to shut up just say so ! I hop interests alot.

as said above I have social anxiety and get stressed easily, this tends to lead me to easily get overwhelmed or panicked. As a result of this i go inactive basically everywhere online and only really respond to friends during this period


Pub: 03 May 2023 08:20 UTC
Edit: 21 Dec 2023 07:02 UTC
Views: 689