lets go put the u and i in suicide
my bfs
tsering or sang(mo). he / him tneu bisex aroacespec, masc terms. 17yo libra infp 7w3. yume fudanshi. single do not flirt with me unless close. bpd avpd + other. i really like squid games and strangers from hell tbh. mexican + tibetan + ukrainian

keep in mind when interacting
my dm responses are selective and few, if we aren't close don't expect fast or any responses. disorders affect my interaction and behavior. kys slit fat nsfw jokes frequent. reclaimable slurs. you don't love my interests more than me. woodohwan, leedongwook & gongyoo brainrotted. tonedeaf, but ttgs aren't appreciated. typically manic + have bad crashes. i am headstrong about politics, i love debating. zero empathy. i'm not shy & make it clear i dislike you. very likely i do not want to be friends unless i know you or your friends. i'm heavily introverted and calls are rare for me, i can't handle 2+ long hour calls. don't make fun of me if you can't handle me making fun of you back da fuq

my friends

i love gigiren so much

ily hrgc
gigiren ♡ minghao idol
brie lei lizzie metzli kou zoey rose kiah shoto vox chloe jackie niko silas jiwoon nedum are pretty cool

Pub: 21 Apr 2022 02:58 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2025 05:52 UTC